This Week in American History
The Capitol, Washington, D.C.
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
March 12-18: First-Ever Surfacing of a U.S. Nuclear Submarine at the North Pole (1959)
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Nov. 13-19: Pursue Happiness With Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Feb. 7-13: The 250th Birthday of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" (1766)
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Nov. 15-21: U.S. Astronauts Return to the Lunar Surface, November 19, 1969
Nov. 8-14: Helga Zepp-LaRouche on the Birthday of Friedrich Schiller, November 10, 1759
Oct. 25-31: MacArthur vs. the British Empire’s World War Threat, Part III (October 25, 1950)
Oct. 18-24: St. Albans, Vermont Raided by Confederate Cavalry (October 19, 1864)
Oct. 4-10: General George Washington Teaches Mr. Howe a Lesson (October 6, 1777)
Sept. 27-Oct. 3: Cervantes and Shakespeare (1547)
Sept. 6-12: The September 11, 2001 Attack and Coverup
Aug. 23 - 29: Edwin Drake Drills America's First Oil Well (August 28, 1859)
Aug. 9-15: William H. Seward Inspects the Alaska Purchase (August 12, 1869)
Aug. 2-8: Commanders Opposed Truman on Hiroshima (August 6, 1945)
July 19-25: First U.S. Nuclear-Powered Surface Ship (July 21, 1959)
July 12-18: Rembrandt van Rijn: ‘Love Gives Birth to Art’, July 15, 1606
June 21-27: B&O Railroad Awards Prize for Coal-Fired Engine (June 27, 1831)
June 7-13: Robert Schumann: Passing the Torch, June 8, 1810
May 31-June 6: Commemorating Robert F. Kennedy On the Anniversary of His Death (1968)
May 17-23: 1804: The Lewis & Clark Expedition Begins
May 10-16: The Convening of the U.S. Constitutional Convention, May 14, 1787
May 3-9: Victory Over Fascism in Europe, May 7-9, 1945
April 26-May 2: The Bandung Conference, Bandung, Indonesia, April 18-24, 1955
April 19-25: In Celebration of William Shakespeare, Born April 23, 1564
April 12-18: John Jay Fights for New York to Ratify the Constitution, April 1788
April 5-11: April, 1672 and 2015: A Cruel Month?... The Age of the Double Cross
March 29-April 4: Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence | Dr. Martin Luther King , April 4, 1967
March 22-28: British Assault on the Treaty of Westphalia: NATO Bombs Serbia, March 1999
March 15-21: Queen Anne Takes the Throne in England, March 19, 1702
March 8-14: Triumphal Tour of Lafayette Reaches Charleston, March 14, 1825
Mar. 1-7: Abraham Lincoln’s Leibnizian "Second Inaugural" Speech, Saturday, March 4, 1865
Feb. 22-28: George Rogers Clark Wins Major Victory at Vincennes, February 1779
Feb. 15-21: Presidents’ Day Celebrates George Washington, February 22, 1732
Feb. 1-7: The Longest Bridge in the World is Completed at McCall’s Ferry on the Susquehanna River, February 2, 1815
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Dec. 21-27: The Treaty of Ghent: End of the War of 1812 (December 24, 1814)
Nov. 23-29: The Paradigm Shift – Then and Now
Nov. 16-22: November 20, 1945 — Nuremberg Trials of Major War Criminals Begin
Nov. 9-15: Lewis and Clark's Corps of Discovery Reaches the Pacific, November 15, 1805
Oct. 26-Nov. 1: The Hudson River School of Painting, Established in 1825
Oct. 19-25: Black Tuesday 1929: Just a 'Correction', October 22, 1929
Sept. 28 - Oct 4, 2014: Birth of Confucius, September 28, 551 B.C.
Sept. 21-27: John Quincy Adams Becomes Secretary of State, September 22, 1817
Sept. 7-13: The Defense of Baltimore Saves the Nation, September 12-14, 1814
August 31-Sept. 6: The Carrington Event of 1859
August 24-30: Martin Luther King’s Dream Day, August 28, 1963
August 17-23: August 24, 1814, A Day of Infamy
August 10-16: 40 Years After Watergate: Impeachment Then, and Now
August 3-9: Birth of Percy Bysshe Shelley, August 4, 1792
July 27-August 2: Japan and America Banish Feudalism, 1858 and 1873
July 20-26: First Moon Landing and Safe Return to Earth, July 20-24, 1969
July 6-12, 1456: The Verdict to Exonerate Joan of Arc, July 7, 1456
June 29-July 5, 1776 : United States Declaration of Independence
June 22-28, 1880: Helen Keller's Birthday
June 15-21, 1779: Spain Declares War on Britain, Helps America Win its Independence
June 8-14, 1963: John F. Kennedy Speeches June 10 and June 11: New Measures for a Better World
June 1-7, 1944: FDR, the Russians and D-Day
May 25 - 31, 1868: The Original Memorial Day: Honoring Those Who Defeated Slavery and Disunion
May 11 - 17, 1890: Connecting the American Continents to Raise Living Standards for All
April 27 - May 3, 1789: George Washington Inaugurated President
April 20 - 26, 1970: Earth Day/Week
April 13 - 19, 1865: Bulloch, Teddy Roosevelt’s Uncle and Mentor, Funded the Lincoln Assassination
April 6 - 12, 1865: Surrender at Appomattox
March 30 - April 5, 1968: The Assassination of Martin Luther King, April 4, 1968
March 23-29, 1685: The Birth of a 'Founding Father' - the Grand Political Strategist, J.S. Bach
March 16-22, 1947: Truman's Loyalty Oath and Obama's Precedent
March 9-15, 1879: Albert Einstein, Musician
Feb. 23-Mar. 1, 1791: Hamilton Wins the Constitutional Argument for the National Bank
Feb. 16-22, 1962 and 2010: John Glenn’s Mission; Obama Cancelling the U.S. Manned Space Program
Feb. 9-15, 1766: Franklin Warns the British Zeus -- and Organizes Industrial Revolution
Jan. 26-Feb. 1, 1933: Nazi Regime Begins, Wall Street “Particularly Pleased”
Jan. 19-25, 1937 and 1961: Roosevelt and Kennedy Rally Humanity’s Defense Against the Oligarchy
Jan. 12-18, 1985: 10,000 march in D.C. for SDI, Food for Peace and Africa Development
Jan. 5-11, 2003: Lyndon and Helga LaRouche Return To India
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Dec. 29, 1776 - Jan. 4, 1777: Where George Washington Got His Money
Dec. 22-28, 1777: A Valley Forge Christmas: Planning for a Brighter Future
Dec. 15-21, 1773: Boston's Patriots Hold a Tea Party in the Harbor
Dec. 8-14, 1856: Lincoln Answers President Pierce's Final Report to Congress
Dec. 1-7, 1782: Benjamin Franklin Successfully Concludes the American Revolution
Nov. 24-30, 1939: A Warm Springs Thanksgiving
Nov. 17-23, 1811: Construction Begins on the National Road to the West
Nov. 10-16, 1935: Armistice Day: FDR on Permanently Ending the Threat of War
Nov. 3-9, 1995: The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin
Oct. 27 - Nov. 2, 1953: Edward R. Murrow Terminates Senator Joseph McCarthy's Witch Hunt
Oct. 6-12, 1858: Lincoln Exposes Douglas's Sophistry on the Issue of Slavery
Sept. 29 - Oct. 5, 1937: 'More Power to You,' Says President Franklin Roosevelt at Bonneville Dam
Sept. 22-28, 1780: 'Treason of the Darkest Dye'
Sept. 15-21, 1787: Benjamin Franklin Makes His Final Speech to the Constitutional Convention
Sept. 8-14, 1859: Lincoln Tells the Anti-Slavery Forces How To Win the Fight
Sept. 1-7, 1922: Birthday of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
August 25-31, 1856: Lincoln Campaigns for the Republican Party's First Presidential Bid
August 18-24, 1935: FDR & Youth: FDR Addresses the Young Democratic Clubs of America
August 11-17, 1824: Lafayette Returns as 'Guest of the Nation'
August 4-10, 1935: FDR Signs the Social Security Act into Law
July 14-20, 1775: Benjamin Franklin Submits His Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union
July 7-13, 1938: President Franklin Roosevelt Fights for a National Health Plan
June 30 - July 6, 1754: The Albany Plan of Union
June 23-29, 1935: FDR Launches a Program To Rescue America's Youth
June 16-22, 1858: 'A House Divided'
June 9-15, 1933: FDR's 'Hundred Days': Re-establishing National Sovereignty
May 26-June 1, 1787: Why the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution Matters
May 19-25, 1618: Thirty Years' Religious War Begins With Defenestration of Prague
May 12-18, 1876: President Ulysses S. Grant Opens The Philadelphia Centennial Exposition
May 5-11, 1803: Meriwether Lewis Prepares to Lead the Corps of Discovery
April 28 - May 4, 1894: Coxey's Army Marches on Washington To Obtain Jobs for the Unemployed
April 21-27, 1937: Social Security is Born
April 7-13, 1933: Debate on the Agricultural Adjustment Act
March 31-April 6, 1933: Congress Approves President Roosevelt's Civilian Conservation Corps
March 24-30, 1584: Walter Raleigh Receives a Charter — To Colonize North America
March 17-23, 1802: Congress Founds a Military Academy at West Point
March 10-16, 1783: George Washington Foils the Newburgh Plot
March 3-9, 1857: The Hidden Implications of the Dred Scott Decision
Feb. 24 - Mar. 2, 1933: FDR Begins His Hundred Days — Of Legislation to Save the Nation
Feb. 17-23, 1803: President Jefferson Signs Authorization for Lewis and Clark Expedition
Feb. 10-16, 1777: Franklin Skewers the British Ideology: — 'The Sale of the Hessians'
Feb. 3-9, 1865: The 13th Amendment: Lincoln Outlaws Slavery
Jan. 27 - Feb. 2, 1934: Dancing for the President's Birthday: How FDR Conquered Polio—Twice!
Jan. 20-26, 1801: Benjamin Latrobe Designs the first American Steam-Powered Municipal Waterworks
Jan. 13-19, 1953: President Eisenhower and Nuclear Policy: Toe to Toe with the Utopians
Jan. 6-12, 1961: President Kennedy Delivers His Inaugural Address in Troubled Times
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Dec. 23-29, 1776: "These Are the Times That Try Men's Souls"
Dec. 9-15, 1953: Eisenhower Presents Atoms for Peace Plan to the United Nations
Dec. 2-8, 1863: The Statue of Freedom Is Bolted to the New Capitol Dome
Nov. 25 - Dec. 1, 1758: General Forbes and Colonel Washington Capture Fort Duquesne from the French
Nov. 18-24, 1963: Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Nov. 4-10, 1734: Daniel Boone: Leading American Settlements Westward from the Ohio to the Missouri
October 28 - November 3, 1932: Roosevelt and Hoover Close the 1932 Presidential Campaign
October 21-27, 1693: Lord Thomas Fairfax Becomes an American and Helps the Colonies Break Through to the West
October 14-20, 1854: Lincoln Exposes the Kansas-Nebraska Act as an Attack on the United States
Sept. 30 - Oct. 6, 1946: Principles of the Nuremburg Tribunal
Sept. 23-29, 1684: Increase Mather Battles the British Crown To Save the New England Republics
Sept. 16-22, 1944: Franklin Roosevelt Opens His 1944 Presidential Campaign with Devastating Humor
Sept. 9-15, 1797: Lafayette Gains His Freedom from the Prison of Olmutz
Sept. 2-8, 1773: Benjamin Franklin 'Holds Up a Looking Glass' To the British Empire
August 26 - September 1, 1774: The First Continental Congress Meets at Philadelphia
August 19-25, 1944: Dumbarton Oaks Conference Erects Framework for United Nations
August 12-18, 1858: Lincoln Debunks the Sophistry of Stephen Douglas
August 5-11, 1941: Roosevelt and Churchill Issue the Atlantic Charter
July 29 - August 4, 1940: President Roosevelt on the Need for a Military Draft
July 22-28, 1750: Celebrating the Birthday of Henry Knox
July 15-21, 1779: Victory at Stony Point Forces a Change in British Plans
July 8-14, 1755: Braddock's Defeat
July 1-7, 1862: President Lincoln Signs the Morrill College Land Grant Act
June 24-30, 1936: FDR Nominated for Second Term as President
June 17-23, 1775: Founding of the Continental Army
June 3-9, 1937: FDR's Plan for National Infrastructure Development
May 27 - June 2, 1825: Lafayette Revives the Memory of the American Revolution
May 20-26, 1933: Harry Hopkins Begins His Leadership of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration
May 13-19, 1804: Napoleon Becomes Emperor of France
May 6-12, 1869: Completion of U.S. Transcontinental Railroad
April 29 - May 5, 1789: President George Washington's Inaugural Address
April 22-28, 1936: FDR Tells Democrats: “We Are Becoming ‘Nation-Minded’”
April 15-21, 1775: The American Revolution Begins. The Shot Heard 'Round the World
April 8-14, 1933: FDR's Tennessee Valley Authority for Today
April 1-7, 1968: Martin Luther King and 'The Sublime'
March 25-31, 1911: The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
March 18-24, 1934: President Franklin Roosevelt Signs the Philippines Independence Act
March 11-17, 1794: Eli Whitney and the Machine Tool Principle
Feb. 26 - Mar. 3, 1860: Presidential Candidate Abraham Lincoln Makes His Principles Crystal-Clear
Feb. 12-18, 1791: 'Doing Something Difficult': — Peter Cooper and the Public Benefit
Feb. 5-11, 1779: George Rogers Clark Captures Vincennes
Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 1787: Oliver Evans Brings the New Nation Into the Machine Age
Jan. 22-28, 1787: Shays' Rebellion: Britain Foments a Counterrevolution in Massachusetts
Jan 15-21, 1780: Benjamin Franklin Not Getting Any Older
Jan. 8-14, 1785 and 1793: Benjamin Franklin and Friends Lay the Basis for Manned Flight
Jan. 1-7, 1941: FDR's "Four Freedoms" Speech Outlines Objectives of U.S. Foreign Policy
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Dec. 25-31, 1767: Birth of Nicholas Roosevelt, Who Made a Steamboat Link to the American West
Dec. 18-24, 1783: Washington Resigns His Commission; — Returns to Mount Vernon on Christmas Eve
Dec. 11-17, 1777: The Conway Cabal Attempts To Slander and then Replace General George Washington
Dec. 4-10, 1863: President Lincoln Reports to Congress — On the State of the Union
Nov. 27 - December 3, 1955: Rosa Parks Refuses To Go to the Back of the Bus
Nov. 6 - 12, 1794: A Daring Attempt To Rescue Lafayette from Prison
October 30 - November 5, 1932: Roosevelt, Hoover Offer Clear Choice — In Presidential Campaign
October 23 - 29, 1787: Hamilton Leads Battle To Ratify the Constitution
October 16 - 22, 1932: FDR Campaigns Against 'The Gospel of Fear'
October 9 - 15, 1932: FDR's Decisive Presidential Campaign
October 2 - 8, 1781: Gen. Washington Begins Siege of Yorktown
Sept. 25 - Oct. 1, 1768: Samuel Adams Faces Down Gov. Hutchinson — British Troops Driven from Boston
Sept. 18 - 24, 1806: Lewis & Clark Return from Expedition
Sept. 11-17, 1810: Mexico Goes to War for Independence
Sept. 4-10, 1716: Spotswood and His Knights of the Golden Horseshoe Reach the Shenandoah River
Aug. 28 - Sept. 3, 1776: Washington Saves the Continental Army from Sure Destruction on Long Island
August 21 - 27, 1935: Public Utilities Holding Company Act
August 14 - 20, 1935: Social Security Act
August 7 - 13, 1939: FDR Extends Social Security Coverage To Conquer 'Human Want and Fear'
July 31 - August 6, 1864: Admiral Farragut 'Damns the Torpedoes'; Enters Mobile Bay
July 24 - 30, 1957: Founding of the International Atomic Energy Agency
July 17 - 23, 1944: Conclusion of the Bretton Woods Conference
July 10 - 16, 1789: The Low-Down on Bastille Day
July 3 - 9, 1776: Text of the Declaration of Independence
June 26 - July 2, 1646: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's Birthday
June 19-25, 1848: Congressman Abraham Lincoln Assails President Polk's Veto of Internal Improvements
June 12 - 18, 1933: A Review of FDR's First Hundred Days
June 5 - 11, 1933: FDR Signs the Gold Standard Act
May 29 - June 4, 1868: Memorial Day Proclaimed
May 22 - 28, 1787: Constitutional Convention Begins
May 15 - 21, 1933: National Industrial Recovery Act Introduced
May 8 - 14, 1933: The Federal Emergency Relief Administration
May 1 - 7, 1933: FDR's Second Fireside Chat
April 24 - April 30, 1803: The Louisiana Purchase 1943: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
April 17 - 23, 1933: Gold Standard vs. Gold Reserve
April 10 - 16, 1933: The Tennessee Valley Authority
April 3 - 9, 1933: Provisions of the Glass-Steagall Banking Act
March 27 - April 2, 1933: FDR Re-regulates the Financial System
March 20 - 26, 1933: FDR Launches Public Works
March 13 - 19, 1933: Emergency Banking Act Goes Into Effect
March 6 - 12, 1933: Franklin D. Roosevelt's Inaugural Address
February 27 - March 5, 1933: The Reichstag Fire
Feb. 20-26, 1732: George Washington's Birthday
Feb. 13-19, 1847: Lincoln on the Presidential Power to Make War
Feb. 6-12, 1809: Abraham Lincoln's Birthday
Jan. 30-Feb. 5, 1690: America's First Paper Money
Jan. 23-29, 1943: The Casablanca Conference
Jan. 16-22, 1706: Benjamin Franklin's Birthday
Jan. 9-15, 1588 How John Winthrop Organized a Republic — In the Wilderness
Jan. 2-8, 1412: Birth of Saint Jeanne D'Arc
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010
Dec. 26, 1862-Jan. 1, 1863: Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation Goes Into Effect
Dec. 19-25, 1776: Crossing the Delaware River on the Night after Christmas
Dec. 12-18, 1790: Hamilton's Report on a National Bank
Dec. 5-11, 1863: Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction
Nov. 28-Dec. 4, 1823: The Monroe Doctrine
Nov. 21-27, 1963 and 1863: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Nov. 14-20, 1777: The Articles of Confederation
Nov. 7-13, 1933: The Civil Works Administration
Oct. 31 - Nov. 6, 1825: Completion of the Erie Canal
Oct. 24-30, 1648: The Treaty of Westphalia
Oct. 17-23, 1781: Victory at Yorktown
Oct. 10-16, 1988: LaRouche's Forecast of German Reunification
Sept. 23-30, 1935: Completion of the Boulder Dam
September 16-22, 1787: Ratification of the U.S. Constitution
September 9-15, 1993: The Oslo Accords
September 1 - 7: The Treaty of Paris, 1783; The Assassination of President McKinley, 1901
August 26-31, 1963: March on Washington, D.C. for Civil Rights
August 19-25, 410 A.D.: The Sack of Rome
August 15, 1971: Nixon Ends Bretton Woods
Aug. 4-11, 1945: On the Anniversary of Hiroshima — The First Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
July 29-August 4, 1735: Freedom of the Press
July 22-28, 1969: Man on the Moon
July 14-20, 1787: The Northwest Ordinance
July 8-14, 1776: British Response to the Declaration of Independence
July 1-7, 1776: Signing the Declaration of Independence
June 24-30, 1776: Writing the Declaration of Independence
June 16-22, 1933: Hitler Dictatorship Established in Germany
June 10-16, 1933: Summary of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First 100 Days
March 18 - March 24, 1933: The Civilian Conservation Corps
March 11 - March 18, 1933: Emergency Banking Act
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