This Week in History:
September 1 - 7, 1922
Birthday of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
September 2013
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Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.. |
We go this week to Sept. 8, 1922, the date of birth of EIR's founder and America's leading statesman, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Lyndon LaRouche's role in scientific discoveries and statecraft over the past 91 years, make it appropriate for us to focus on his life in our column this week.
Mr. LaRouche was born in Rochester, New Hampshire, and spent much time in his teen years studying epistemology and philosophy, during which time he adopted a Leibnizian outlook in science. He served in the U.S. Army between 1944 and 1946 in the China-India-Burma theatre, during which experience he developed a commitment to the urgency of affording what have sometimes been termed "Third World" nations their full rights to perfect national sovereignty, and access to the improvement of their educational system and economies through employment of the most advanced scientific and technological progress.
When he returned to the United States, he delved into studies of Bernhard Riemann, Georg Cantor, and Gottfried Leibniz, with a passion to disprove the cybernetics theories which were then becoming popular. His discoveries of physical principle in the period of 1948-52, led to his introducing axiomatically non-linear notions of individual human cognition, explicitly, to the field of economics. His own work located the determining, non-linear function in the increase of society's potential relative population density, in the relations exemplified by the role of the machine-tool principle in the productive processes.
Concomitant with this breakthrough, was Mr. LaRouche's development of abilities as a long-term economic forecaster, and it is these forecasts which have, to a great extent, brought him international political prominence, and the ability to shape economic policy proposals for nations caught in the current bankrupt world economic systems.
In the late 1960s, Mr. LaRouche began to establish his own political association, as the result of his interventions, through economics classes, on university campuses. With the dramatic vindication of his first long-range economic forecast, with the developments of Aug. 15, 1971, Mr. LaRouche's political association grew, and he himself became an increasingly prominent and controversial political figure, not only in the U.S., but internationally.
From 1971 on, Mr. LaRouche's political influence was such that it is impossible to honestly account for the flow of historical events, without taking him and his political movement into account. Leading elements of this influence include:
*His campaign for "strategic defense" against nuclear weapons, as part of a science-driver program for "new physical principles." This thrust was picked up by President Ronald Reagan in the form of the Strategic Defense Initiative—which, although that program came to be subverted by Kissingerians and neo-cons in the Reagan Administration, played a world historical role in relation to the demise of the Soviet Union.
* His campaigns for the Presidency, which have occurred every four years from 1976 to 2004, and his movement's affiliated citizen candidates campaigns, have shaped the policy debate in the elections.
*His campaign for a "new just world economic order," which has been picked up in many forms around the world, has influenced the outcome of such events as the 1976 Colombo Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement, the 1982 Latin American debt crisis, and the current worldwide moves toward a New Bretton Woods monetary system, and the associated worldwide economic reconstruction program, called the "Eurasian Land-Bridge."
*The campaign which Mr. LaRouche inspired, to "save the Presidency" in 1998, from the unconstitutional effort to impeach President Clinton. Mr. LaRouche provided the impetus for a nationwide movement which would expose the neo-con cabal behind the impeachment drive.
*His campaign for reviving Classical culture, both in terms of a negative war on drugs (stressing the need to close down the financial underpinnings of that trade), and in terms of promoting Classical music, drama, and science—the first being best identified with Mr. LaRouche's drive to lower the concert pitch to C=256.
* His January 2001 forecast of a Reichstag fire-type incident, which he warned could be used to establish dictatorship in the U.S., necessary to impose austerity measures as the financial system disintegrates. Mr. LaRouche was being interviewed on Jack Stockwell's radio talk show on the morning of the 9-11-2001 attacks, on which he called the attacks an inside job, and "a coup attempt with complicity in the highest levels of our government".
* His ongoing expose of the Anglo-Dutch empire and depopulation agenda, which includes the fraud of zero growth policies through green fascism, the spread of terrorism and long wars throughout the globe. This empire and its Saudi accomplices have financed, organized and coordinated international terrorism including the 911 attack against the USA and the 2012 Benghazi assault.
* His July 2007 webcast, in which he forecast that there is "no possibility of a non-collapse of this financial system", and proposed first the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act, then re-instatement of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Banking Act, as necessary measures to halt the chaos of mass evictions and to restore the government's ability to create credit for productive economic activity, by freezing or writing down the claims of the speculators, and stopping further government and depositor funding of speculation.
* His April 2009 webcast, in which he exposed Barack Obama's treason at the G-20 economic summit in London and the Nazi character of Obama's health care reform, which was modeled explicitly on Hitler's Tiergarten 4 policy of Hitler. He diagnosed Obama with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder similar to that of the Roman emperor Nero.
* His Basement Project, the most advanced scientific research team of its type, was established and commissioned to revive and extend the best scientific tradition from Cusa, Kepler, Leibniz, Franklin, and Riemann to Vernadsky, Plank and Einstein. In addition to pedagogical work on the history of science, their work includes a revival of the SDI as SDE, or Strategic Defense of the Earth against destructive cosmic events, such as asteroid and comet impacts; the revitalization of the early 1960's North American Water and Power Alliance, upgraded with nuclear fission and fusion energy, and a mobilization of the full scientific potential with a crash program for thermonuclear fusion power, as a driver toward the development of the solar system and beyond.
* His recent papers on the science of the human mind.
Mr. LaRouche's success in forecasting, his achievement with the SDI, his program for worldwide economic development as the basis for lasting peace, and his leadership in building and sustaining an independent political movement, led his high-level political enemies, who had been watching him (or worse) since the late 1960s, to target him for elimination from the political scene, either by legal assault or assassination. Framed up, convicted and imprisoned in 1988-89, LaRouche emerged from the illegal and unjust incarceration in 1994 as a respected statesman with renewed credibility internationally, and among American patriotic circles, civil rights layers, and thinking citizens.
That credibility has skyrocketed over the past two decades, and Mr. LaRouche has been an increasingly prominent interlocutor, on economic, strategic and scientific policy in the US and also in Russia, Italy, China, and elsewhere. In the U.S., LaRouche, with his National Policy Committee has come to the fore, again, as the spokesman for reviving the approach to economic policy represented by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Mr. LaRouche, at 91 years of age, continues to lead the charge to terminate the Anglo-Dutch global financial empire, starting with its U.S. branch, Wall Street, by the re-instatement of Glass-Stegall, an Ameican System Credit system and NAWAPA to jump start the economy.
Lyndon LaRouche has written at least a dozen books, and thousands of pamphlets, many of which have been translated into a large number of languages, and which continue to influence the thinking of leading citizens throughout the world. The Schiller Institute continues to post many of Mr. LaRouche's latest papers, and a more complete list is available on the EIR website (
The original article was published in the EIR Online’s Electronic Intelligence Weekly, as part of an ongoing series on history, with a special emphasis on American history. We are reprinting and updating these articles now to assist our readers in understanding of the American System of Economy.
Related pages:
Lyndon LaRouche: 90th Birthday Address: The Parties Are Over: America Must Take This Election Back to Our Nation's Founding (2012)
LaRouche’s Jubilee Celebrated In Russia, Eurasia (PDF) (2012)
Russian Weekly Zavtra Congratulates LaRouche (2012)
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