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Dialogue of Cultures

 Lyndon LaRouche's 2002
Interventions and Dialogues
Partial List

Sept. 11, 2001
Listen to LaRouche's
Live Radio Interview
"The Hour and A Half
That Gripped the World"

March 5, 2002
Click to listen to LaRouche
Back on Stockwell's Show!

NEW! 2003
Dialogue with Lyndon
and Helga LaRouche
in 2003

LaRouche at President's Day 2001 Conference, explaining the "Triple Curve"
(Why can't you read about this
in the media?)

Scroll down for
* Photo Gallery *

Note to reader: This is a very busy page — be sure to scroll all the way down.

LaRouche Email Dialogues
Selected answers to your questions
will be published on this site.

1. On Violent Videos
On Education Policy
3. On Slanders Against LaRouche
4. On Rudolph Steiner
5. On Hyperinflation
6. On the Financial Bubble
7.On the Euro and the Dollar

8. On Cognition
9. On Von Mises
10. On LaRouche's Background
11. On Geopolitics and Gold
12. On US History Vs.Tory Populism
13. On Drug Legalization NEW!
(from EIR Magazine)

Please include your name and city, although they will not be published online.

Do you have an important question for Mr. LaRouche?
Email directly to:

Mrs. LaRouche can be reached by email at:

Your message will be forwarded directly, but we cannot guarantee a reply.


We have listed only a few events below.
Mr. LaRouche has his own websites, where complete listings are available.

Be sure to visit our page of
LaRouche's Interventions beginning
September 11, 2001

Dec. 28 — Lyndon LaRouche to Peruvian Cadre School, Lima, Peru
Dec. 19 — Lyndon LaRouche to German Cadre School, Wiesbaden, Germany
Dec. 18 — EIR Seminar in Berlin features Lyndon and Helga LaRouche
Dec. 18 — EIR Seminar in Berlin: Helga LaRouche on Lautenbach Plan
Dec. 16 — Lyndon LaRouche: Believing is Not Necessarily Knowing
Dec. 15 — Lyndon LaRouche to Mexican Cadre School
Dec. 12 — LaRouche in Hungary— Speeches to Economists and to Schiller Institute Event
Dec. 8 — Dialogue with with ICLC and Youth Movement in France
Dec. 7 — LaRouche Calls for Super TVA at California Meeting
Dec. 3 —Lyndon LaRouche Denounces Dirty Attacks On Brazil's Dr. Enaes Carneiro
Dec. 1—Helga Zepp LaRouche: Germany and the Lautenbach Plan: Can We Learn from History?
Nov. 30— Schiller Institute Youth Cadre School Meets in Copenhagen, Denmark
Dec. 1 — Mrs. Helga Zepp LaRouche's Remarks to Copenhagen Cadre School
Nov. 25 — LaRouche Speaks in Italy, following tour by Amelia Boynton Robinson
Nov. 19 — Interview with LaRouche Published in Mexico's Excelsior Newspaper
Nov. 16 — Lyndon LaRouche to West Coast Cadre School
Nov. 13 — "The Next Generations" Article (Sequel to "The Historical Individual," below)
Nov. 12 — LaRouche Speech to EIR Seminar, in Stockholm, Sweden
Nov. 12 — LaRouche Was Right About D .C. General Shutdown, Corruption Exposed
Nov. 9 — LaRouche Demands Super—TVA To Deal With Collapse
Nov. 5 — Speech to University Audience in Saltillio, Caohuila, Mexico
Nov. 5 —Text of TV Interview of LaRouche from Saltillo, Mexico
Nov. 5 — Press Conference, Student Meeting,in Saltillo, Caohuila, Mexico
Nov. 2 — Cadre School Speech and Dialogue with East Coast Youth
Nov. 1 — LaRouche Intensifies Anti— Moonie Mobilization
Oct. 29 — Infrastructure Report Released
Oct. 27 — LaRouche Addresses Seattle Student Meeting "A New Chance For Mankind"
Oct. 21 — Important Article Released: "The Historic Individual"
Oct. 20— LaRouche Interview On Radio El Mundo — National Radio In Argentina.
Oct. 14— A Very Grim Fairy Tale—-"What Happened To Accounting?"
Oct. 12 and Oct. 19 — LaRouche Interviewed on The LaRouche Show
Oct. 7 — Article: The American System Of Political—Economy
Oct. 6 — European Concert and 80th Birthday Celebration
Sept. 27— Truth! In US Strategic Policy—A Boldly US Global Mission (Reply to Bush Doctrine)
Sept. 23 — Statement On The Schroeder's Narrow Victory in the German Elections
Sept. 20 — "Today's Purloined Letter?" Press Release (includes entire Poe Short Story)
Sept. 13 — "On Classical Strategy: Shakespeare's George I, or How George Lost Re—Election"
Sept. 12 — Policy Paper—- "Science and Infrastructure"
Sept. 11 — LaRoucheWebcast in DC: The Truth About The Iraq War Threat
Sept. 10 — Jack Stockwell Radio Interview (One Year Later)
Sept. 8 — LaRouche Presented with Beautiful Festschrift for his 80th Birthday
Sept. 6 — LaRouche Interviewed On Argentina's Radio Cumbre
Sept. 4 — Schiller Institute Post—Conference Cadre School, Leesburg, Va
Sept. 3 — LaRouche Interviewed on Mexico's Radio Universidad Interview
Aug. 31 — ICLC/Schiller Labor Day Conference Transcripts and Audio/Video
Aug. 26 — LaRouche Interview On Jeff Rense Radio: Stop The Chicken Hawks!
Aug. 24— Race Against Time: LaRouche's Program,Or War And National Disaster
Aug. 22— Mexico—Brazil—Argentina: The Hour of Integration" Seminar in Guadalajara,
Aug. 18 LaRouche Addresses West Coast Cadre School (Youth Movement)
Aug. 17 Presentation At Institute for Sino Strategic Studies, California
Aug. 15 LaRouche Interview in Macedonian Manifest
Aug. 9 LaRouche Interview On Argentine National Radio
Aug. 2 Dialogue Opened On Brahms' Four Serious Songs
July 23 — Will The US Strike Iraq? — LaRouche Article for Turkish magazine Yarin
July 1—3 — Presentations in Rome on the New BrettonWoods
June 12— 3 Public Speeches in Sao Paulo Brazil, and Honored by City Council
June 19 — E—mail Response: Violent Videos and the Killing of Civilization
June 7 — Economic/Financial Memo— "Wall Street Magicians Fooled you Again!"
June 5 — Strategic Paper— "Who Killed Cock Robin, Really?
June 2—3 — Keynote Speech in UAE Conference, "Oil and Gas in World Politics"
May 30 "How To Steer A Sinking Ship" Speech to Kuznetzov Conference, Moscow
May 28 Memorial Day Webcast
May 20—Call for Congress to Restore DC General Hospital
May 17— Strategic Memo on US Northcom— "Crossing the Rubicon"
May 13 Private Memorandum: Affirm Mendelssohn's Defense of the Soul
May 1 — International Webcast on Global Crisis and Solution
April 29 — LaRouche References Helga LaRouche's Statement on New Violence
April —-—-— Dialogues with Students in Cadre Schools in Various Cities
April 16—- LaRouche Dialogue in Mexico City on Energy Policy and Strategic Crisis
April 2 —-—Speech to Brazil— Argentina Seminar on 20th Anniversary of Malvinas War
March 26—- Interview with EIR Arabic Correspondent on the Mideast Situation
March 22 —- Presentation and Dialogue in Milan, Italy
March 5 —- LaRouche Interview on Stockwell's Radio Show — KTALK— Utah
Feb.24— Mobilization Exposing the Slime Mold Networks Attacking LaRouche
Feb. 16—17 Schiller Institute/ICLC Confererence— A/V and Text
Jan. 24 — International Webcast—-"And Now, One Year Later"
Jan. 19 — Interview on Russia National TV (click for other Russia articles)
Jan. 17 — Speech to Argentina— Brazil meeting
Jan. 12 — Address to California Cadre School
Jan. 12 — Major Policy Paper Announced: Economics— The End of the Delusion

Other Radio shows and media coverage in Argentina, Italy, Arkansas,
and Arab language pres
ss can be found on Mr. LaRouche's publications and campaign websites.

Many of these speeches can be heard on the LaRouche Connection and EIR Talks

See also Table of Contents of FIDELIO Magazine, for articles on history, science, music, philosophy, and strategy by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, from 1991—2001.

"Why Won't The US Media Cover LaRouche?"
"Why?" you ask? The oligarchy is still haunted by this 1971 Debate at Queens College, (right) where Lyndon LaRouche summarily trounced economist Abba Lerner! They then swore that LaRouche would NEVER be allowed to debate after that! (See 1974 Washington Post reference.)

LaRouche, the modern day Socrates, has not only defied these would—be "gods of Olympus," but with the onrushing financial crash and the push for war, LaRouche's leadership is increasingly being called upon to pull humanity out of this perilous situation.

Abba Lerner, at microphone, lost the 1971 debate on economics to Lyndon H. LaRouche, seated next to moderator.

For LaRouche's description of this event, read his 1988 autobiography, "The Power of Reason." (Email us for more information on this book.) For more on the socratic method, read Plato's dialogue, "The Sophist", and Moses Mendelssohn's "Life of Socrates".

For Background Material,
Please V
isit these Other Pages:

What is The Schiller Institute?

LaRouche Dialogues in 2001

Strategic Studies

The LaRouche Show

Physical Economy

Lyndon LaRoucheBiography

International Conferences

Links to LaRouche Websites

Toward A Dialogue Of Cultures

LaRouche is a frequent guest on The LaRouche Show, a live, weekly Internet Audio program, conncected into the and organizers' conference call.
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche study some of India's history in Dec. 2001,
after meeting with the President of India, and other leaders, there.
International Interventions


Visiting Milan, and Inspecting A Production Process at a Shoe Factory, with Mrs. LaRouche, in Ascoli Piceno, Italy
At the
Zayed Center
in Abu Dhabi
Citizenship in
Sao Paolo,
Brazil from
Havanir. Dr. Eneas Carneiro, right, applauds.
Interview with
LarRouche in
Chinese Language Media coverage of LaRouche's
Speech to
Institute of
Sino Strategic Studies
West Coast,
Youth Cadre

Aug., 2002

Interview in Yarin Magazine in Turkey
Informal Dialogue, In Between Conference Sessions At the Labor Day Conference
100 Young People Discuss Profound Ideas in the East Coast Youth Cadre School
(Nov 2—3)
Press Conference
in Saltillo, Mexico.

LaRouche Returns After 20 years

Lyndon LaRouche in Hungary— Speeches to Economists and to Schiller Institute Event.

Shown here Dec. 12, 2002 addressing the Schiller Institute meeting in Budapest, Hungary

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