Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity, and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind..
Leonardo daVinci
![]() Schiller Institute East Coast Youth Chorus at 2004 Labor Day Conference |
![]() LYM Organizers rediscover how the |
On This Page:
American Intellectual Tradition
Int'l Friends of the American System
Video Archive: Schiller Institute Events Over the Years (Amateur Drama, Poetry and Music)
Read About Gauss's Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Leibniz, Plato, Poisson's Spot, and More!
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FIDELIO Articles
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Fidelio Front Covers 1991-1996
Fidelio Front Covers 1997-present
It is Through Beauty, That One Proceeds to Freedom:
Dare to be Wise!
Educate yourself; read these articles from Fidelio Magazine
and other Publications of the LaRouche Movement:
History: Fighting Financial Fascism: The Inspiring Example of King Henry IV of France and Sully
Poetry: Heinrich Heine and the Politics of Romanticism
History: Two Speeches on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Motivführung in Beethoven (5 videos with Norbert Brainin) (a.k.a. Violinist Norbert Brainin Demonstrates the Principle Of Motivic Thorough Composition, Slovakia, Summer 1995)
With Hieronymus Bosch, On the Track of the Sublime
Copley’s Portrait of Samuel Adams
Italy's 150th Anniversary: Citizens Sing Va Pensiero March 2011
Houston Grand Opera Presents “Lucia di Lammermoor”
YIDDISH RENAISSANCE: Such is Life! A Dialogue on Loneliness and Immortality
Harley Schlanger in Berlin: Prometheus and Immortality
Lorenzo Da Ponte: Mozarts American Librettist
On the Necessity of the LaRouche Youth Movement
LaRouche Youth Movement Panel on Shakespeares Julius Caesar
The Classical Curriculum of Wilhelm von Humboldt
Through The Years, Musical Drama by Civil Rights Heroine Amelia Boynton Robinson
The Painter Hieronymus Bosch: Was He a Pornographer or a Moralist?
Lyndon LaRouche Commentary, 50 years after Brown vs. Bd. of Education
Frederick Douglass - Breaking Through to Freedom
LaRouche on Erosthothenes, Mauis Voyage, and The Principle of Discovery Today (1999)
The Relevance of Schiller's Aesthetics for Today's Education (1999)
The Power of Great Poetry To Shape Character and Build the Nation: Dante, Humboldt, and Helen Keller
LaRouche Dialogue at Lebedev Institute (6/29/01)
A Renaissance in Classical Education - A Symposium (2/7/98)
Dialogue With Poland's Educators and Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (6/8/01)
The Tragedy of U.S. Education "Shrunken Heads" (4/20/01)
Original Translations of PLATO
"The Emperor's New Clothes:" a Short Story by Hans Christian Andersen
From the larouche basement team: The Extended Sensorium: Overview February 2011
Synesthesia: Beyond the Five Senses—Oyang Teng
Helen Keller: Mind over Instrumentation—Meghan Rouillard
Following the Beat of a Different Drummer—Peter Martinson
Polarization Sensitivity: a Strong and Weak Sense—Meghan Rouillard
What is Circularly Polarized Light?—Jason Ross
Insects and Infrared—Oyang Teng
Magnetoreception—Benjamin Deniston
The Sounds of a Cosmic Chorus—Aaron Halevy
Keplerian Economics 1/27/02 Dialogue by Jonathan Tennenbaum
The Science of Kepler and Fermat
"The Woman On Mars" LaRouche Discusses How a 40-year Mission to Colonize Mars Would Transform the USA-
Washington, D.C. Children's Chorus welcomes the St. Thomas Boys choir. |
Image of the American Patriot (series)
Charles Willson Peale, America's First Official State Portrait, And the Institution of the PresidencyRobert Burns and the Ideas of the American Revolution
Copley’s Portrait of Samuel Adams
200th Birthday of George Caleb Bingham, American Artist of the American System
Spain’s Carlos III and the American Revolution (PDF) (Fidelio, Spring 2004)
Leibniz, Halle, and The American Revolution
The Development of American Machine Tools
Benjamin Franklin and Friends Lay Basis for Manned Flight
President Garfield and the Pythagorean Theorem
Emma Azalia Hackley, 1867-1922 African-American Singer and Social Activist
Paul Laurence Dunbar: The Struggle for an American Classical Renaissance
Remembering President William McKinley- 100 Years Later
Jean Sylvain Bailly: The French Revolution's Benjamin Franklin
How GW Leibniz's the Natural Law Concept Inspired the Founding Fathers
Mozart and The American Revolutionary Upsurge
The African-American Spiritual: Beauty, Not Force, Will Change America
Lyndon H. LaRouche Dialogues and Speeches
"Continue the American Revolution"
Schiller MonumentsVideo Archive: Schiller Institute Events Over the Years (Amateur Drama, Poetry and Music)
The Danish Help to Schiller (PDF) by Tom Gillesburg, January 2009
Schiller's Essays and Poems in English Translation
Biography of Friedrich Schiller, Poet of Freedom
Writings of Other Great Thinkers Leibniz, Mendelssohn, Pushkin, Heine, Plato and Others
Lessons of Wallenstein- Let's Put Out the Flames of the 30 Years War (2005)
Books and Video on Schiller
Poetry and Agape - Reflections on Schiller and Goethe
Founding Conference Keynote - (also see Conferences Page)
Verdi and Schiller
The Military Genius of Jeanne D'Arc
What Schiller Can Teach Today's World Leaders (2001)
Motivic Thorough Composition in Schiller's Poetry
How Brahms and Schiller Instruct Us in Today's Civilizational Crisis
The Importance of Friedrich Schiller (Cadre School Presentation)
Politics As Art by Lyndon LaRouche (See other works by LaRouche in Fidelio Magazine)
About SHAKESPEARE, POE, and other English language writers
Shakespeare and Metaphor by Michelle Rasmussen April 2012
Keats' Great Odes and the Sublime by Daniel Leach
Robert Beltran, Classical Actor, Discusses Shakespeare and Odets' Drama
"The 'History Plays:' Use Shakespeare to Fight the Jacobin Mobs"
FIDELIO Article: William Shakespeare and Thomas More: The Conscience of Kings
Harley Schlanger and Robert Beltran at Schiller Institute Conference, Labor Day 2001
FIDELIO: An Evening in the 'Simultaneity of Eternity' with Shakespeare, Keats, and William Warfield, from the Fall 2001 Fidelio Magazine
FIDELIO: John Keats Vs.The Enlightenment, from the Fall 1996 Fidelio Magazine
The Purloined Life of Edgar Allen Poe
Short Story- The Purloined Letter
The American Roots of Germany’s Industrial Revolution
The U.S. Debt to Haiti, and the intervention Toussaint L'Ouverture
José Rizal and the Challenge Of Philippines Independence
Salvador Araneta
Sun Yat Sen: In Defense of Nationalism, the Republic, and the American System of Political Economy
Other Important Pages:
New Violence and Brainwashing:
How the Counterculture Ushered in Fascism
"Nintendo Killers" and New Violence
Lyndon LaRouche E-mail: Violent Video Games and The Killing of Civilization'
Classical Music and Culture:
Poetry: Heinrich Heine and the Politics of Romanticism
Revolution in Music
National Conservatory of Music Movement
Video Archive: Schiller Institute Events Over the Years (Amateur Drama, Poetry and Music)
BOOKS and Videos Page
Ben Franklin Booksellers
International Relations:
Youth Movement Education:
Audio and mp3 Classes from the LaRouche Youth Movement
Video Archive: Schiller Institute Events Over the Years (Amateur Drama, Poetry and Music)
"As Plato illustrates the proof of this, in his Meno, all human individuals have the developable cognitive potential to generate validated discoveries of universal physical principle. From that vantage-point, all human beings are equal in respect to their inborn nature, and all groups of human beings, from every society, share, as a group, that developable potential in virtually equal degree. The essential function of education, and of the conditions of family and community life in which education occurs, is to develop precisely that cognitive potential to the highest possible degree, in every possible young individual.
No lower form of life has this potential; that is the essential difference between man and beast. Beasts can learn, but only human beings can know; education which teaches children to learn to pass tests, to acquire habits needed for a specific form of employment, is education designed for beasts. Such forms of education, or of family relations, will tend to bestialize the students, and produce corresponding rations of bestialized adults. Unless your children are enjoying a Classical humanist form of education, they are being cheated; they are being bestialized, at least relatively so, that in the name of education.
It is important to emphasize, once more, that the result of accepting mere learning as a substitute for knowing, is not far from the condition of being a slave. At the very best, mere learning is a kind of obedience-training, as at a school for dogs, which produces an individual prone to many of the characteristics of behavior of a slave, the characteristics of a class of virtual human cattle.."
Parmenides (Link to Word document on site)
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Geometry and Science Workshops With Children at |
Kepler's Revolutionary Discoveries
The most crippling error in mathematics and physical science today, is the hysterical refusal to acknowledge the work of Johannes Kepler, Pierre Fermat, and Gottfied Leibniz-- NOT Newton- in developing the calculus.
This video, accessible to the layman, uses animated graphics to teach Kepler's principles of plantetary motion, without resorting to mathematical formalism.
Click here to order this VIDEOTAPE
directly from the EIR store
(or call 1-703-297-8368):
EIRVI-2001-12 (1.5 hours) --$50
Adapted from a presentation by Bruce Director, at the February, 2001
Schiller Institute Conference.
Help make a new golden Renaissance!