An ‘Enron for Water’? The Threat from Wall Street
Create Water Resources—China, the World Model
IRRI Working to Create an Entirely New Rice Plant, 50% Higher Yield
The LaRouche Show: Farmers Detail How the U.S. Food Supply Is Being Destroyed
Restore National Sovereignty; End Famine-Depopulation Agenda
Seed Shortages in U.S. Threaten Spring Planting
‘Unavailability’ of Livestock Feed Signals: U.S. Food Shortages Are Here
What Obama, Media Won’t Say: Storms Threaten Food Supply June 2011
Mississippi Basin Extreme Weather: Floods, Food Losses; Obama Oblivious May 2011
North Africa: The Blue Revolution (Video), German Schiller Institute, 2011
Egypt Is Everywhere! Put Price Controls on Food And Enact Glass-Steagall by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
BüSo Party Congress in Berlin: We Are Paying for Bank Bailouts with Human Lives by Helga Zepp LaRouche
LaRouche PAC Team Announces Release of Interactive Animated Map of NAWAPA
NAWAPA from the Standpoint of Biospheric Development
World Food Shortage Is
A British Policy Success
HAITI EARTHQUAKE: LaRouche Demands Urgent U.S. Action To Prevent Rainy Season Devastation
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Cited in
Arabic "Right to Food" Declaration
Helga Zepp-LaRouche: “Now Is the Time for a New,
Just World Economic Order”
The End of Free Trade: Revolt Begins Against British Policy
Mobilization To Double Food Production Is In Full Swing!
Let Them Eat Mudcakes, By Luise Light,
M.S., Ed.D.
June 2008
Worldwide Hunger Catastrophe!
Produce Food, Not Biofuels!
Humanity is in Mortal Danger:
Double Food Production Now!
To Defeat Famine: Kill the WTO
When Hedge Funds Embrace Rice, Can Famine Be Far Behind?, Dec. 15
U.S. and Mexico: Cooperate
On Great Water Projects, Dec. 7
Hyperinflation Forces
Mexicans To Eat Less, Oct. 12
Strategic Importance
Of Rail Corridor Links
Hal Cooper, Jr., PhD, PE, Oct. 2
EU Ends Agricultural Set-Aside Policy, Sept. 25
A Dialogue on the Bank of the South:
It’s a Time for Revolutionary Changes, Sept. 15
At 1932 Democratic Party Convention,
Roosevelt Calls for a ‘New Deal’, June 29
From Food Shocks to Famine: The Impact
Of Biofoolery and ‘Global Sourcing’, June 15
From Food Shocks to Famine:
The Impact of Biofoolery
and ‘Global Sourcing’, June 7
South Asian Countries To Improve Cooperation, April 13
Gore’s Policies Keep Africa in the Dark, April 6
Mr. Malthus, March 30
Of Bushes and Ethanol Madness in Colombia, March 30
Henry Wallace: Science
To End Hunger Forever, March 2
Bio-Cons Fool With Ethanol:
Just Another Word for War, Feb. 9
Previous Years
The article entitled ‘Walking Dead’ WTO Is Ruining World's Agriculture Producers tells of the G-21 underdeveloped countries who are understandably sick of being at the beck and call of the so-called industrial nations. But their demands reveal blindness to the fact that the farmers of the developed countries are victims of the very same machinations by the food cartels, as the farmers in the poorest countries. A solution? A worldwide parity price for food production.
(Volume 30, Number 41, October 24, 2003)
LaRouche Calls For Emergencey Food Aid to North Korea-(November, 2002 )
Testimony on Secretary of Agriculture ( 01/24/01)
Impact of Nafta on USA-Canada-Mexico (09/30/01)
Henry Kissinger and NSSM 200- Genocidal Plan to Reduce Thirld World Population!
Link to NSSM 200 Report_
EIR studies on Food as a Weapon (Jan 2002):