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Dialogue of Cultures

FIDELIO Magazine

Journal of Poetry, Science, and Statecraft

1997 to 2001 

Index for 1992 to 1996 Index for 2002 to 2006

Each issue of  FIDELIO features 80 to 100 pages of groundbreaking original material in epistemology, as well as news articles, book and music reviews, exhibits, interviews, translations and commentary. Each issue also includes translations of Schiller’s poetry or other writings, not always listed in the table of contents.

1991-92, Volume I
1993, Volume II
1994, Volume III
1995, Volume IV
1996, Volume V 

1997, Volume VI-
1998, Volume VII
1999, Volume VIII
2000, Volume IX
2001, Volume X

2002 Volume XI
2003, Volume XII
2004 Volume XIII
2005 Volume XIV
2006 Volume XV

When particular issues are sold out, you may order a photocopy of the featured article(s).


Vol VI, No. 1 - Spring 1997

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Lyndon H. LaRouche — Time to Put this Country on the March Once Again
Robert Trout Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Richard Freeman — The Confederate Legacy of Thomas Jefferson
Dr. Ambrosius Eszer, O.P. — Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz—The Unity Of The Churches, and Russia
William Wertz — The Platonic Christian Concept of Time-Reversal

Editorial : Create a New Bretton Woods System, Build the Eurasian Land-Bridge
News: Europe Conference: Eurasian Land-Bridge Economy
Washington Policy Forums: Rebuild Bosnia, Africa
LaRouches Visit Embattled Sudan
Italy Music Conference: Art and Science Are One
LaRouche at Martin Luther King Celebrations
NBCSL: Investigate Bush Role in Crack Epidemic!
Movement Builds vs.Pennsylvania Medical Cuts
Interview: Archbishop Justin Francis Rigali
Commentary: Leonardo: The Principle of Least Action
Exhibits: An Intimate Poetry of Pain and Laughter
Books: Outlines of American Political Economy
Beethoven: The First Biography
Fanny Mendelssohn

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Vol VI, No. 2 Summer 1997

Urgent Appeal to Convene a New Bretton Woods Conference

Helga Zepp LaRoucheThe Eurasian Land-Bridge: The Most Important Strategic Question of Today
Lyndon LaRouche — Behind the Notes
On the 200th Birthday of Franz Schubert

Interviews: Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Norbert Brainin
Translation: Johannes Kepler—The Harmony of the World
Editorial: It is the Poets Who Shape History
News: Convene a New Bretton Woods Conference!
Call for D.O.J.Corruption Hearings
The World Needs LaRouches Exoneration
Silk Road Lady in New York
Sudan Briefing Book To Counter Media Lies
LaRouche in Rome: Overcoming Financial Collapse
Peace Through Development in Central Africa
Music: Student-Teacher Dialogues from a Master Class
Interview: Dr. Lee Soo-in, Korean Master Composer
Exhibits: Treasures from China Relate 5,000-year History
Commentary: Chinese Painting and Its Influence on the West
Books: Nicolaus of Cusa on Christ and the Church
The Clash of Civilizations
Rabin: Our Life, His Legacy
America’s Prisoner: Memoirs of Manuel Noriega
Locked in the Cabinet

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Vol. VI, No. 3 - Fall 1997

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Lyndon LaRoucheSpaceless-Timeless Boundaries in Leibniz
Michael Billington
The Deconstructionist Assault on China’s Cultural Optimism (PDF)
Paul GallagherJohn Dryden’s Attack on Shakespeare:
                               The Origin of ‘Sing-Song’ Recitation in English Poetry

Editorial: The Exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche Is the Most Important Question for
the Future of the United States
Translation: Friedrich Schiller: The Walk
News: Lyndon LaRouche Declares for President in 2000
Helga Zepp LaRouche Tours Los Angeles
Feed North Korea Now!
Call for LaRouche Exoneration in Manila
Stop London’s Holocaust in Africa!
O’Dell Execution: Fight vs.Death Penalty
Interview: Fr. Richard T. McSorley, S.J.
Commentary: Glimpsing the Beauty of the Eternal
Books: The Fire of Invention, Business as a Calling
The Long Affair
Portement de Croix
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Vol. VI, No. 4 Winter 1997

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Helga Zepp LaRouche Why Are We Still Barbarians
Lyndon LaRoucheThe Classical Principle in Art and Science

Paul Gallagher — The Reawakening of Classical Metaphor
Dennis Speed The Black Faces of the New British Colonialism
Karel Vereycken
— Leonardo’s Last Supper: A Lesson in Metaphysics

Editorial: For A New Birth of Freedom- Defeat Baby-boomer Degeneration
News: U.S.Conference: The Coming Pearl Harbor Effect
“Silk Road Lady” Tours China, India
D.C.Seminar: U.S.-China Strategic Partnership
Bonn Symposium: For a New Bretton Woods System!
Expose the Reality of Museveni’s Uganda
Festivities Celebrate LaRouche’s 75 th Birthday
Thomanerchor To Perform in Washington, D.C.
Reminiscence: God bless you, Mother Teresa
Commentary: Chinas Strategic Priority Is Nation-Building
Exhibits: Mathew Brady, Patriot of Portraiture
Art: Leonardo’s Last Supper: A Lesson in Metaphysics
Interview: Msgr.George G.Higgins, chaplain of the AFL-CIO
Pedagogical: The Epinomis and the Complex Domain
Films: Seven Years in Tibet

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Vol. VII, No. 1 Spring 1998

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Lyndon LaRoucheHow to Think in a Time of Crisis
Anton Chaitkin The Lincoln Revolution
Rosa Tennenbaum 1797, The Year of the Ballad: In the Poets’ Workshop

Editorial: Completing the Unfinished Work of the Lincoln Revolution
News: LaRouche: Thinking One Percent Must Save Mankind
Conference Draws from Europe, Africa, China
New Bretton Woods, Land-Bridge in Eastern Europe
African Civil Rights Movement Founded
Zepp LaRouche Speaks at Nigeria Summit
Symposium: Excellence in Education Through Music
Music: Thomanerchor Brings the Spirit of J.S.Bach to the Poor
Exhibits: Making Visible the Motion of the Mind
Commentary: Sylvia Olden Lee: “Pay attention to the words.”
Books: Death of a Princess
The Royals
Hamilton’s Republic
Frederick Douglass
The Harmony of the World
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Vol. VII, No. 2 Summer 1998

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Special Issue

Jonathan Tennenbaum & Bruce Director How Gauss Determined the Orbit of Ceres
Lyndon LaRouche — Russia: A Coup from Above?

Editorial: The Importance of Scientific Pedagogy in Challenging the False-Axiomatic Assumptions
Which Have Brought Civilization to The Abyss
News: LaRouche Assesses New Bretton Woods at D.C.Meet
Organize in Italy, Poland for New Bretton Woods
Schiller Institute Performs Bach’s St.John Passion
Academies: The Alexandria Library Will Be Reborn
Books: Desperate Deception
Frontiers of Justice: The Death Penalty
Mars: The Living Planet
Who Killed Homer?
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Vol. VII, No. 3 Fall 1998

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Fred Haight
Beethoven’s Christ on the Mount of Olives: Gethsemane, As Schiller Would Treat It
Anno Hellenbroich
Beethoven’s Creative Process of Composition:
Reflections on Leonore (1806) and Fidelio (1814) (
Partial text only )
Dennis Small—
Laughing Between the Lines: Metaphor and Metric in Nicolaus of Cusa’s
About Mind

Wlliam Wertz
A Not So Distant Mirror: The Lessons of the Fourteenth-Century New Dark Age

Editorial: To Live in Real History
Translation: Friedrich Schiller: Philosophy of Physiology
News: D.C.Meet: LaRouche’s Forecast Proven Right
McDade-Murtha Bill A Stunning Victory for Justice
New Bretton Woods Proposal Presented in Bratislava
Aesthetical Education Theme of Germany Conferences
Mexico Concerts Launch Fight for Classical Music
Manual on Verdi Tuning Presented in Switzerland
Interview: Professor Norbert Brainin, Primarius of the Amadeus Quartet
Exhibits: Exploring Both the Cosmos and the Soul
Reviews: Amistad
The Committee

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Vol. VII, No. 4 Winter 1998

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Special Issue

Lyndon LaRouche The Substance of Morality

Appendix: The Case of Classical MotivicThorough Composition:
Florentine bel canto
J.S. Bach and Inversion
The Scientific Discoveries of Bach’s “Art of the Fugue”
The “Royal Theme’ from “A Musical Offering’
Mozart’s Fantasy in C Minor and the Lydian Principle
“Time Reversal” In Mozart’s Works
Motivic Thorough-Composition in Late Beethoven
Brahms’ Fourth Symphony

Editorial: President Clinton Must Appoint Lyndon LaRouche As His Economic Adviser!
News: European Conference: Dump Globalism
U.S.Conference: Challenge of Global Leadership
Schiller Delegates at China Land-Bridge Meeting
Brazil: Zepp LaRouche Calls for New Alliances
Mexico: Fight To Defend Music Education
Schiller Celebrations Focus on Classical Tragedy
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Vol. VIII, No. 1 Spring 1999

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Helga Zepp LaRoucheThe Relevance of Schiller’s Aesthetical Education for Today’s Students

Symposium: What is Real History as Science?

Lyndon LaRoucheOn Erastosthenes, Maui’s Voyage, and Reviving the
Principles of Discovery Today
Muriel Mirak Weissbach Wilhelm von Humboldt’s Study of the Kawi Language
Leni Rubinstein—
The Great Art of China’s Soundless Poems

Editorial: The Road To Recovery-Unlearning Bad Habits
News: Launch Drive To Put U.S. on Road to Recovery
Russians Feature LaRouche in I.M.F.Debate
Zepp LaRouche Opens Strategic Flank in Mexico
Institute’s Human Rights Delegation in Malaysia
Women’s Committee for New Silk Road’ Formed
Interview: Mstislav Rostropovich, ’Cellist and Conductor
Commentary: Civil Rights Heroine Tours for Black History Month
Books: The Road To Recovery
Earth in the Balance
Treason in America

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Vol. VIII, No. 2 Summer 1999

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Linda de Hoyos — Can the Destruction of Africa Be Stopped?
Helga Zepp LaRoucheWhat It Takes To Be a World Historical Leader Today
David Shavin Philosophical Vignettes: Life of Moses Mendelssohn
Steven P. Meyer Moses Mendelssohn and the Bach Tradition

Editorial: Needed: A New Marshall Plan for Balkan Peace and World Development
Translation: Alexander Pushkin: Three Poems on Imprisonment and Freedom
News: LaRouche Address Balkans Seminar in D.C.
Kosovar Albanian Tours U.S. for LaRouche Doctrine
Bonn Conference Focusses on New Bretton Woods
LaRouche Perspective Debated in Rome, Paris
Prometheus Bound Performed in Australia
Commentary: Freeing Ourselves from British Archaeological Frauds
Art: Gaze from the Beyond
Interview: Elizabeth Borowsky, Pianist
Exhibits: God Is Revealed in the Smallest Work of His Creation
Books: The Grand Chessboard
City of Stone
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Vol. VIII, No. 3 -Fall 1999

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Lyndon LaRoucheHow to Save a Dying USA

Alexander Pushkin, Russia’s Poet of Universal Genius

Helga Zepp LaRouche Introduction: Pushkin and Schiller
Rachel DouglasThe Living Memory of Pushkin (PDF file only)
E. S. Lebedeva — Pushkin Was a Live Volcano
Vadim Kozhinov — The Mystery of Pushkin’s Death

Editorial: Music, Judaism, and Hitler
News: U.S.Meet: Rebuild the Nation on Principles of F.D.R.
Ukrainian Candidate Survives Assassination Attempt
Faris Nanic Tours U.S. for Balkan Reconstruction
Colombia’s Gen.Bedoya Calls for Alliance vs. Drugs
Triangular Association Founded in India
European Meet: Campaign Launched for Verdi Tuning
Drama: Wisconsin Festival Features Wilhelm Tell
Interview: Peter Etter, President, Wilhelm Tell Guild
Commentary: How Champollion Deciphered the Rosetta Stone
Exhibits: Walter Rosenblum: Homage to the Subject
Pedagogical: Poisson’s Spot: The Transfinite Principle of Light
Petition: For a Verdi Opera in the Verdi Tuning in 2001

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Vol VIII, No. 4 Winter 1999

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William Wertz — Birth of Sovereign Nation-State
Robert Trout — The Aesthetical Education of America
TranslationPope a Metaphysician! By Lessing/Mendelssohn

Editorial: The Danger to the Nation
News: LaRouche Addresses Black State Legislators
Storm Over Asia Video Calls for New Foreign Policy
Sergei Glazyev’s “Genocide” Book Released in English
New Silk Road Perspective Presented in Baghdad
Italy Conference of Christian Democrats
Zepp LaRouche: Revive Lautenbach Plan for Germany
Interview: Art Critic Michael Gibson
Commentary: Two Dialogues by Benjamin Franklin
Exhibits: Renaissance and Reformation in Northern Art
Advertisement: Stop Racist Attempt To Overturn Voting Rights Act

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VOLUME IX —- 2000

No. 1 Spring 2000

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Lyndon LaRouche Prometheus and Europe
Paul Gallagher — Milton’s Blank Verse & the Republican Spirit in Poetry
Cloret Richardson — Brahms & Schiller Instruct Us in Today’s Crisis
Karel Vereycken — Piero della Francesca: Key to a New Renaissance

Editorial: Now Is the Time for a New Bretton Woods!
News: LaRouche:“Americans Must Stop Being Fools”
Italian Senators Launch Drive for New Bretton Woods
Colombias Gen.Bedoya vs. Narcoterrorism
Call for Commission on “New Violence”
Michigan Freedom Democrats File Slate
Supreme Court Upholds Attack on Voting Rights
LaRouche Campaign Files Complaint with O.S.C.E.
Special Report: Is the Democratic Party a Private Club?
Interview: Andras Schiff, Pianist
Commentary: The Diallo Affair and the New Violence in America
Reviews: Genocide: Russia and the New World Order
Stop Teaching Our Kids To Kill
The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up
The Philosopher’s Stone

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Volume IX, No. 2-3 Summer-Fall 2000

Special Double Issue

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On the Subject of Strategic Method
Proceedings of the International Conterence—
Bad Schwalbach, Germany, May 26-28, 2000


Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.On the Subject of Strategic Method.
Helga Zepp LaRoucheOnly a New Classical Period Can Save Humanity From A Dark Age


Dino De Paoli - How Ideas Change the Order of Space Time.
Jonathan Tennenbaum - Bach and Kepler: The Polyphonic Character of Truthful Thinking
Bach, Kepler, Leibniz- and the Crisis in Russia Today


Anno Hellenbroich - J.S. BACH’S Musical Revolution
Prof. Yelena Vyazkova
— Riddles and Meaning of J.S. Bach’s “Art of the Fugue”
Ortrun Cramer - Beyond Bach: Beethoven’s Studies of Bach’s Works
Dialogue: Bringing Great Music to the World


Hartmut CramerFDR’S New Deal: An example of American System Economics.
Jacques CheminadeFDR and Jean Monnet: The Battle Against British Imperial Methods Can Be Won.

Editorial There Are No “In the Meantime” Solutions
News LaRouche at Rome Meet on New Bretton Woods
Egypt Conference Hears Land-Bridge Plan
Amelia Robinson Takes Voting Rights Fight to Poland (PDF)
Democratic Officials Hold Ad Hoc Platform Hearings
Peruvian Patriots Turn to LaRouche To Stop “Dope, Inc”
Los Angeles Concert: A Tribute to the Spirit of Man
Obituary: Taras Muranivsky Has Passed On
Commentary: A Window into the Anglo-Saxon Renaissance
Exhibits: Gerrit Dou: The Lesson of Rembrand
Books: Drug Politics
Home and Exile
Arguing About Slavery

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Vol. IX  No. 4  Winter 2000

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Pierre Beaudry — What Does It Mean To Be Rabelaisian?
Francois Calentier — Are You ’Gargantuesque?’
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. — Jesus Christ and Civilization
Renate Leffek — Nicholas Cusa and the Search for Truth
David Shavin —‘Thinking Through Singing’—The Strategic Significance of J.S.Bach’s
                           “A Musical Offering”

Editorial:         Free Will vs. Predestination
Translation:     Friedrich Schiller- The Pledge
News:             LaRouche Webcast: Election Brings Danger of Fascism
                       Institute Holds Washington, DC Conference
                       Italian Senators Demand New Bretton Woods
                       LaRouches in Budapest Call for FDR Policy
                       Shakespeare Staged in Chicago, Virginia
Commentary:  The Bestiality of the Fundies
Exhibits:          Durer’s “Passions” Bring Renaissance to Germany
Books:            Now, Are You Ready To Learn Economics?
                       Reflections of An American Political Prisoner
                       Sacred Landscape
                       King Leopold’s Ghost
                       Brunelleschi’s Dome

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VOLUME X , No. 1 Spring 2001

Gabriele Liebig —The Cult of Artificial Intelligence vs. The Creativity of the Human Mind
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr - Politics as Art
D. Stephen Pepper —Leonardo da Vinci and the Perspective of Light

Revive the American Intellectual Tradition!
Fight for the General Welfare!

G.W. Leibniz: Two Papers on the Catenary Curve

D.C. Conference: Is the U.S.A. Under Bush Doomed?
Berlin Seminar Dehates F.D.R.-Style Recovery
New Bretton Woods in Russia, Italy
WWF Sues Brazil LaRouche Associates
Action Issues: California Energy, D.C. General Hospital
Sudan Hosts Nile Valley Conference

Save the African-American Spiritual!

Universal Culture, Ecumenicism, and the Classics

Testimony of Hope: Spiritual Exercises of John Paul II
The Prague Davidsbund

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VOLUME X , No. 2 Summer 2001

Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr — Dialogue Among Cultures: The Road to Peace


Helga Zepp LaRouche — Nicolaus of Cusa, Towering Genius of the Renaisance
William F. Wertz, Jr — Nicolaus of Cusa’s ‘On the Quadrature Of the Circle’
Bruce Director — Nicolaus of Cusa Moved the Earth
Franke Richtre —
A Great Man of Ecumenicism—
Translation — Nicolaus of Cusa: ‘On Searching for God’—




Inside Back Cover
2   The Ecumenical Battle for the Common Good
67 LaRouche Webcast Defines U.S. National Mission
68 Germany Conference Features Eurasian Development
70 Amelia Robinson Brings Real America to Europe
72 Mexicans Warned: Beware Energy Privatization!
73 Institute Concert Honors D.C. General Hospital
74 Schiller’s Don Carlos: The conceptof the Sublime
79 Ingerviews: ‘Don Carlo(s) Alive!’
84 Archaeology and the Truch of Man’s Prehistory
89 Founding Brothers
90 Fortune Is a River
91The Inextinguishable Symphony
93 Rembrandt at Work

  ‘To speak and walk in the paths of truth...’

VOLUME X , No. 3 Fall, 2001

Symposium on The Dialogue of Cultures

Helga Zepp LaRouche: Invitation To Participate In an International Correspondence For a ‘Dialogue of Cultures’

Lyndon LaRouche in Rome: Toward a Dialogue of Civilizations

Andalusia, Gateway To the Golden Renaisssance, Muriel Mirak Weissbach

Contributions to the Dialogue
Recect statements by
Mohammad Hosni Mubarak, President of Egypt
Seyyed Mohammad Khatami, President of Iran
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr
An Invitation for Dialogue With China — Pope John Paul II

Matteo Ricci and the Disaster of the ‘Rites Conroversy’ Michael Billington














The Continuing American Revolution—
Versus Brzezinski and Septemeber 11

U.S. Meet: ‘Nothing to Fear But Denial Itself’
Berlin Seminar Urges New Monetary System
Italy Trips Spur Support for New Bretton Woods
LaRouche Addresses Russian Duma, Scientists
India’s Intelligentsia Absorbs global Overview
Ibero-Americqan Economists Dialogue with LaRouche

An Evening in the ‘Simultaneity of Eternity’—
With Shakespeare, Keats, and William Warfield

The Heavenly Guide

Nathan Still Inspires the Sublime

Recapturing a Proud German-Jewish Heritage

The Economics of the Noösphere
The Soldier and the State
How to Defeat Global Stratigic Irregular Warfare;
To Stop Terrorism, Shut Down ‘Dope, Inc.’

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and help make a new, golden Renaissance!

One hundred pages in each issue, of groundbreaking original research on
philosophy, history, music, classical culture, news, translations, and reviews.

Text Only Archives:
2001 2000 1999 1998 1997
1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991

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