Volume 8, Number 2, Summer 1999
Peace Through Development for The Balkans
Can the Destruction of Africa Be Stopped?
by Linda de Hoyos
What It Takes To Be A World-Historical Leader Today
by Helga Zepp LaRouche
Philosophical Vignettes from The Political Life of Moses Mendelssohn
by David Shavin
Moses Mendelssohn and The Bach Tradition
by Steven P. Meyer
Rabbi David Einhorn: A Leader in the Fight Against Slavery
Needed: A New Marshall Plan for Balkan Peace and World Development
Alexander Pushkin: Three Poems on Imprisonment and Freedom
LaRouches Address Balkans Seminar in D.C.
Kosovar Albanian Tours U.S. for ‘LaRouche Doctrine’
LaRouche Leads Dialogue on World Crisis: Bonn Conference Focusses on Ideas for New Bretton Woods System
U.S. Must Join ‘Survivors’ Club’
An EIR-Schiller Institute seminar in Washington, D.C. on March 24, titled, “Why President Clinton Must Ally the U.S.A. with the Survivors’ Club,” convened at approximately the same time that U.S. and NATO aircraft began bombing Yugoslavia. The event was attended by some 100 people, representing about a dozen nations.
Rome Conference: Europe 2000: Zepp LaRouche Calls for ‘Council of Europe’
Eastern Europe Seminars
In early May, the Schiller Institute held seminars in Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, which drew high-level government officials, as well as representatives of labor and industry.
Paris: International Gathering Debates LaRouche Perspective
Prometheus Bound Performed in Australia
Scandinavian Seminars
During the week after the Bonn conference, seminars were held in Copenhagen, Denmark and Stockholm, Sweden on the topic “Russia-China-India: Key to the Eurasian Economy in the 21st Century.”
Freeing Ourselves from British Archaeological Frauds
by Tony Papert
A Note on Ancient Infastructure
The accompanying corrected map and explanation, incorporating an extract from the historian Herodotus, were submitted by Eli Santiago, in response to an error in a figure supplied to illustrate Lyndon LaRouche’s “On Eratosthenes, Maui’s Voyage of Discovery, and Reviving the Principle of Discovery Today,” which appeared in the Spring 1999 issue of Fidelio
A Gaze from the Beyond: The Extraordinary Faiyûm Portaits
by Karel Vereycken and Philippe Messer
Translated by Dana Scanlon.
Alexander the Great in Egypt
Elizabeth Borowsky, Pianist: ‘Music will help the children become whole’
by Lawrence Freeman
‘God Is Revealed in the Smallest Work of His Creation’
by Bonnie James
A Primer of Geopolitical Madness
by Scott Thompson
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski
Crackpot Landlords vs. Mideast Peace
by Harley Schlanger
City of Stone: The Hidden History of Jerusalem by Meron Benvenisti