About Friedrich Schiller
Friedrich Schiller, dubbed the "Poet of Freedom" by Frederick Douglass, was born November 10, 1759 in Marbach, Germany and died May 9, 1805. Celebrate his ideas with drama and poetry readings, music performances and dialogue. Get some friends together, and discuss Schillers concept of achieving true freedom: It is through Beauty that One Proceeds to Freedom. Below is a partial list of articles on this site pertaining to our beloved poet and his work. Please check back soon for additions to this page.
Video: Friedrich Schiller, Poet of Freedom
A Narrative Biographical Account of the "Poet of Freedom’s" life and works
Happy Birthday Friedrich Schiller! Schillerfest in New York City, November 2015
Helga Zepp-LaRouche on the Birthday of Friedrich Schiller (2015)
Friedrich Schiller Park statue to get recognition -- and lights (Columbus, Ohio, 2012)
2012: The Year of the Spirit of Jeanne d'Arc
Happy Birthday Friedrich Schiller! Schillerfest, Frankfurt, November 2007
The Danish Help to Schiller (PDF) by Tom Gillesburg, January 2009
Schiller Birthday Celebration by Helga Zepp-LaRouche Mainz, Germany, November 10, 2003
Rochester, NY Statue Has A Famous Pedigree
Helga LaRouche Speaks to French LYM on Schiller
What Is, and To What End Do We Study, Friedrich Schiller in 2005?
Listen to Helga Zepp-LaRouche on the March 11, 2006 LaRouche Show
Helga Zepp LaRouche Discusses the Importance of Friedrich Schiller
Poetry and Agape: Reflections on Schiller and Goethe (1988)
Translations of Schillers Work
Writings of Other Great Thinkers Leibniz, Mendelssohn, Pushkin, Heine, Plato and Others
Schiller and the LaRouche Youth Movement
Education, Science and Poetry Page
Biography of Friedrich Schiller, Poet of Freedom
Lessons of Wallenstein- Let's Put Out the Flames of the 30 Years War (2005)
DVD on Schiller, Poet of Freedom
Fidelio Magazine Table of Contents 1991-1996
Fidelio Magazine Table of Contents 1997-2001
Fidelio Magazine Table of Contents 2002- present
Founding Schiller Institute Conference Keynote
International Conferences Page
Verdi and Schiller
The Military Genius of Jeanne D'Arc
What Schiller Can Teach Today's World Leaders (2001)
Motivic Thorough Composition in Schiller's Poetry
How Brahms and Schiller Instruct Us in Today's Civilizational Crisis
The Importance of Friedrich Schiller (Cadre School Presentation, 2003)
The Relevance of Schiller's Aesthetics for Today's Education (1999)
The Power of Great Poetry To Shape Character and Build the Nation: Dante, Humboldt, and Helen Keller
Politics As Art by Lyndon H. LaRouche
The Force of Tragedy by Lyndon H. LaRouche (coming soon)