Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 1999
The Birth of the Sovereign Nation-State: From the Council of Florence To the Discovery of America
by William F. Wertz, Jr.
The Aesthetical Education Of America
by Robert Trout
Pope A Metaphysician! An Anonymous Pamphlet in Defense of Leibniz
by Gotthold Lessing and Moses Mendelssohn
‘The Danger to the Nation’
LaRouche Addresses Black State Legislators
‘Storm Over Asia’ Video Calls for New Foreign Policy
Sergei Glazyev’s Genocide Released in English
New Silk Road Perspective Presented in Baghdad
Amelia Robinson Launches Libel Suit vs. ABC, Disney TV
Italy Conference of Christian Democrats: LaRouche: Ecumenical Doctrine
Needed To Meet Global Crisis
Book Hails ‘American Sakharov’
Dr. Josef Mikloško, president of the Schiller Foundation in Slovakia, reads at Lyndon LaRouche’s 75th birthday celebration. Mikloško’s new book portrays LaRouche as “the American Sakharov.”
Zepp LaRouche Tells Schroeder: Implement the Lautenbach Plan for Germany!
‘For Bruegel, his world is vast’
by Karel Vereycken
Interview of Art Critic Michael Gibson, translated from the French by Dana Scanlon.
Conflicting Motives for Human Conduct: Pleasure or Virtue
by Benjamin Franklin
Two Dialogues by Benjamin Franklin.
Renaissance and Reformation in Northern Art
by Bonnie James