"There Is Life After the Euro"—
BüSo Party Convention in Frankfurt
June 2012
by Rainer Apel
June 16, 2012 (EIRNS)--political arm of the LaRouche Movement in Germany, the BüSo party, opened its 10th National Convention in Frankfurt with approximately 120 delegates and guests, among them delegations from sister organizations in France (Solidarité et Progrès), Denmark (Schiller Instituttet), and members from other European countries. The Italian Movisol party was present with a video-taped message.
After a musical introduction, a performance of the first movement of Bach's Italian Concerto for piano, BüSo vice chairwoman Elke Fimmen welcomed the delegates, in particular welcoming the "Herculean job" done by Presidential candidate Jacques Cheminade and his Solidarité et Progrès party in France during the past several months. Following remarks by Mrs. Fimmen on the convention agenda and voting procedures, BüSo party Chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave the keynote address, elaborating on the financial collapse and war danger, and the programmatic alternative, as the two main threads of her speech.
The Choice Before Us
Mankind indeed is in serious danger, she said, because all that money-pumping into the banking sector will not rescue the failed transatlantic system but end up in a Weimar-style hyperinflation, this time on a global scale however, and this is coupled with an acute danger of war implied in the interventionist Blair Doctrine, which over the pretext of the Syrian crisis, would lead to a nuclear showdown between NATO and Russia/China. The alternative to that is the LaRouche program, an abrupt end to the useless bailouts, the re-introduction of Glass-Steagall, and the cancellation of all treaties that have violated the sovereignty of nations in Europe since the Maastricht Treaty of 1992, together with the Putin Doctrine, which is insisting on international law and the protection of national sovereignty.
If the present, ongoing collapse is not halted, panic and chaos will prevail and allow the hard-core bankers of the kind that met at the recent Bilderberger Conference and the Atlantic Council meeting, to implement their blueprint for brutal bailouts at the expense of billions of human lives on this planet, Mrs. LaRouche warned. Describing a few more aspects of the disaster in Europe, she then presented the LaRouche Movement's programmatic alternative, as laid out in the Mediterranean Basin Great Infrastructure Projects proposal, the NAWAPA and Bering Strait Tunnel projects, the World Land-Bridge and Transaqua projects and the African Pass Project which was worked by an Egyptian engineer inspired by the proposals mentioned before. Glass-Steagall has now close to 70 co-sponsors in the U.S. Congress, as well as prominent endorsers like Tom Hoenig and Luigi Zingales, it can be done, in the U.S.A. as well as in Europe: recreate national banks, create real-economic credit systems, and develop the infrastructure of all nations. In Russia, the Bering Strait Tunnel has official backing, and two crucial tunnel projects connecting Europe and Africa--at the Strait of Gibraltar and between Sicily and Tunisia, have already been designed, awaiting their realization.
What is really crucial, Mrs. LaRouche stressed, is to revive the real image of nations based on their contributions to mankind's progress--the Greek Antiquity, the Andalusian and Italian Renaissances, the German Classics, getting rid of the many prejudices built up by the oligarchy's mainstream propaganda press against the Greeks, Spaniards, and Africans of today. Greece with its huge shipping sector can be involved in the maritime transport sector, Spain with its leading high-speed rail sector in Europe can contribute to the development of the railway in Africa, and Italy can revive Enrico Mattei's anti-colonialist program for the industrial development of Africa and the Arab world. We need the alliance of sovereign nation-states for development.
But the acute danger of nuclear world war must be stopped, which is possible because Obama's policy has created a Watergate-style situation in the U.S.A. which can and must lead to his impeachment. And the satanic counterculture that is poisoning the youth must be defeated, so that mankind can return to values of humanity, a new era of creativity, so that we will again deserve the respect of the great minds of human history under whose eyes these historic processes are unfolding.
In the discussion period following her keynote, Mrs. LaRouche responded to questions about ways to fight the big disarray and pessimism in most contemporary people's minds, by giving the example of that recent Classical music concert at Carnegie Hall, which was inspired by a young Chinese woman who herself became inspired by the works of Friedrich Schiller. The concert drew an audience of 1,700 pupils, teachers and parents, and it sparked a campaign for more such Classical music events.
Elke then gave the activity report for the period since the last party convention in December 2010, presenting the BüSo and the LaRouche Movement as the only force that cuts through the fog of massive disinformation—for example with its highly-informative educational videos on BüSo TV. Or, with the anti-war mobilization which started in November 2011 and was carried through the Christmas period and continued with Mrs. LaRouche's webcast in mid-March. The BüSo also is the only force in Germany that campaigns for Glass-Steagall standards, and it has been the only one to inform the German population about the Angelides report in early 2011. About 100,000 copies of the BüSo call for banking separation have been distributed in the three state parliament election campaigns in 2011 (Baden-Wuerttembeg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Berlin), along with the joint call for Glass-Steagall by Mr. and Mrs. LaRouche and Jacques Cheminade.
EU/Benoit Bourgeois
The BüSo has been the only force defending German President Christian Wulff against the bank-centered cabal that unfortunately succeeded in ousting him from office, and it has also been the only force to expose the genocidal designs of the German Chancellor's ecology-advisory council WBGU and its chairman, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber. The BüSo is, furthermore, the only party that remains committed to nuclear technology in Germany, and it is also the only party that puts mankind, and the creativity of man, at the center of its political programs, Mrs. Fimmen said. A review of BüSo activities, composed from video footage on the aforesaid broad public campaigns, concluded the activity report. A report on the BüSo's financial situation by Klaus Fimmen followed, showing that the global economic depression has also hit the party's income and limited its capacity for outreach considerably from 2008 on, but he also stressed that the BüSo has been the only system-relevant institution that has not received, nor depended, on any bailout like all those doomed banks. Efforts will be made to increase the income again.
The Schiller Institute in Denmark’s campaign poster which says, “After the financial crash: Maglev across the Kattegat,” injected some much needed reality into what was otherwise an election that failed to address any major issues. |
Tom Gillesberg from the Danish Schiller Instituttet then gave a speech to the delegates, portraying the past two years of activities of the LaRouche Movement in Denmark, from the participation in election campaigns, parliamentary hearings on the banking sector, to the campaigns for maglev systems connecting Denmark with Germany, for nuclear power, to the publication of the Institute's magazine Prometeo—which with its 60,000 printed copies has become a real political institution in Denmark. Gillesberg added a passionate call on Germany to free itself from the Maastricht Treaty straitjacket and become the nation of poets and composers, of engineers, once again that will play its crucial role in the development of Eurasia.
Gillesberg's speech was followed by a video, in which Liliana Gorini, chairwoman of the Italian Movisol party, pointed to the crucial and exclusive role played in Europe by the LaRouche Movement and its political arms, as the core of resistance against the euro dictatorship. The character of this regime can be studied in Italy, where the unelected technocratic team around Mario Monti is serving the debt and the banks, taking pensions away from retired citizens and funds from municipalities, proves incapable of providing any aid to the regions hit by a series of strong earthquakes. But we have seen the successful, spontaneous outreach by Movisol member Flavio Tabanelli, who intervenes on the side of the earthquake victims and calls for Glass-Steagall as the only alternative to the Monti regime's disaster strategy. Glass-Steagall, and the LaRouche ideas, have sparked the legislative motion by Senator Oskar Peterlini, and the LaRouches have personally had the opportunity to present their concepts in the Italian Parliament, some years ago; moreover the Lega Nord has collected 50,000 signatures for banking separation. The alternative to the present disaster is possible. The Italian situation resembles that described by Giuseppe Verdi in the famous "Chorus of Hebrew Slaves" in the opera Nabucco, Liliana said: "Oh my mother country, so beautiful, and so lost." But this is a historic moment of truth, Liliana concluded; the chance of change is here.
EIRNS/Flavio Tabanelli |
The convention also re-elected the national party executive, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, as chairwoman, Elke Fimmen as deputy chairwoman, and Klaus Fimmen as treasurer, as well as Daniel Buchmann as deputy chairman.
The afternoon session of the convention was to hear the three ensembles from Beethoven's opera Fidelio ("Mir ist so wunderbar"; "Oh namenlose Freude"; "Wer ein holdes Weib errungen"), a speech by Jacques Cheminade (the written text is in the European Ops Bulletin), and featured ample time, lasting into the early evening, for more discussion and questions from the delegates, for which a report will follow.