Schiller Institute Conference:
"Securing Mankind's Future"
February 25-26, 2012
Berlin, Germany
Conference Invitation (PDF)
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Conference Program and Links
Videos and Transcripts of the conference proceedings will be linked from this page as they become available. Most speakers spoke in English, though Helga Zepp-LaRouche spoke in German. You will see what languages are available based on what flags are visible below the title of the presentation
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Keynote by Helga Zepp-LaRouche - Overcoming The Existential Danger of a Thermonuclear War
Deutsch MP3 audio (12.76 MiB)
Deutsch Video and Text
English Video and Text
Italiano Video
- Q&A with Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Deutsch MP3 audio (2.69 MiB) -
Prof. Dr. pol. Igor Panarin - The Information War Against Russia: Operation Anti-Putin (pre-translated text read by Elke Fimmen)
English MP3 audio (5.38 MiB)
English Video and Text
Deutsch Video and Text
Italiano Video
- Mohammad Mahfoud (Denmark) - Truth Versus Propaganda - the situation in Syria
English MP3 audio (2.4 MiB)
English Video and Text
Deutsch Video and Text
Italiano Video
- Jacques Cheminade, Candidate for President of France - Greeting address
English Video and Text
Deutsch Video and Text
- Christine Bierre - Report on The Breakthrough of The Cheminade 2012 Campaign in France
English MP3 audio (2.39 MiB)
English Video
Deutsch Video
Italiano Video - Claudio Giudici - Resistance in Italy to the EU Dictatorship
Italiano MP3 audio (7 MiB)
English Video and Text
Deutsch Video
Italiano Video - Gene Douglas - Greeting Address from the Irish LaRouche Brigade
English MP3 audio (2.44 MiB)
English Video and Text
Deutsch Video
Italiano Video
- Lyndon LaRouche: A Science-Driver Recovery or Economic Extinction and War
English Video
English Text
Deutsch Video - Q&A with Lyndon LaRouche via Skype
English Video
English MP3 Audio
English Text
Deutsch Video -
Bruce Director - Toppling the Tyrrany of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
English Video
English MP3 audio (12.94 MiB)
Deutsch Video
Italiano Video - Sergey Pulinets (Institute of Applied Geophysics and Moscow Center of Ionosphere Monitoring, Russia) - Turbulence - The modern trend in state of nature and society
English MP3 audio (10.02 MiB) -
Sky Shields - The Creative Principle of the Universe
English Video
English MP3 audio (13.09 MiB)
Deutsch Video
Italiano Video - Discussion
English MP3 audio (4.18 MiB)
Musikabend (videos)
Sunday, February 26, 2012
- Rudolph Biérent (French Aerospace Lab ONERA) - Space exploration: the optimism of an infinite universe
English MP3 audio (10.13 MiB)
English Video
Deutsch Video and Text - Q&A with Rudolph Biérent
English Video
Deutsch Video
Italiano Video - Ulf Sandmark (Sweden) - Man in the Arctic - but how?
English MP3 audio (9.75 MiB)
English Video and Text
Deutsch Video and Text - Helga Zepp-LaRouche - The Identity of the Creative Individual
English Video
Deutsch Video
Italiano Video - Antonella Banaudi Singing Teacher and Soprano, Italy
English MP3 audio (5.18 MiB)
English Video and Text
Deutsch Video and Text - Q&A with Antonella Banaudi and Helga Zepp-LaRouche
English Video
Deutsch Video
Italiano Video
- Raymond Björling (includes 3 songs) Singing Teacher and Tenor, Sweden
English MP3 audio (8.41 MiB)
English Video and Text (Address: Four Generations in A Family of Musicians)
Deutsch Video (Performance of Franz Schubert's An Die Musik)
Deutsch Video (Performance of Beethoven's Adelaïde)
Swedish Video (Performance of Tonerna by Swedish composer Carl Leopold Sjöberg )
English Video (Post-Conference Interview by Karsten Werner ) - Q&A with Raymond Björling and Helga Zepp-LaRouche - The Coming Humanist Renaissance
English Video
Deutsch Video
Italiano Video - Final Discussion and Closing Appeal by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Deutsch MP3 audio (20.71 MiB)
Schiller Institute Conference Concluding Panel:
Classical Music: The Highest Expression of Creativity
Art and the Logos by Antonella Banaudi
Four Generations in A Family of Musicians by Raymond Björling
Thinking Without Words by Shawna Halevy
Classical Music And Scientific Discovery Excerpt from Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Post-Conference Interviews
English Video Mohammad Mahfoud interviewed by Karsten Werner
English Video Sky Shields interviewed by Karsten Werner
English Video Sergei Pulinets interviewed by Karsten Werner
English Video Raymund Björling interviewed by Karsten Werner
February 26, 2012 --The Schiller Institute conference concluded today in Berlin and was a resounding success. There were guests from 22 nations in attendance. The event represented an intervention at the highest levels in the trans-Atlantic region, to prevent the looming global thermonuclear war and offer mankind an alternative future. The opening Saturday session featured a number of unique reports from some of the frontlines of the war to save humanity. The speakers presented views that are normally suppressed, starting with Claudio Giudici, who delivered a rousing report on his battle with techno-fascist Mario Monti. Another speaker on the panel, an independent Syrian activist, gave an important indepth account of what is really going on, on the ground, in Syria. The first panel also included a report from our Irish LaRouche activist and from Jacques Cheminade, via video. Helga Zepp-LaRouche delivered her keynote. Next was the video presentation by Lyndon LaRouche followed by a live question and answer dialogue via phone hookup.
After the science panel, featuring Bruce Director, Sky Shields and Professor Sergey Pulinets, participants were treated to an extraordinary evening concert. Among the highlights were an aria from La Forza del Destino by Verdi, performed by Antonella Banaudi, and the Schiller Institute chorus and orchestra's performance of the fourth movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.
Sunday's closing session began with a science panel, which included indepth presentations on the European space perspective and the prospects of Arctic development. The latter presentation was by Ulf, who did a significant amount of new work preparing for the conference. The final panel was devoted to the subject of what it takes to be a great human being and artist. Presentations were delivered by Antonella and by a grandson of the great Swedish singer Jussi Björling, who himself performed a Swedish song, Adelaide, and An die Musik.
The concluding session consisted of a very profound discussion among the conference participants, who were duly provoked by the paradox of the immediate danger of human extinction by thermonuclear war or a pending "Great Kill" and the prospect for mankind to soar. One of the highlights of this concluding panel was the remarks of Dr. Pulinets, who described the degenerate Russian youth culture, that is so rotten that there are daily reports of youth suicides. At the same time, the conference itself provided all the participants with a clear sense of the alternative, based on the realization of man's unique capacities as a willfully creative species.