List of prominent signers
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August 5, 2015—It is high time to break the most dangerous taboo of the present: to know and act on the acute possibility, that mankind may be annihilated within days or weeks.
On the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world stands closer to the brink of thermonuclear war than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. The Obama Administration and NATO have placed mankind in jeopardy of sudden extinction through a series of senseless provocations directed against Russia, primarily, and China second.
When the Iron Curtain came down, an agreement was reached that, in return for Russian acceptance of German re-unification within NATO, there would be no further eastward expansion of NATO. Ukraine was identified as a crucial neutral buffer between East and West, with the idea that Ukraine would serve as a bridge between the European Union and the emerging Russian economic bloc.
All of those fundamental war-prevention agreements have now been violated. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, publicly boasted in December 2013 that the US had spent $5 billion on "color revolutions" to draw Ukraine into the European Union, and, eventually, into NATO.
The US unilaterally withdrew from the ABM Treaty in order to deploy a missile defense system in Eastern and Southern Europe, ostensibly aimed at Iran, but actually targeted at Russia. Last week, the Obama Administration confirmed this reality by announcing the deployment would go forward, despite the P5+1 deal with Iran. Russian officials have charged, all along, that the US unilateral BMD in Europe was part of a plan for a pre-emptive thermonuclear strike capability against Russia.
Deployment of that ABM system is well underway in Romania and Poland, and the first three ship-based AEGIS missile defense systems are already in place and have conducted maneuvers in the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea, both bordering Russian territory.
Now reports have surfaced that the upcoming Trident Juncture 15 NATO exercises will include rehearsals of use of nuclear weapons against Russia. Washington is moving ahead with production and deployment of a new generation of tactical nuclear weapons, the B-61-12, which can reach targets inside Russian territory from F-35 stealth fighter jets. An estimated 500 of the B-61-12 nuclear weapons are to be produced, with current plans calling for about 200 of them to be deployed on continental Europe.
These unmistakable provocations have not gone unnoticed in the East and West. Since the onset of the Ukraine coup in November 2013, Russia has gone through major upgrading of its entire thermonuclear strategic force. Russian defense officials have publicly warned that they have developed and deployed an undefeatable nuclear second strike. To demonstrate this, Russian strategic bombers and submarines have engaged in exercises in international waters near NATO territories.
During the duration of the month of August, there is a grave danger of provocations against Russia by President Obama, who could use the occasion of the Congressional recess to launch a war. A wide range of influential figures has already voiced these concerns, including retired Russian and American flag officers. The decision of Obama, to change the rules of engagement of the US Air Force in Syria without Congressional approval three days after Congress went into recess, bringing about the immediate danger of an escalation into a war against Syria, which the Congress voted against two years ago, underlines the acuteness of the danger.
In 1914 the world was sleepwalking into the catastrophe. Today, with arsenals of thermonuclear weapons sufficient to extinguish civilization dozens of times over, the world is sleepwalking again to the abyss.
We, the undersigned, demand the immediate stop of the confrontation against Russia and China and a return to political solutions of all conflicts.
(In signing this statement, I authorize my name to appear in its publication.)
En español. На русском языке. 呼籲阻止即將發生第三次世界大戰的危險!
List of prominent signers updated September 8, 2015 6:46 PM Eastern U.S. Time
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The following list is ordered alphabetically by country, then by last name, then by first name.
- Dr. Julio C. Gonzalez Former Technical Secretary to the Argentine Presidency (1974-1976) (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Commodore (ret) Ruben O. Moro Veteran and Historian of the 1982 Malvinas War, Former Professor at the Argentine Superior Air War College, Former Intelligence Division Chief, Inter-American Defense Board (Argentina)
- Mr. John Scales Avery Danish Peace Academy Board of Directors; Lektor Emeritus, Associate Professor, at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
- Mr. Jens Jørgen Nielsen Lecturer and Author (Denmark)
- Georges Beriachvili Classical Pianist (Paris, France)
- Mr. Jacques Cheminade Former Candidate for President of France Solidarite et Progres (Paris, France)
- Mr. Agostino Chiesa Alciator Diplomat (ret), Former General Consul General of Italy in Nice, France (Nice, France)
- Col. Alain Corvez (Ret) International Strategy Consultant, former International Relations Consultant of the Defense and Interior Ministries (Paris, France)
- Mr. Acheikh Ibn-Oumar Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Chad (Reims, France)
- Christina Kisling President of Europe Asie Avenir (Paris, France)
- Mr. Charles Paperon Veteran Fighter of the French Risistance, Decorated with the Free France Medal, Knight of the Legion of Honor in France (Brest, France)
- Dr. Louis Reymondon Honorary Surgeon of Public Hospitals of France (France)
- Mr. Jean-Jacques Seymour Radio Journalist (Paris, France)
- Prof. Dr. (ret.) Hans Fischer (Berlin, Germany)
- Mr. Alfred Gohl European Business Club of Germany (Baden-Baden, Germany)
- Valentina Haas (Luedenscheid, NRW, Germany)
- Valeria Haas (Koeln, NRW, Germany)
- Dr. Michael Paul Hacks Mayor (Hanshagen, Germany)
- Captain (ret.) Gerhard Matthes Retired Naval Captain (Straussberg, Germany)
- Rear Admiral (ret.) Gerhard Mueller Retired Rear Admiral (Rostock, Germany)
- Herr Roland Regolien Journalist (Ravensburg, Germany)
- Joachim Roth Military Scientist (Straussberg, Germany)
- Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche Founder, Schiller Institute (Wiesbaden, Germany)
- Ambassasdor Leonides Chrysanthopoulos Former Greek Ambassador to the E.U. (Aigion, Greece)
- Pietro Giubilo Former Mayor of Rome (Rome, Italy)
- Enzo Pennetta Biologist, Founder of the Website Critica Scientifica (Italy)
- Nurlan Amrekulov (Kazakhstan)
- Dr. Chandra Muzaffar President of the International Movement for a Just World (Petaling Jaya, Malaysia)
- Vera Kucherenko (Nieuwegein, Utrecht, Netherlands)
- Mr. Naeem Shakir Attorney Supreme Court of Pakistan (Pakistan)
- Roman Alexeyev (Troitsk, Moscow Reg., Russia)
- Alexei Alimov (Moscow, Russia)
- Mr. Vladimir Bezgulov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistyr, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
- Larisa Borisova (Kaluga, Russia)
- Alexandra Dranitsyna (Nizhny, Novgorod, Russia)
- Vyacheslav Kashkarov (Dubna, Russia)
- Denis Kleshchev (Alapayevsk, Russia)
- Mr. Albert Kolp Yakor Science & Technology Co. (Chelyabinsk, Russia)
- Natalia Kuryerova (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Ms. Olga Mekhtieva English Literature Teacher (Moscow, Russia)
- Eduard Nikolayev (Penza, Russia)
- Alexander Rudenko (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Natalia Seim (Moscow, Russia)
- Alexander Shambin (Maykop, Russia)
- Natalia Shvidkaya (Perm, Russia)
- Olga Ogren (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Mr. Anvar Buzukurov Takik Social and Ecological Union (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)
- Igor Plaksin (Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)
- Alexander Berman (Kremenchuk, Ukraine)
- Volodymyr Khimichenko (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Lyubov Kosyakova (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Mr. Vladimir Marchenko Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (Ukraine)
- Irina Miroshnichenko (Sumy, Ukraine)
- Ms. Natalia Vitrenko Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (Ukraine)
- Mr. Gary Littlejohn Former Briefings and Debate Editor, Review of African Political Economy (United Kingdom)
- Mr. Ed Asner Actor (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Professor Cyrus Bina Distinguished Research Professor, University of Minnesota (Minnesota, USA)
- Professor James Fetzer Professor, University of Minnesota,Author, Talk Show Host (Minnesota, USA)
- Mr. Chris Fogerty Friends of Irish Freedom (Chicago, Illinois, USA)
- Senator Mike Gravel U.S. Senator from Alaska (1969-1981) (Burlingame, California, USA)
- Mr. Jim Hogue Talk Show Host, WGDR (Plainfield, Vermont, USA)
- Mr. Will Hopkins Executive Director, New Hampshire Peace Action (New Hampshire, USA)
- Mr. Fred Huenefeld Schiller Institute (Monroe, Louisiana, USA)
- Mr. Appo Jabarian Publisher and Editor USA-Armenian Life Magazine (Glendale, California, USA)
- Mr. Kio T. Kanda Coordinator, Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National Capital Area (Alexandria, Virginia, USA)
- Ms. Bonnie Lane Co-Chair, Green Party of Maryland (Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
- Mr. Steven Lendman Independent Writer, Radio Talk Show Host (Chicago, Illinois, USA)
- Mr. Ray McGovern Tell the World (Arlington, Virginia, USA)
- Ms. Akiko Mikamo President, U.S.-Japan Psychological Services (San Diego, California, USA)
- Ms. Marie-Christine Mouis Paris Opera Ballet, Boston Ballet Company, Former Principal Ballerina (New York, New York, USA)
- Mr. Phillip Restino Vets for Peace, VFP Chapter 136 (Florida, USA)
- Major (ret) Ramonita Segarra (Florida, USA)
- Mr. John Steinbach Coordinator, Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National Capital Area (Manassas, Virginia, USA)
- Ms. Mary Sullivan Friends of Irish Freedom (Chicago, Illinois, USA)