Schiller Institute Vice Chairwoman
Amelia Boynton Robinson Tells Denmark:
Listen to the Wise Words Of Lyndon LaRouche
September 2007
Photo: Århus Stiftstidende, September 25, 2007. The picture is captioned:
"Civil Rights. In the '60s, she fought with Martin Luther King."
Århus Stiftstidende, one of the two major papers in Århus, Denmark's second largest city, has a big, beautiful picture of Amelia Boynton Robinson, the US civil rights heroine and Schiller Institute leader (see photo, right). The accompanying text covers half of their front page, with another half-page inside, with a headline: "A Lifetime Battle." The picture is captioned: "Civil Rights. In the '60s, she fought with Martin Luther King."
The main article by Henrik Havbaek Madsen[1] tells about her life fighting for civil rights and against hate. It starts out by saying that she was bleeding and left for dead on a bridge in Selma, Alabama, after a police attack on protesters that became known as Bloody Sunday. Three months ago, she went to the funeral of the man who treated her so mercilessly, because she is not capable of hating, despite the fact that she has experienced more hate than most.
The article says that Mrs. Robinson "is in Århus because she has a mission: To tell the world that it is in a mournful condition." People have 3-4 jobs to try to make ends meet, and "the big oligarchs hold people down and in ignorance." There is hate in the U.S. South because white children are told not to play with the black children, she said. They live separately, and that begets hate. She, however, has freed herself from hate. "I love everyone. And that is my secret."
A box reports on Amelia's fight for black civil rights since the 1930s and her work with M.L. King.
A second box, "Campaigning for a Better World," says: "There is an organization called the Schiller Institute, which has brought 97-year-old civil rights activist Amelia Boynton Robinson from her home in Tuskegee, Alabama to Denmark. Amelia Boynton Robinson is the vice president of the American branch of the Schiller Iinstitute, which was founded in 1984 by Helga Zepp-LaRouche. The founder is married to the American economist, politician, and former Democratic Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche, who already made a proposal for a new world economic order in 1975. And Amelia Boynton Robinson swears by Lyndon LaRouche's thinking. 'The world can be saved and poverty eliminated if that man were listened to,' she says. She is fighting persistently against what she sees as the Bush Administration's undermining of the American Constitution, and, despite her 97 years, she spends a lot of time flying around the world to give lectures. The visit to Århus is private, but if you are in Copenhagen on Thursday, you can meet Amelia Boynton Robinson in Frederiksberg Hall at 19:00 hours."
Related Links:
Amelia Boynton Robinson Featured on Danish TV
Amelia Robinson Inspires Copenhagen[1] Århus Stiftstidende Article Online In Danish
If the link to the article is broken, see our screen captures: (click images below to enlarge)
Danish TV Coverage of Amelia Boynton Robinson
What is the Schiller Institute?
Biography of Amelia Boynton Robinson
Amelia Boynton Robinson Book Excerpt
Amelia Robinson Honored in Italy
Amelia Boynton Robinson Honored in Alabama
Through The Years- January, 1995
Amelia Robinson on Jim Clark Funeral
Bloody Sunday March Reenactment
August 27, 1993 Celebration of Inalienable Rights of Man