Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Xi Jinping, Schiller Institute
and New Silk Road Report
in Arabic Newspaper
by Hussein Askary
January 2016
Jan. 21, 2016 (EIRNS)--The Arabic U.A.E. newspaper Al-Ittihad issued a wonderful column by Mohammed Aref, scientific and technology advisor, on Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran, giving full credit to the New Silk Road Lady Helga Zepp-LaRouche and the Schiller Institute for this new visionary policy.
The column, titled “China's 51st Century” (according to China's historic record), gives a very poetic and exciting image of the tour by President Xi to the region and China's emphasis on the New Silk Road and economic development in its policy declaration.
In 1997, Aref was the first Arab journalist to write a full-scale, full-page review of the first EIR Eurasian Land-Brige Report, in the London-based Arabic daily Al-Hayat, for which he was the Scientific Editor.
After debunking the argument that China's economy is in decline, Aref states:
China is redrawing the map of the world, turning the seven continents into six by making Asia and Europe one continent. ‘Let the world be, for no one can succeed in conquering the world and changing it,’ as the Chinese saying goes, and as expressed by the Chinese Foreign Ministry Arab Policy Paper which was issued last week, in which the Silk Road is revived which used to link Chinese with the Arab world for more than 2,000 years. The road of Chinese wisdom is like a ‘Silk Road’ which connects the greatest continental Asian-European landmass, and extends between the shores of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans through infrastructures for agriculture, industry, trade, technology, science and culture.
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This is the concluding paragraph of Aref's column:
"The Arab-Asian Land-Bridge: The Pulsating Heart of the New Silk Road" was the tile of my report in a London newspaper in November 1997, and I never imagined then that this project, which was designed by the Schiller Institute, would be adopted by China and that the Chinese President would bring it with him to the Arab region this week. Last September, Beijing celebrated the release of the Chinese version of the new report The Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge. In the next month the Arabic version of the report will be published next week [sic], and is prepared by Hussein Askary, the Iraqi member of the Schiller Institute, which was established the German Academician Helga LaRouche, who is called by the Chinese ‘The Silk Road Lady,’ because she paved the way for the New Silk Road through hundreds of conferences and scientific and political seminars, and she 'established the concept of the Eurasian Landbridge as a war prevention tool' according to the Chinese Scholar Deng Yifan. Helga LaRouche and China are like the woman, about whom the Chinese proverb states: 'The female always surpasses the male by her calmness, and she becomes fruitful even in her silence.' And the other proverb: The Great Country is like the lower part of the river, where the earth of the world meets the female of the world [sic].”
The column can be found at: www.alittihad.ae/wajhatdetails.php?id=87966