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Schumann Week Music Classes

Purcellville, Virginia

June 2010  

Leading into the June 20, 2010  Leesburg, Virginia Concert (here), the Schiller Institute and the LaRouche Youth Movement held a series of classes and pedagogical workshops on the historical and musical battles that Robert and Clara Schumann and others passionately fought. The Purcellville participants engaged in discussions and demonstrations, resulting in a deepened comprehension of poetry, music, and the special role of the German Lied (song) and its powerful employment of irony and ambiguities.  Below are three presentations from that week's work, and a Roundtable discussion at its conclusion.

                  1 --Harley and My-Hoa: Schumann & Bach vs. Richard Wagner


2 --Jessica and Philip: The Mind of the Composer - Robert Schumann


3 --John Sigerson: The Spiritual Dialogue of Poet and Composer


4 -- Basement Roundtable Discussion on Schumann
This Roundtable Discussion presents our celebration of the 200th birthday of Robert Schumann.
John Sigerson, Harley Schlanger, MyHoa Steger, Jennifer Getachew and Aaron Halevy discuss the significance of Robert and Clara Schumann for today, and the importance of celebrating their lives' work.


Related pages:

A Musical Offering Celebrating the 200th Birthday of Robert Schumann

Schumann Bicentennial Celebration Concert Text and Translations (PDF)

Greetings to the Celebration of Schumann's 200th Birthday in Virginia by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

200th Birthday Greeting to Robert Schumann by Harley Schlanger

Lyndon LaRouche Remarks to Schumann Bicentennial Celebration on the Performance of Mozart's Ave Verum Corpus

The Musical Soul of Scientific Creativity: Rebecca Dirichlet’s Development of the Complex Domain (PDF 1.2 MB) by David Shavin

Robert and Clara Schumann, and their teacher Johann Sebastian Bach (PDF)

Science of Music

A Revolution in Musical Tuning: Return to Verdi’s Scientific Pitch C=256 Hertz

200 Year News Flash! Schumann Sighted at His Own Birthday Fest in Virginia! by Aaron Halevy (PDF)