Foundation For the Revival Of Classical Culture Presents:
A Concert For The People of the City of New York
Fathers' Day
June 21, 2015
Friend of the Schiller Institute,
The Schiller Institute June 6th "D-Day" conference (see link to full conference proceedings below) concluded with an open rehearsal and performance of the Mozart Coronation Mass. This was performed by the Schiller Institute New York City Chorus, a far more important "weapon" in the arsenal of contemporary human progress than would be assumed or believed. The great cellist Pablo Casals (1876-1974) said in his autobiography, "The only weapons I have ever had are my cello and my baton. And during the Spanish Civil War, I used them as best I could to support the cause in which I believed--the cause of freedom and democracy. I became honorary chairman of the Musicians' Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy--the Committee, which was formed in the United States, included...Serge Koussevitzky, Albert Einstein, Virgil Thomson.. I traveled benefit concerts to raise money for food, clothing and medical supplies."
Casals was the most famous and world-influential supporter of the Spanish Republican government. "When I was offered political posts, I said no, that it was against my principles to hold any political office. But I was then asked to become president of the Junta de Música--the Council of Music, a division of the Cultural Council of Catalonia, I readily agreed." Casals, who was arguably one of the three or four greatest musicians of the last 100 years, understood where true power was--in the ability to move the hearts and minds of people to change themselves, not merely as individuals, but as a society.
Now, the Schiller Institute is doing in music what it did in science, on the question of bringing fresh water, not to California, but to the planet as a whole. The only way to bring the United States population back from the brink of psychological holocaust--a process now underway to create a culture of insanity that will tolerate, if not support war, including thermonuclear war--is to launch a cultural offensive in favor of beauty, or Classical culture.
We have a task for you--a joyful task, but a task nonetheless. Next Sunday, Father's Day, June 21st, the Foundation For the Revival Of Classical Culture will sponsor a concert at New York City's Carnegie Hall, Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage. It's called "A Concert For The People of the City of New York." It is a Classical music concert, featuring the music of Bach, Schumann, Chopin and Brahms. The performers are: Tian Jiang, piano; Borislav Strulev, cello; and 17-year-old Yaegy Park, violin. We want to encourage you all to attend that concert.
But there is a special feature to the concert. It will be tuned to the "Physical" or "Scientific" pitch of C=256 cycles per second. This is the pitch--not the current, much higher pitch, which distorts the human voice, as well as the vocal compositions designed for a much lower pitch. The higher pitch destroys voices, and is against the human physiology. The Schiller Institute for the past 29 years has been the world leader in campaigning for the Scientific pitch, directly at the inspiration, and instigation, of Lyndon LaRouche. We wrote a leaflet (available HERE) that we distributed last Monday to about 500 singers and conductors at a sing-along in Manhattan. This will be the first time that an ensemble has used modern instruments to perform at the Physical pitch, sometimes also referred to as the Verdi pitch, in Carnegie Hall since at least the 1940's or longer. It is a breakthrough concert!
Moreover, the subtitle of the concert is Classical Music Against Violence. The concert's motto is "Not war, but music; not violence, but music; not death, but music, for music is life itself." At the intermission, there will be brief remarks made by Terry Strada, leader of 9/11 Families and Survivors United for Justice Against Terrorism; and Rev. Bernard Lafayette, chairman of the board of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and the first one of King's lieutenants to volunteer to go to Selma, Alabama (this year marks the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, which was the direct result of the Selma Voting Rights Campaign of 1963-1965). Schiller Institute members from New York City have had the opportunity and privilege of hearing Terry Strada speak at two of our meetings before. Bernard Lafayette was the "adopted son" of Amelia Boynton Robinson, the former vice-chair of the Schiller Institute from 1985-2008 as well as the originator of the entire Selma, Alabama voting rights campaign.
The time has come to end the terrible condition of our people. We wish to change a currently correct observation about the American people, made earlier by William Shakespeare's Cassius in the play Julius Caesar, about the Romans of 44 BC: "The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings." The key to doing so, is to join and build the Schiller Institute chorus, and you should all join and participate, even if you think you can't sing.
Music teaching and performance is the only short-term way to reverse the illiteracy and brutalization that is increasingly characteristic of our nation. Helga Zepp-LaRouche created the Schiller Institute for a reason. She agreed with Schiller that "it is through Beauty that man proceeds to true freedom." Yes, we fight for change through politics, but that often fails by itself. Change will come from people changing themselves inwardly, but socially, as through ensemble learning and performance, in a chorus or orchestra. Then they can believe in the capacity of others to change, because they have demonstrated it to themselves and to others, in a nonviolent, creative, direct way. We invite, urge, and demand that you consider joining our chorus which meets each Thursday night at the Good Shepherd-Faith Church, 152 W. 66th Street, NYC. Think like Pablo Casals!! "Artists are the unacknowledged legislators of the world."
If you are interested in joining our chorus you can reach co-directors Diane Sare, or Michelle Fuchs, at
A link to the flier for the Father's Day, June 21st Carnegie Hall Concert is below. For tickets for the Carnegie Hall concert, contact 201-562-9890. Tickets are $50 and $80. There is a 20% discount arrangement for Schiller Institute members, if you reserve seats by Friday, June 19th through the number above. Discounts are not available through the Carnegie Box Office.
Join us for a joyful celebration this Father's Day!