Buy the DVD. Product number: SCHDV 2015-1 Price: $25 plus $3 shipping and handling.
Schiller Institute Conference
BRICS Nations Revive
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Dream:
Economic Justice Is an Inalienable Right
SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 2015, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Buy the DVD. Product number: SCHDV 2015-1 Price: $25 plus $3 shipping and handling.
An event of historic importance was convened by the Schiller Institute at the Riverside Church in New York City on January 17, 2015 to launch the next phase of mobilization for the United States to return to its Hamiltonian roots and join the BRICS. The conference, on the weekend of the Martin Luther King commemoration, was dedicated to the subject: "BRICS Nations Revive Dr. Martin Luther King's Dream: Economic Justice Is an Inalienable Right " and was streamed live to viewers across the globe and to simultaneous satellite events held throughout the nation and Ibero America.
After greetings by statesman and economist Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche situated the potential for realizing the "beautiful vision of a world without war and terrorism" which Dr. King and the BRICS nations' emerging just, new international economic order advocate. Former U.S. Attorney General (1967-69) Ramsey Clark followed Mrs. LaRouche’s keynote on the subject "Martin Luther King, Non-Violence, and American Policy Today," riveting the audience with his own historical role and call for a change in policy necessary today. The presentation by South African Ambassador to the United Nations, advocate, counsellor, and legal adviser to the Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations, Thembile Joyini represented the optimistic BRICS perspective, after which Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) addressed the event by video on the urgency of releasing the 28 pages of the 911 Commission Report.
Jeffrey Steinberg, editor of Executive Intelligence Review, presented "A Time to Break the Silence: Reversing the Illegal Use of Secrecy from the Assassinations of MLK, RFK, and JFK to the Suppression of Sen. Graham's 28 Pages”, followed followed by Jason Ross, editor of Twenty-First Century Science and Technology Magazine, who concisely summarized the "promised land" which the BRICS nations are building, emphasizing the principles behind the new worldwide economic platform coming into being. Closing remarks by Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche elaborated on the profound importance of nourishing the soul, as represented by the musical presentations which were opened and were presented throughout the conference.
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