Helga Zepp-LaRouche to German Citizens:
One Million Votes, One Million Jobs
This article is reprinted from the March 21, 2005 issue of New Federalist
In an open letter addressed to the citizens of the state of North Rhine Westphalia (NRW), Helga Zepp-LaRouche, chairwoman of the Civil Rights Solidarity Party (Lyndon LaRouches associates in Germany, the BueSo) called for support for her partys slate in the upcoming May 22 elections. These coming weeks, between now and the election, may well determine the future of Germany, and whether Social Democratic Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder becomes a tragic figure, the last Chancellor of Germany, or whether Germany takes the lead in breaking the Maastricht Stability Pact, and creating 1 million productive jobs for its mass of unemployed, Zepp LaRouche writes.
Chancellor Schroeder is currently on a suicide course, Zepp LaRouche writes, with his domestic economic policy. Under pressure from the Anglo-Dutch financial establishment which runs the European Central Bank and European Union, he has stuck with the rules against state credit creation, and for budget cutting, which have been dictated to all the European states. Schroeders coalition government, with the rabidly anti-growth Green Party, is responsible for creating massive unemployment, and for the process of lowering wages and eliminating the safety net for all Germans.
The solution, however, Zepp-LaRouche says, is that Schroeder must be convinced to change; because the alternative, the so-called Christian Democrats and Christian Socialists, are much, much worse.
If Schroeder continues to capitulate to the leadership of the EU, Zepp-LaRouche says, he will be kow-towing to the very independent central bankers who imposed fascism during the depression conditions of the 1930s. Then, it was the financial interests of these independent central banks who brought Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, and the Petain regime [in France] into power. And the same interests would react to the depression today, again with fascist policies.
To underscore her point, Zepp LaRouche describes the pilgrimages which leading German political figures, from CDU Chairwoman Andrea Merkel, to NRW CDU leader Juergen Ruettgers, to Bavarian Minister President Edmund Stoiber, have taken to the United States to confer with Barbarian Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Governor of California. She doesn't mince words: Schwarzenegger is carrying out fascist policies, she says, and these German politicians are visiting him in order to copy his model.
Particularly shocking to German citizens will be the quotes that Zepp-LaRouche includes in the leaflet from Schwarzeneggers avowed respect for Hitler. In an interview in 1977, Schwarzenegger said:
I admired Hitler, because he came from being a little man, with almost no formal education, up to power. And I admired him for being such a good public speaker, and for his way of getting to the people.
We can't live without authority. Because, I feel that a certain percentage of people were meant to do this and exert control, and a larger percent, like 95% of the people, we have to tell what to do, and how to keep order. That is why I am all for it...In Germany, there was a lot of unity. The German soldiers were the best, then the police,...
To speak to maybe 50,000 people at one time and have them cheer. Or like Hitler in the Nuremberg Stadium, and have all those people scream at you, and just being in total agreement with whatever you say, is a great thing.
Mrs. Zepp LaRouche then accuses Ruettgers, in particular, of already copying Schwarzeneggers barbarian austerity policies.
In the concluding section of the leaflet, Zepp-LaRouche outlines what she calls the only chance for the Germans to salvage the situation. She writes:
There is only one chance to stop Schroeder from becoming the last tragic Chancellor of Germany. (Neo-conservatives such as Hans-Olaf Henkel or Arnulf Baring openly speak of the fact that the basic law is out of date, and that they want another form of government.) This chance lies in Schroeder, along with France and Spain, suspending the [Maastricht] Stability Pact on account of the emergencies in Germany and Europe, and then, long before the elections in NRW, putting into motion an investment program of $200 billion euros, financed by state credit, just as the BueSo has demanded for all of Europe, in the tradition of FDRs New Deal. Only if 10 million new productive jobs are created in Germany, can there also be one million new jobs for NRW.
Other than the BueSo, no one in Germany is talking about the creation of 10 million new jobs through a state investment program. Yet recently a campaign has been launched against the spirit of this program, from neo-conservative layers, as if the immediate realization of such a program were at hand. And [Finance Minister] Eichel intends such an counter-cyclical program to be a Loch Ness monster, which would never exist.
But we are not talking about a 'countercyclical program.' The reality is that the systemic' collapse of the dollar-based financial system has already fully arrived. The collapse of the dollar and the explosion of raw materials prices are only harbingers. The system is finished.
The only chance of finding a positive way out lies in Schroeder, the Social Democrats, the trade unionists and those elements of the CDU-CSU who are still oriented to Christian values joining in the Roosevelt-oriented debate on the preservation of Social Security in the U.S. Under the leadership of Lyndon LaRouche, the majority of the Democratic Party, and a part of the Republican Party are mobilizing against the privatization of Social Security. In a very short time there will be a tsunami-style shock hitting the international financial markets. And this will be the moment when the theme of a new international financial architecture, a new Bretton Woods System, will come onto the agenda.