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Dialogue of Cultures


Journal of Poetry, Science, and Statecraft

Winter, 2003 Vol XII, No.4

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full issue, plus PDFs of each article

Table of Contents





Front Inside Cover
The Geometry
of Change

Back Inside Cover
Learning the Lessons
Egypt Taught the Greeks


Table of Contents

“It is through beauty that one proceeds to freedom.”
—Friedrich Schiller

Winter 2003

Shakespeare As a Scholar:
U.S. Politics As Tragedy
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Sophistry: Destroyer
Of Nations from Within
Michael Liebig

Plato’s Dialogues,
The Tragedy of Athens,
And the Complex Domain
Susan Kokinda

The Promise of
Mikhail Lermontov
Denise M. Henderson


A Schiller Birthday
Helga Zepp LaRouche

















The Immortal Talentof Martin Luther King

D.C. Conference: ‘Care for the People Comes First’
Zepp LaRouche at Rhodes ‘Dialogue of Civilizations’
LaRouche Speaks in Paris, Milan, Berlin
Moscow: ‘China in the 21st Century’
Mexico: Schiller choruses Open Pavarotti Concert

Ana Linda Ruiz, Choral Director

Lyndon LaRouche: Who Speaks for My U.S.A.

András Schiff in Concert

The Geometry of Change

Learning the Lessons Egypt Taught the Greeks



New Fidelio: Reversing the Tragedy of Today

by Ken Kronberg

Feb. 10 (EIRNS)—The recently released winter 2003 issue of the Schiller Institute journal Fidelio, poses the task of understanding the onrushing collapse of the world financial and monetary system not from the standpoint of “current events,” but as the culmination of a 40-year decline of American and European society into a modern-day version of the “bread and circuses” culture of Imperial Rome.

It is owing to the need to address this as a degeneration in the quality of mental life of the population—both populace and leaders—that Lyndon LaRouche directs us in his “Shakespeare as a Scholar: U.S. Politics as Tragedy,” to the power of great drama to craft the historically specific metaphors needed to inspire us in this fight for humanity's future. As LaRouche writes: “What must be evoked by the performance of Classical drama is not merely a documentation of interpersonal relations. What must be accomplished, is to lift the member of the relevant audience upwards, away from the pathetically small-minded immoralities of so-called 'morality plays,' to pass judgment upon the impassioned, historical unfolding of processes of entire societies.”

LaRouche's argument is continued by presentations by Michael Liebig and Susan Kokinda—“Sophistry: Destroyer of Nations from Within” and “Plato's Dialogues, the Tragedy of Athens, and the Complex Domain”—on Ancient Greece's auto-cannibalization in the Peloponnesian War, a self-inflicted destruction wrought by the triumph of the ideology of sophistry over the political process, as Plato portrays Socrates in battle against it in his dialogues. But, as Kokinda writes, “If the dialogues were no more than a history of Athens' tragedy, they would have their place in the important literature of our culture. But, what makes them a cornerstone of Western civilization, is Plato's discovery of a solution to the tragedy—a solution found in his examination of immortality, and of the concept of the complex domain.” Kokinda demonstrates the underlying coherence between the discoveries of the Ancient Greeks and Plato, and those of the physical scientist Carl Gauss, using LaRouche's essay “Visualizing the Complex Domain” as a guide to understanding. This question is taken up later in the magazine's Pedagogical Exercise on “The Geometry of Change,” and in its Exhibit review, “Learning the Lessons Egypt Taught the Greeks.”

How man can elevate himself above the world of the senses to become truly human through his participation in the eternal—immortality—is the subject of the Sublime. What better way to approach this, than Fidelio's Special Feature—“A Schiller Birthday Celebration!”—in which Helga Zepp LaRouche creates a dramatic dialogue from the writings of Friedrich Schiller, the great German “poet of freedom,” as a challenge to the LaRouche Youth Movement, to take his beautiful ideas into their hearts, and make them their own.

Fidelio Magazine:


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