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Anthrax Attack -- Don't Panic: Think!
October 27, 2001

Congresswoman Admits "LaRouche Was Right!"

LaRouche Responds to Anthrax Attacks-Declare a National Medical Emergency

Outline of the LaRouche Public Health Emergency Mobilization Plan

Restore DC General Hospital As a Full Service, Fully Funded, Public Hospital

Article on Infrastructure Collapse Shows Urgency of Rebuilding Health Care Capability

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LaRouche's Interviews on the Events and Aftermath September 11, 2001

LaRouche Responds to Anthrax Assaults:
U.S. Government Must
Defend the General Welfare -
Declare A

The coup d'etat against the U.S. government that American statesman, economist, philosopher, and political leader Lyndon LaRouche has identified, has clearly moved into a more advanced phase. America has been dragged into a military operation in Afghanistan that is being widely recognized as a trap, while certain crazies inside the establishment are pushing for a Middle East War-- to create their "Clash of Civilizations", which, if successful, will plunge the world into a New Dark Age.

The coup plotters fear a Dialogue of Cultures, and they fear that Russia will take the lead in creating a new set of strategic arrangements, with China and other nations of Eurasia participating in this new effort to create a new system. At the center of this are the policies and personality of American political figure and presidential pre-candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., who has developed the New Bretton Woods System for financial reorganization, and the great development projects known as the Eurasian Landbridge, now being studied and implemented in many nations. The oligarchical coup plotters prefer chaos and armageddon to allowing the progress of civilization, and, as the financial system collapses, (and with it, their power,) they use wars, destabilizations and coups, to try and destroy sovereign nation state, and the corresponding ideas of the general welfare prinicple.

The American population is now being inundated with psychological warfare, and the spreading anthrax contamination, which is clearly geared to terrorize, and to further the prospects for succeeding in the coup d'etat. It is evident that there is no unified command structure in the federal government to deal with what an only be called a national medical emergency.

To protect the National Security, a medical emergency must be declared, and dealt with from the standpoint of the GENERAL WELFARE. That means the opening up of public hospitals, and the expansion of health and nursing facilities, and above all, provision of the medication, testing , and treatment required by the POOR, regardless of their ability to pay.

As LaRouche has emphasized for years, a military model of medicine has always been the most effective, and this is what is necessary now. "Instead of panicking, we must act to force through a rapid rebuilding of those health-care and related national defenses which have been torn down since the Nixon Administration's ramming through the overturn of the Hill-Burton law with HMO legislation."

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Mobilize for a
National Medical Emergency Plan

To deal with this crisis, we must start from the top down--with the fact that this is an attack agains the United States, likely coming from powerful curcles inside the USA. We must respond by declaring a medical emergency:

* OPEN ALL THE MEDICAL and public health and pharmaceutical institutions and capabilities available. This emphatically includes DC GENERAL HOSPITAL.

*FOCUS on the POOR especially - they are the most vulnerable segment of the population when it comes to these kinds of biological attacks, becuase their immune systems are the most susceptible.

*DEFINE AN AREA of potential infection, and use the approriate antibiotics prophylatically. (When the Anthrax letter arrived in Sen. Daschle's office, the building was evacuated, everyone was tested and administered antibiotics. But no broader areaof infection was handled in the same way- not even the post office where the letter came from!)

*DO TESTING, mobilized by the Centers for Disease Control, in all other areas vulnerable to attack--nationwide. Concentrate on the areas where the poor are living

*TEST FOR signs of other biological agents, while conducting these tests for potential known infectious agents. Concentrate on the areas where the poor are living

*MOBILIZE as in Wartime.

If we get serious about this now-- we can defeat this terror attack, and rebuild the nation's public health infrastructure, along with our agriculture, industry, and education. If we wait, as we have done in the past, for "someone else to do it, " we may not get another chance!

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Anthrax Terror Spotlights 30-Year Takedown of U.S. Public Health System

by Marcia Merry Baker
October 24, 2001

This article was reprinted from the October 29, 2001 edition of New Federalist newspaper. For more information, please call 703-297-8368.

As the extent of the anthrax terrorism grows (Congress, media, U.S. postal system, White House mail machinery, New York government offices), and instances of exposure, infection, and death increase, the spotlight is on the fact that U.S. public health and medical facilities are swamped. Any routine occurrence—seasonal flu epidemic, large-scale accident—could bring down the system. This end result, not necessarily mass kill, is one of the top objectives of bioterrorism, as was stressed by the famous Soviet program Biopreparat.

The critical factor about the anthrax crisis, beyond its evil cunning, is the reality that the U.S. public health system is so badly atrophied, it "doesn't take much" to overload it. Right now in Washington, D.C., labs can't handle the testing, hospitals are strained, and so forth.

On October 23, 2001, Lyndon LaRouche commented, "I would be worried by the technical possibility of a return of the 'Spanish flu' epidemic, or some other horrors; but in any case, panic is the worst danger of all.

"Instead of panicking, we must act to force through a rapid rebuilding of those health-care and related national defenses which have been torn down since the Nixon Administration's ramming through the overturn of the Hill-Burton law with HMO legislation."

Since that 1973 Federal law authorizing HMOs, all the critical U.S. public-health ratios have declined: manpower, diagnostics, labs, hospital beds, vaccine stockpiles, to the point of clear and present danger. This was the direct result of the switchover from public infrastructure standards, to health-care de-regulation, in which so-called "market"-driven decision-making provided spectacular profits to "managed-care" companies, pharmaceutical houses, and the like.

Policy Opportunity?

The public and lawmakers stood by and let it happen. But now, you are seeing a few policy reaction surprises. On the surface level, the infamous deregulators in office, are caught out. On a deeper level, there is potential for citizen action to force a return to government policies in the public good.

Oct. 23, the first day of hearings when Congress reconvened (in makeshift quarters) after a recess to sanitize Capitol Hill buildings, Tommy Thompson, Health and Human Services Secretary, assured Congress that some $700 million would be poured into building up public health services. As Governor of Wisconsin, Thompson had been famous for cutting health and welfare services!

Oct. 22, Homeland Defense Director Tom Ridge told an anxious Washington press conference that he will spend $2 billion on anti-terrorism public health. As Governor of Pennsylvania, Ridge's sweeping cuts in state medical care led directly to increased deaths!

D.C. General Reopens

The case of the reopening of D.C. General Hospital makes the point. Last summer, the 195-year-old top-flight hospital was shut down (except for a few clinics), over the objections of the City Council, the population, and the medical community, led by Lyndon LaRouche's 2004 Presidential campaign. The reason given was "fiscal"—a decision by a Congressionally imposed Financial Control Board.

But all of a sudden, October 21, 2001, D.C. General is back on the TV screens! D.C. General was partly reopened last weekend: Some 10,000 postal workers are being screened and treated for anthrax exposure. The need for a full-service hospital has been made dramatically clear. Even so, the world-class D.C. General micro-biology laboratory, and other vital divisions remain closed.

"You are all to come to D.C. General.... We will have medicine for all of you," said Dr. Ivan Walks at the Ridge press conference Oct. 22, speaking to postal workers. Walks, head of the D.C. Public Health Department, had five months earlier wholeheartedly supported shutting the hospital down. D.C. Mayor Tony Williams and Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton stood silently by at the Ridge press conference; they had enforced shutting D.C. General.

As of Oct. 22, two D.C. postal workers were dead, and two others in serious condition, of pulmonary ("inhalation") anthrax. Health workers are now checking 36 post offices in the District. Nationally, 14 are known stricken with anthrax (seven with pulmonary infection), three are dead, and over 30 are confirmed to have been exposed.

Infrastructure Decline

Over the past 30 years, some 1,000 U.S. hospitals have been closed down; more have had their bed-count reduced, dropping the national ratio of beds per 1,000 persons from about 5 in the 1970s, down to under 3, and in many counties, 1 or none. The famous 1946 Hospital Construction Act ("Hill-Burton") had mandated a ratio of between 4.5 and 5 beds per 1,000, but this was scrapped in the 1970s.

In addition, all the other parts of our national public health "soft" infrastructure, have been undermined.

The ratio of U.S. public health workers to population dropped drastically from the 1970s to the 1990s. In the early 1970s, there was one public health worker employed (state, county, Federal combined—from nursing, to clerks, to epidemiologists, etc.) for every 457 persons; in 1999, this had fallen to one worker per 635.

Moreover, many public health jobs now involve home care and primary care, not necessarily "front-line" disease-related functions, which have been scaled back severely.

There is also a wide disparity in the ratios of public health staff per population, depending on the part of the country. The graphic shows this variation in the 10 U.S. health districts (set by the Department of Health and Human Services). As of 1999, the national ratio was 158 workers per 100,000 population. Many states are way below this ratio: Take the North Central region (Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin), with 76 workers per 100,000! For the four-state Midwest (Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and Missouri), it's 77 per 100,000! The highest ratio is in the Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska), with 200 per 100,000. (These statistics are from the Public Health Workforce, Enumeration 2000.)

U.S. vaccine output capacity, and stockpiles, fell below minimum security levels years ago—for seasonal influenza, tetanus, and similar "routine" illnesses, as well as exotic diseases. In 1985, a report on "Vaccine Supply and Innovation" by the National Institutes of Medicine and the Academy of Sciences, warned that the supply of vaccine in the U.S. was "precarious," "a threat to the public's health." They said steps were "urgently" needed to assure that stockpiles, production, and development remained adequate. This did not occur.

Now Secretary Ridge has called for 300 million doses of smallpox vaccine to be produced, as a precaution against bioterrorism. The government stockpile is under 15 million doses, and their condition uncertain. It will take through summer, at best, to produce another 54 million doses. How to produce the remainder is now under negotiation. The Gilmore Commission—the anti-terror preparedness group set up a few years ago—is expected to call this week for the Federal government to run a vaccine factory.

Mobilize our government to

To protect the National Security, a medical emergency must be declared, and dealt with from the standpoint of the GENERAL WELFARE. That means the opening up of public hospitals, and the expansion of health and nursing facilities, and above all, provision of the medication, testing , and treatment required by the POOR, regardless of their ability to pay.


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