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Renewed Call For A
New Bretton Woods Conference

September 2002

The following statement has begun circulating internationally, with the idea of updating and relaunching the February 1997 Call for a New Bretton Woods, initiated by Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Ukrainian Parliamentarian Natalia Vitrenko.

We wish to obtain high-level government and signators from around the world to join the call, and organize their governments to participate in a New Bretton Woods Conference. (See the Italian Parliament Resolution, passed on September 26, 2002.)

To add your name, send an email to the address below, with all the pertinent information.

Printable Version

Ad Hoc Committee for a
New Bretton Woods System

Six years ago, a call was circulated, for an Ad Hoc Committee for a New Bretton Woods, which was signed by over 500 parliamentarians from over 40 countries, and several hundred civil rights leaders, trade unionists, industrialists and representatives of social organizations, among them former President Jose Lopez Portillo of Mexico and former President Joao Baptista Figueiredo of Brazil. All those who signed, were motivated by their deep concern about the effects of the global financial and economic crisis. Since then, the governments of the G-7 states have shown themselves to be unwilling, to deal with the dramatically worsening crisis.

At the moment, the global world financial and monetary system has entered the final phase of its systemic crisis. Argentina is sinking into chaos, all of Latin America is following. Japan is collapsing more deeply into depression; the Bank of Japan is buying shares of banks on the stock market, in order to postpone its going bankrupt, and the subsequent global collapse of the system. The "New Economy" bubble has burst, the American economic model is shaken by a fundamental crisis of confidence, huge banks are threatened with bankruptcy, debts worldwide have become unpayable, municipalities are insolvent, and other bubbles are about to burst.

If, in this situation, in addition, a war against Iraq is launched, a war which will have incalculable consequences for the stratetic situation and the world economy, then humanity as a whole is truly threatened with catastrophe, and a descent into a New Dark Age.

It is therefore urgently necessary that the agenda of world politics be changed:

We, the undersigned, demand the immediate convocation of an emergency conference, in the tradition of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the 1944 Bretton Woods conference. The aim of this conference must be to create a new monetary and financial system, as proposed by U.S. Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche, which replaces those mechanisms that have led to the destruction of productive industrial capacities and to the existence of the speculative bubble, with mechanisms which make possible economic growth worldwide and productive full employment.

A large portion of debt worldwide must be written off, since it cannot be paid, neither by the nations of the so-called Third World, nor by the U.S.A, nor by municipalities like Berlin. The speculation in derivatives must be completely written off. We need fixed exchange rates, so that long-term investments are again possible, and a national banking system in each country, on the model of the Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau, in order to issue credit for economic reconstruction.

Instead of a policy of continuing war without any peace plan, we need an economic perspective for securing world peace. The construction of the Eurasian Land-Bridge, as the center of a global reconstruction plan for the world economy, not only means overcoming unemployment and the economic crisis, but also represents the common interest of all participating nations. Therefore, the Eurasian Land-Bridge, as a concrete concept for a new, just world economic order, is also a true vision for peace.

If the current trends of financial collapse and war dynamic continue, a catastrophe is ensured. Thus, let us change the agenda of world politics, before it is too late!

Initiating Signators:

Hrant Khachatrian, Member of Armenian Parliament, President of Union of Constitutional Rights Party

Haik Babookian, Member of Armenian Parliament

Prof. Dr. Tatyana Koryagina, Economist, Moscow.

Dr. Nino Galloni, Economist, Rome

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President, Schiller Institute

To add Your Name:
Please Send an Email to:

Please write Petition in the Subject Line
Include your City, State, Country and Affiliation

or fax to 703-771-9492

International Signers
Check Back Soon for Link

Mobilize Others

Take this Call to the State Legislatures, the U.S. Congress, National Parliaments, City Councils, Trade Unions, as well as Civic, Cultural and Religious Organizations, and organize them to adopt it as a resolution.

This is the last chance before the bubble pops, for an orderly reorganization of the financial system. Print this out today, and organize others to get moving, too.

Click here for a Printable Version of the Call

Click here for NCBSL Draft Resolution

Call 703-297-8368, or 703-297-8368 for more information.

Related Pages:

Italian Parliament Resolution September 26, 2002.

New Bretton Woods Page with links to other Articles

Physical Economy Page ( many links to other articles)

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