Civil Rights Movement Heroine Amelia Boynton Robinson At the request of the LYM in Mexico, Amelia Boynton Robinson taped the following message of greetings to Mexicans, which will be dubbed into Spanish, so it can be circulated among the Lopez Obrador movement, along with the video excerpt of Lyndon LaRouches defense of Mexico in his last webcast. August 8, 2006 Hello, our neighbor country. Mr. Lyndon LaRouches Schiller Institute, its youth movement, and I bring you greetings, with more than intense interest in your struggle for justice. As a member of Schiller Institute and one of its international vice-chairpersons, I have followed your struggle with great interest and anticipation, that you will win the political war in which you are engaged. Speaking from experience, I know you can win all of your rights, as we won much of what we asked for in 1965, but it was not easy. Yes, and there were sanctions, reprisals, blood, sweat, and many tears shed, and in some cases deaths of some who paid the supreme price. Through it all, victory was won and the shackles of mental slavery, economic reprisal, forced discrimination and humiliation, segregation that plagued blacks for hundreds of years, like blinders, fell from the mental eyes of the oppressed. Business people found that their business increased, because they had more customers, professional people had more clients, and politicians got more votes. All of these things began to show the benefits of realizing that all men are created equal, and are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Let me relate a few incidents that happened. My husband and I worked for the United States Department of Agriculture. Our job was to teach the sharecroppersfor them, life was just a cut above slaveryscientific methods in farming. Thus, getting more and better produce from the farm. There was no such thing as making a salary. We decided, if these farmers could make big crops for the landlord and receive no salary, they and their family would be better off making a small crop for themselves. We began to teach them to buy places, property of their own, and this of course irritated the landlord. And we were targetted. Though we knew it was going to be tough, we began to tell farmers, that they must try to register to vote, for a voteless people is a hopeless people, and the ballot for voting is mightier than the bullet. By lamplight at night, in the churches, we would teach the adults how to complete the one and a half pages that was the application, but many of them could not read or write. That had to be taught first. Later, George Wallace, who was the governor of Alabama, caused applications to have over a hundred questions. The schools were only three months long, and most children had to walk miles, for there was no transportation. The more we tried to enlighten our people, the more pressures we endured. For thirty years, we were harrassed and intimidated. However, others saw the fight that we were waging, and finally, joined the struggle for freedom. There was a white man who said he would loan money for a downpayment to any farmer who could find land. Landlords, local businesses, and city officials increased their harrassment of us, to the point that my husband had to retire. In fact, I resigned from the government long before he did, but he immediately opened a real estate and insurance agency in our old office across the street from the City Hall. The harrassment continued, from 7 oclock in the evening until 7 oclock in the morning. The phone rang every ten to fifteen minutes, and on the other end of the call, the caller would curse, and these are some of the words that he yelled: Get out of town, you blankety blank blank, or your house is going to be bombed! You have no right in our country! or Youd better not be seen on the streets, you ! This caused my husband to have at least three strokes. The last one was when a racist came into his office and attacked him. He went to the hospital, never to come out alive again. Even out of tragedy can come triumph. A local minister wanted to have a memorial for my husband. The deacons thought that this would not be the best thing, because they were fearful, and they feared the high sheriff who organized a posse. Through it all, the minister won, and many people of color came to the church, passing by the line of deputized sheriffs. This was on Friday night. Monday morning, the churchgoers were told they were fired, for attending the memorial. Nonetheless, the mental chain of fear was broken, and the adults marched along with the children, until they could vote. All Americans were affected, because the mushrooming of the several centuries of oppressing people of color was a chain that had to be broken. The whites lived in fear of losing their illegal oppressiveness. Of course, there were those of color who were killed, or brainwashed to the extent they knew that they had better not resist. Rosa Parks erased many fears when, in the face of grave danger, she sat on the bus so we, as citizens, could stand up and be counted nonviolently, thus fighting for justice with spiritual guidance, faith, determination, and the unity which can and did prevail. We won that battle. We had enemies in our camp, but they were convinced that when the battle was over, they would have been used up and excused, for they were only tools. Some of those who were used, were converted to the right way of life, the reward of working together to end all of the oppression and attend the Constitution, which includes the will to want to see justice and freedom for all. You will have to overcome your fear, which is only a crutch. If Benito Juarez in the 1860s could rescue Mexico out of the claws and jaws of France, England and Spain, Synarchists, Frances Emperor and other enemies within and without, certainly in this modern time, you can do likewise. Juarez undoubtedly had dignity and pride for his country and its people. He temporarily lost some of the territory, but he regained it. His faith, courage, determination and love for his people and country would not let him fail. As citizens of Mexico, fighting for a just cause, please dont let your great hero Benito Juarez down. Imagine him, as a great star in the heavens, who is pleading with you to fight nonviolently against those who politically refuse to do justice in such little, but important things as counting, or recounting, the ballots by hand. If you accept that, without demanding recount as it should be, the next election might be worse. So, you must fight against any political discrepancy. Dont make a deal with any faction. Stamp out fraud and fear, and feed the fire of courage, faith, and justice for every citizen. The enemy has always used the old weapondivide and conquer. Watch it! It cuts as a two-edged sword. There may be some among you who are wolves in sheeps clothing. I notice many Americans wearing t-shirts for their favorite team, and they wear them proudly. They are boosters who love their team. Lets love our political team with pride, and say, like the tune of the old Negro spiritual, "Oh walk together children, dont you get weary. Walk together children, dont you get weary. Walk together children, dont you get weary." Great things can happen to the working team. Just follow your legacy, handed to you by one of the worlds greatest leaders of all times, Benito Juarez.
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