Personalidades prominentes respaldan el llamado
a que
Estados Unidos y Europa
rechacen la geopolítica
y colaboren con el BRICS
Diciembre de 2014
ACTUALIZADO -- Miércoles 14 de octubre de 2015 a las 11:04 AM hora del Este de EU. Luego del anuncio de cuatro naciones europeas descollantes (Alemania, Francia, Italia y Gran Bretaña) de que tienen la intención de unirse al Banco Asiático de Inversiones en Infraestructura (BAII), la campaña internacional en ascenso para que Estados Unidos haga lo mismo y se una al BRICS, como lo plantea la resolución del Instituto Schiller, se ha vuelto más vigente y urgente que nunca. Entre los últimos firmantes se cuentan: un miembro del Senado italiano, el senador Stefano Candiani; un miembro del Consejo Regional de Lombardía, Pietro Foroni; la ex alcalde de Postdam, Alemania, Brunhilde Hanke; el secretario general de la Federación Nacional de Sindicatos Organizados (FENASO) de México, Jesús E. Ramírez Díaz; dos ex presidentes municipales de México, Manuel Ignacio Espinoza González (ex alcalde de Ures, Sonora, México) y Casimiro Navarro Valenzuela (ex alcalde de Hermosillo, Sonora, México); una prominente periodista austriaca de economía y negocios, Eva Pfisterer; y un profesor de economía del Colegio Lewis and Clark, Eric Tymoigne.
La lista incluye a otros prominentes líderes políticos, empresarios, académicos, científicos, sindicalistas y artistas de muchos países, que públicamente han suscrito la resolución que exhorta a Estados Unidos y a Europa a colaborar con las naciones del grupo BRICS en el interés de la paz y del desarrollo económico. La resolución, auspiciada por el Instituto Schiller, se emitió en respuesta al ofrecimiento que hizo el Presidente de China, Xi Jinping, a Estados Unidos para que se una al programa de desarrollo chino de la Nueva Ruta de la Seda, y a que abandone la política de confrontación particularmente con Rusia y China.
18 de diciembre de 2014 – Un conjunto de más de 100 personalidades prominentes, entre políticos, empresarios, académicos, científicos, sindicalistas y artistas de 20 países han suscrito públicamente una resolución donde se exhorta a Estados Unidos y a Europa a colaborar con las naciones del BRICS en el interés de la paz y del desarrollo económico. La resolución, auspiciada por el Instituto Schiller, se emitió en respuesta al ofrecimiento del Presidente de China, Xi Jinping, a que Estados Unidos se una al programa de desarrollo de China llamado Nueva Ruta de la Seda, y que abandone las políticas de confrontación en particular con Rusia y China.
A los prominentes firmantes se les une también más de 1000 ciudadanos de varios países que quieren con urgencia que sus gobiernos abandonen las políticas de confrontación y que colaboren con los países del BRICS, en base al principio del Tratado de Westfalia, del provecho del prójimo. El Instituto Schiller tiene el propósito de seguir juntando apoyo para la resolución de líderes intelectuales y ciudadanos en general, para crear un movimiento de masas a favor del desarrollo económico y la paz.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, fundadora del Instituto Schiller, dijo que "la idea de colaborar con el ofrecimiento de Xi Jinping a cooperar con la Nueva Ruta de la Seda es la iniciativa de paz más importante para alejar al mundo del umbral de confrontación y guerra. La colaboración en esta iniciativa es ofrece una perspectiva fantástica para la humanidad. Hago un llamado a toda la gente que distribuya esta resolución y nos ayuda a conseguir más apoyo para la misma".
La lista de las personalidades prominentes que firman la resolución se puede ver abajo.
El siguiente es el texto de la resolución:
Estados Unidos y Europa deben tener el valor
de rechazar la geopolítica y colaborar con el BRICS
Hoy día en la era nuclear, las consecuencias las consecuencias de la perspectiva geopolítica de confrontación con Rusia y con China solo puede ser la extinción termonuclear de la raza humana. En consecuencia, se debe hacer todo tipo de esfuerzo para cooperar en resolver las crisis múltiples que enfrenta la humanidad.
Las naciones del BRICS (Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica) se han unido para procurar una política de desarrollo económico no solo para sus países en particular, sino para el provecho de los pueblos de todas las naciones. Para ese fin, han creado un Nuevo Banco de Desarrollo para invertir miles de millones en proyectos de desarrollo necesarios.
Recientemente, China lanzó la iniciativa del Banco Asiático de Inversión en Infraestructura (BAII), al que se unieron más de 20 naciones de Asia como miembros fundadores; asimismo, China ha establecido ya un Fondo de Desarrollo de la Ruta de la Seda.
En la reciente conferencia de la APEC en Beijín, el Presidente chino, Xi Jinping, invitó al Presidente Obama a que se una a los esfuerzos de China y de otras naciones asiáticas, como Rusia, en el desarrollo de la Nueva Ruta de la Seda.
Estas iniciativas no son de naturaleza geopolítica. Al contrario de la Asociación Transpacífica (TPP, por sus siglas en ingles) por la que aboga Obama, la cual excluye a Rusia y a China, las iniciativas relacionadas con el BRICS, como la propuesta china de una Zona de Libre Comercio del Pacífico Asiático (FTAAP, por sus siglas en inglés), son incluyentes. Se basan en el concepto que expresaba el finado Papa Paulo VI, de que "el desarrollo es el nuevo nombre de la paz". En este sentido, en la última reunión del G-20 en Australia, tanto el Presidente Xi Jinping como el primer ministro de India, Narendra Modi, hablaron de las metas gemelas de lograr la paz global y de acabar con la pobreza mediante el desarrollo económico.
No hay problema en el mundo que no se pueda resolver con ese enfoque, y por el contrario, ningún problema se resolverá sin el mismo.
Esa cooperación entre Estados Unidos, Rusia, China e India, entre otras naciones, es necesario para derrotar la pandemia del Ébola en África.
La amenaza terrorista que representan el EIIS y Al-Qaeda apunta por igual a Rusia, China e India, así como a Estados Unidos y a Europa. Solo se le puede derrotar mediante una nueva arquitectura de seguridad basada en la cooperación.
La política de acometer "revoluciones de color" bajo el pretexto de la democracia, representa una política de guerra, aunque no se utilice esa palabra, porque su propósito es derrocar gobiernos con la ayuda de dinero extranjero. Eso tiene que parar. La campaña para imponer sanciones a Rusia por su oposición a dichas "revoluciones de colores" y al golpe de Estado nazi en Ucrania, solo exacerba la crisis global. Un enfoque basado en la cooperación mutual para lograr los objetivos comunes de la humanidad por toda Eurasia y más allá, crearía por otra parte las bases para la paz global.
Mientras que Estados Unidos ha abandonado el programa especial de Kennedy, los chinos están comprometidos con un programa lunar enfocado en la explotación del helo-3 con el propósito de generar energía de fusión nuclear ilimitada. Con la colaboración entre Estados Unidos, Europa, Rusia, China e India, entre otras naciones, el hombre podría finalmente realizar la visión de Johannes Kepler de dominar las leyes del sistema solar para beneficio del hombre.
Solo un enfoque como este restauraría a Estados Unidos y a Europa a su propósito original expresado en el Renacimiento europeo y en la Revolución Americana, un propósito que Estados Unidos y Europa han abandonado cada vez más, y el resto del mundo ha adoptado ahora y los exhorta a que lo vuelvan a adoptar.
Por lo tanto, hacemos un llamado a Estados Unidos y a Europa para que abandonen las directrices geopolíticas suicidas del pasado que condujeron a las dos Guerras Mundiales anteriores y ahora conducen a una tercera, y llamamos a construir un futuro para toda la humanidad retomando el principio del Tratado de Westfalia, para basar la política exterior en el principio de "el provecho del prójimo", el cual puso fin a la Guerra de los Treinta Años en Europa, y en el concepto de John Quincy Adams sobre una "comunidad de principios entre Estados nacionales soberanos".
Este es el único rumbo coherente con la verdadera naturaleza del hombre en tanto única especie creativa. Cualquier otro rumbo se basa en un concepto que considera al hombre como un animal, y conduce a la extinción humana.
Como patriotas de nuestras naciones, y como ciudadanos del mundo, hacemos un llamado a nuestros compatriotas y a los dirigentes de nuestras naciones para que tengan el galo de romper con el ciclo actual de bestialidad en escalada, aceptando el generoso ofrecimiento a colaborar con los BRICS.
Nombre | Apellido | Título/Organización/ Afiliación |
Ciudad | Estado | País |
Añade tu nombre a la petición aquí
- Nombre Apellido Título (Ciudad, Estado, País)
- Julio C. González former Secretary of State of the Argentine Republic, and university professor, (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Carlos Alberto Baltazar Perez Galindo Attorney (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Wilhelm Augustat President International Society “Peace Through Culture” (Linz, Austria)
- Prof. Dr. H.C. Peter Bachmeier Austria-Belarus Society (Vienna, Austria)
- Prof. Reinhard Kleinknecht Department of Philosophy, University of Salzburg (Salzburg, Austria)
- Prof. Dr. Hans Koechler President, International Progress Organization (Vienna, Austria)
- Michael Machura counsellor and engineer, Österreichischer Wirtschaftsrat (Austria)
- Eva Pfisterer Magazine Journalist, Formerly with the Osterriech Rundfunk (ORF) (Vienna, Austria)
- Dr. Harold Raffay (Vienna, Austria)
- Professor Emeritus Karl Socher Professor Emeritus University of Innsbruck, Institute for Economic Theory, Political Economy (Innsbruck, Austria)
- David Comissiong President, Clement Payne Movement; Former Senator, Government of Barbados, Former Director, Commission for Pan-African Affairs, Government of Barbados (Barbados)
- Koen Van Dessel Editor, SouthFront Dutch (Antwerp, Belgium)
- Lode Vanoost Former Deputy Speaker of the Belgian Parliament (1999-2003) (Sint-Genesius-Rode (Brussels), Belgium)
- Jean Verstappen Veteran of the Belgian Resistance, former Belgian Senator (Belgium)
- Prof. Msc. Thomas de Toledo Prof. Of Economic History and International Relations Paulist University and Secretary General of the Brazilian Center for Solidarity, Peoples and Struggles for Peace (CEBRAPAZ) (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
- Rodrigo Menezes Technical Manager and Regulatory Affairs, Eutelsat (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- Valko Petrov Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Yuri Avdiev Russian Multicultural Society of British Columbia (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
- María Luz Navarrete Alarcón Vice President for Social Security of the Aquí la Gente Citizens Movement (Santiago, Chile)
- David Gontar Adjunct Professor of English and Philosophy, Inner Mongolia University (China)
- Jhon Jairo Jaramillo Liberal Arts Professor, University of Valle (UNIVALLE) (Colombia)
- Pedro Pablo Escobar Morales President, Unified Education Workers Trade Union (SUTEV) (Buga, Colombia)
- Carlos Julio Diaz Lotero, General Director, National Trade Union School, Unified Workers Federation (CUT) (Medellin, Colombia )
- Hugo Andersen Director, Taarnby Karroserifabrik (Taarnby, Denmark)
- John Scales Avery Associate Professor Emeritus, at the Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Chairman of The Danish Peace Academy, Contact Person in Denmark for Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs (Denmark)
- Anika Telmányi Lylloff Violinist (Denmark)
- Mohammed Mafoud Head of Danish- Syrian Union (Denmark)
- Jens Jorgen Nielsen Lecturer, Niels Brock Business School (Denmark)
- Thomas Grønlund Nielsen Physics Lecturer (Herlufsholm Skole, Denmark)
- Ole Skjold former director Ole Skjold ApS (Frederikssund, Denmark)
- Erling Svendsen Former President Danish Wheat Growers Association (Hvalso, Denmark)
- Ole Valentin-Hjorth Masters Degree in Economics (Denmark)
- Ramon Emilio Concepción Attorney (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
- Jorge Washington Núñez Sánchez Former President of the Association of Latin American Historians (Quito, Ecuador)
- Gonzalo Oviedo Senior Advisor, International Union for Conservation of Nature (Quito, Ecuador)
- Alexis Ponce Defender of Human Rights (Ecuador)
- Peter Liskola Former Diplomat and Member of the Council of Europe, International Law Expert (Finland)
- Georges Beriachvili Pianist (Paris, Ile de France, France)
- Jean-Paul Brignoli Mayor (Ormey, France)
- Claude Champaud Honorary President of the Rennes University, President of the Scientific Council of the foundation for Research on the Corporate Doctrine (Rennes, France)
- Marc Chautemps Mayor of Gemeaux (Gemeaux, France)
- Jacques Cheminade President of Solidarité et Progrès (Paris, France)
- Gérard Coinchelin Deputy Mayor (Denipaire, France)
- Col. (ret) Alain Corvez Counsellor for international strategy and former advisor to the General-in-Command of UNIFIL (France)
- Pierre Eboundit President of the Pan-African Leauge—Umoja (Reims, France)
- Evard Garnier Mayor, Lorignac (Lorignac, France)
- Alain Giletti Former Champion Figure Skater (tours, France)
- Michele Guerin Economist, Consultant (Paris, France)
- Deva Koumarane Poet, Teacher Indian Studies (Rambouillet, France)
- Jean-Yves Lapeyrere Mayor of Mijoux (Mijoux, France)
- Jean-Pierre Luminet Author, Astrophysicist Laboratory of Physical Sciences of Marseille (France)
- Eugene Perez Mayor, Chamouilley (France)
- Catherine Plantevin Archeologue, INRAP (Lyon, France)
- Ali Rastbeen President Geopolitical Academy Of Paris (Paris, France)
- Dr Louis Reymondon honorary Surgeon of French hospitals and President of VietAmitié (France-Vietnam Friendship Association) (France)
- Jean-Jacques Seymour Radio Journalist (Paris, France)
- Bernard Sutter Mayor of Sternenberg (Sternenberg, France)
- Bassam Tahhan Franco-Syrian Professor of Geostrategy, Ecole nationale supérieure des techniques avancées (ENSTA) (Paris, France)
- Frithjof Banisch Career Military Officer (retired) (Baruth/Mark, Germany)
- Erich Bea Former Citycouncilman (Gerlingen, Germany)
- Dr. Johannes Maria Becker Privatdozent Phillips University, Center for Conflict Studies (Marburg, Germany)
- Runhild Boehm Author (Tuebingen, Germany)
- Nicolai Dolmetsch District Chapter Chairman Left Party (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Wolfgang Effenberger Publicist (Rosenheim, Bavaria, Germany)
- Hans-Juergen Ehlers Retired State's Attorney (Rosenheim, Bavaria, Germany)
- Anatol Graf Federal Council for the Integration of Germans from Russia (Berlin, Germany)
- Dr. Josef Gruber Professor, Emeritus (Hagen, Germany)
- Brunhilde Hanke Former Mayor of Potsdam Germany (1961-1984) (Potsdam, Germany)
- Juergen Heiducoff Former German Military Attache in Afghanistan (Uebach, Germany)
- Uwe Heimrich Mayor Thueringen Germany (Thueringen, Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Hennig Physicist (Prima, Germany)
- Erika Herbrig Former Director of the Historical Memorial Site of the Potsdam Agreements (Cecilienhof, Germany)
- Dr. Eckehard Arnold Hilf Author (Gensbach, Germany)
- Martin Hoffman Lawyer, German India Round Table (Leipzig, Germany)
- Dipl.-Ing. Enayetullah Ishaqzay Economist, (Goettingen, Germany)
- Prof. Helmut Keutner Beuth Hochschule fuer Technik (Berlin, Germany)
- Dr. Ing. Eberhard Langer Former Mayor of Chemnitz (Chemnitz, Germany)
- Gerhard Matthes Naval Officer (retired) (Strausberg, Germany)
- Gerd Medger Board Member, Brazilian-German Association for Business and Science (Dresden, Germany)
- Ekaterina Medvedeva-Schwerbock Actress (Berlin, Berlin, Germany)
- Alena Petrova General Director, Art Assemblee Agency, GmbH (Baden-Wurtemberg, Germany)
- Michael Plum Project Manager and Former Chairman of the Left Party Landau (Landau, Germany)
- Dr. Albrecht Poth Scientific Director (Rossdorf, Germany)
- Ronald Regolien Journalist (Ravensberg, Germany)
- Dorothea Schleifenbaum County Councilwoman Siegen-Wittgenstein (Siegen, Germany)
- Dr. Kurt Schumann Embassy Counselor a.D. (ret.) (Germany)
- Dr. Hermann Schwiesau Ambassador a.D. (ret.) (Germany)
- Dr. Gallus Strobel Mayor, Triberg Germany (Triberg, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany)
- Dmitris Tzamouranis Greek Visual Artist (Berlin, Germany)
- H.C. von Sponeck Former U.N. Assistant Secretary General (Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Carl-Otto Weiss Research Director at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) (Braunschweig, Germany)
- Philipp Windemuth J.D. Company Dentons Europe LLP (Berlin, Germany)
- Helga Zepp-LaRouche Founder, Schiller Institute (Wiesbaden, Germany)
- Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos Ambassador (ret), Member of the Political Secretariat of EPAM (United People's Front) (Greece)
- Panos Kammenos President of the Independent Greeks, Member of the Hellenic Parliament (Athens, Greece)
- Lefteris Karayannis Ret. Ambassador, Diplomatic advisor to Panos Kammenos . (Athens, Greece)
- Theodore Katsanevas Chairman of the Drachma 5 Party (Athens, Greece)
- General (ret) Konstantinos Konstantinides one of the founders of Generals Against Nuclear War (Greece)
- Dr. George Pararas-Carayannis Chairman, 6th International Tsunami Symposium, COSTA RICA 2014; President Tsunami Society International; Editor, SCIENCE OF TSUNAMI HAZARDS; (Greece)
- Philippos Tsalides Professor of Electronics, Democritus University of Thrace,President of the Institute of Geopolitical Studies “National Regeneration” (Xanthi, Greece)
- Dr. George Tsobanoglou Vice President, International Sociological Association, Research committee on Sociotechnics / Sociological Practice (Greece)
- Raul Aníbal Marroquin Casasola Former Secretary-General, Union of Workers of the National Institute of Electrification (INDE-STINDE) (Guatemala)
- Jacques Bacamurwanko Former Ambassador of Burundi to the United States (Conakry, Guinea)
- Yufang Guo Chairman, Jomec International (Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Holland)
- Shalini Pradhan, DDS A/8 Model Town Housing Scheme (Mumbai, India)
- Dr. Vinod Saighal Executive Director, Eco Monitors Society (New Dehli, India)
- Arun Shrivastava Author (New Dehli, India)
- Seyed Hossein Mousavian Research Scholar, Program Science and Global Security Princeton University, Former Iranian Ambassador to Germany, Former Head of the Foreign Relations Committee of Iran's National Security Council (Iran)
- Sami Rasouli Founder, Muslim Peacemakers Team (Naajaf, Iraq)
- Eugene Douglas Editor, LaRouche Irish Brigade (Armagh, Ireland)
- Antonella Banaudi Opera Singer (Sanremo, Liguria, Italy)
- Luca Bertoni Secretary, Lombardy-Russia Cultural Association (Milan, Italy)
- Senator Stefano Candiani Member of the Italian Senate (Rome, Italy)
- Gabriele Chiurli Member, Tuscany Regional Council (Arezzo, Italy)
- Prof. Guglielmo Forges Davanzati University of Salento (Lecce, Italy)
- Gianmatteo Ferrari Vice-President, Lombardy-Russia Cultural Association (Milan, Italy)
- Pietro Foroni Member of the Regional Council in the Lombardy Region (Milan, Italy)
- Nino Galloni Economist, (Italy)
- Alfonso Gianni Director of the Cercare Ancora Foundation (Rome, Italy)
- Pietro Giubilo Former Mayor, Rome Italy (Rome, Italy)
- Tiberio Graziani President, Institute of Advanced Studies in Geopolitics (Rome, Italy)
- Paolo Grimoldi Member of the Italian Parliament, Founder of the Parliamentary group, “Friends of Putin” (Carugate, Italy)
- Giacomo Guarini Administrative Director, Institute for High Studies of Geopolitics (Rome, Italy)
- Armando Manocchia Journalist, Editor in Chief Imola (Imola, Italy)
- Prof. Giulio Sapelli Economist, University of Milan (Milan, Italy)
- Gianluca Savoini President, Lombardy-Russia Cultural Association (Milan, Italy)
- Enzo Siviero Member of the Italian National Council of Universities (Padua, Italy)
- Valentina Iorio Tomasetti City Councilwoman (Galliate Lombardo, Italy)
- Marcello Vichi Author, Transaqua, an Idea for the Sahel, Former Director Foreign Department, Bonifica Engineering Company, IRI Group (Rome, Italy)
- Daisuke Kotegawa Former Japanese Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (Tokyo, Japan)
- Ramadhan W. Ali Minority Leader-Member of County Assembly (County of Uasin Gishu) (Eldoret, Kenya)
- Chandra Muzaffar President of the International Movement for a Just World (Kuala Lampur, Malaysia)
- Luis Benito Acosta Jiménez Agronomist, Director General, Agronomy Federation of Mexico City (Mexico City, D.F., Mexico)
- Carlos Arellano Palma Architectural engineer, Mexican Association of Engineers (Mexico City, D.F., Mexico)
- Manuel Ignacio Espinoza González Primary School Teacher, former Municipal President (PRD) (Ures, Sonora, Mexico)
- Casimiro Navarro Valenzuela Industrial Engineer, Former Municipal President (PAN) (Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico)
- Esteban Palma Bautista Civil engineer, Mexican Association of Engineers, (Mexico City, D.F., Mexico)
- Gaston Pardo-Pérez journalist, Réseau Voltaire (Veracruz, Veracruz, Mexico)
- Jesús E. Ramírez Díaz Secretary General, National Federation of Organized Trade Unions (FENASO) (Mexico)
- Rosa Elia Romero Guzmán Federal Congresswoman (Oaxaca, Mexico)
- Jose Modesto Torres Valerio Secretary General of the University of Sonora Workers and Employees Union (SETUS) (Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico)
- Heinz Oberdorfer Musician (Hilversum, Netherlands)
- José Francisco Rosales Argüello Vice President of COPPPAL (Permanent Conference of Political Parties of Latin America and the Caribbean) , Justice Nicaragua Supreme Court (Nicaragua)
- lloegbunam Ngoesina General Organizer of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) (State of Anambra, Nigeria)
- Naeem Shakir Supreme Court Attorney of Pakistan (Lahore, Pakistan)
- Mario Rognoni Journalist, Businessman, Engineer (Panama City, Panama)
- Architect Julio A. Mendoza President of the Chamber of Housing and Infrastructure of Paraguay (Paraguay)
- Dr. Jacek Nowak Executive Director at The Institute for Intercultural Communication and Interdisciplinary Studies SILK ROAD (Radom, Poland)
- Teresa Nowak Chairman of the Board at The Institute for Intercultural Communication and Interdisciplinary Studies SILK ROAD (Radom, Poland)
- Paulo Estevao Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Azores (Corvo Azores, Portugal)
- Yim Sungbin Former Secretary to the President of the Republic of Korea for Climate and Environment (Republic of Korea)
- Sergei Cherkasov Deputy Director for Research, State Geological Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
- Markiyan S. Chubey Senior Scientist, Pulkovo Main Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Guzel A. Danukalova Institute of Geology, Ufa Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ufa, Russia)
- Roman Krivonos Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
- Victor Kuzin Head of Moscow Bureau for the Defense of Human Rights without Borders, (Moscow, Russia)
- Tamara Lavrovskaia The International Centre of Civil Responsibility (Moscow, Russia)
- Olga Mekhtieva Teacher of English Literature (Moscow, Russia)
- Stanislav N Nekrasov professor; Chairman, International Legal and Futurological Information Agency (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
- Alexander D. Petrushin Institute for Demography, Migration, and Regional Development (Moscow, Russia)
- Sergey Pulinets Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
- Felix M. Royzenman Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
- Professor Marietta Stepanyants UESCO Chair “Philosophy in the Dialogue of Cultures”, Institute of Philosophy (Moscow, Russia)
- Sergei V. Zaitsev Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Russia)
- Olga Zinovieva Co-Chaqirman Rossiya Segodnya Ziniviev Club (Moscow, Russia)
- John Bosnitch International Journalist, Political Activist (Belgrade, Serbia)
- Prof. Dr. Ana Langovic Milicevic Faculty of Art and Design, Megatrends University (Belgrade, Serbia)
- Father Themi Adamopoulous Greek Orthodox Priest (Sierra Leone)
- Jan Carnogursky Former Dissident of Czechoslovakia, Former Justice Minister, Slovak Republic (Slovakia)
- Hon. Mdaka Falaza Chief Whip for the Limpopo Provincial Legislature (Limpopo Province, South Africa)
- Fahrie Hassan The Film Club (Cape Town, South Africa)
- Sizwe Mbalo Legislator Free State (Bloemfontein, South Africa)
- Simon Mothoa Acting Secretary, Provincial Legislature (Limpopo Province, South Africa)
- Sebastian Martin Director, (Puerto del Rosario, Islas Canarias, Spain)
- Fructuoso Rodríguez Morales retired transport union leader (Las Canarias, Spain)
- Javier Otazu Ojer Economics Professor, UNED in Pamplona (Pamplona, Spain )
- Greger Ahlberg Architect (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Leena Malkki-Guignard producer, opera singer, Operafabriken (Malmo, Sweden)
- Daniel Mena Member, City Council (Helsingborg, Sweden)
- Professor Heinrich Bortis Professor of Political Economy, University of Freiberg (Freiberg, Switzerland)
- Tomader Gohar Citizens for Peace Building (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Alfonso Tuor Journalist, Economist (Lugano, Switzerland)
- Dominique von Burg Art Historian and Art Critic (Zurich, Switzerland)
- Dr. Gerd Joseph Weisensee Delegate of the Board of Directors Pro-Life Association (Bern, Switzerland)
- Mother Agnes Mariam of the Cross Mother Superior at the Monastery and Convent of St. James the Mutilated (Qara, Syria)
- Mustafa Acar Professor, Dr. Rector, Aksaray University (Aksaray, Turkey)
- Vladimir R. Marchenko Confederation of Labor of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Natalia M. Vitrenko Doctor of economics; Chairman, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Dr. Jonathan Cartmel Professor, Glyndwr University (Wrexham, United Kingdom)
- Nicholas Cobb Managing Director and Founder Cobb Energy Communications, Chairman of the Westminster Russia Forum (London, United Kingdom)
- Rt. Hon. Michael Meacher Labour Member of the House of Commons, Former Cabinet Minister and National Executive Member of the Labour Party (Oldham, United Kingdom)
- Robert Oulds Director of the Bruges Group (Conservative Party), Local government councillor for the London borough of Hounslow Author and Military Historian (London, United Kingdom)
- Mike Robinson Editor, UK Column (Plymouth, United Kingdom)
- Professor Prem Sikka Essex Business School at University of Essex Professor of Accounting and Economist (Colchester, United Kingdom)
- Dr. Daya Thussu Co-Director, India Media Center, University of Westminster (United Kingdom)
- Paul Webb Screen Writer (London, United Kingdom)
- Ricardo Cabeza IT Technician (Montevideo, Uruguay)
- Morad Abou-Sabe Arab American League of Voters of NJ (Monroe, New Jersey, USA)
- Amer Aboud Syrian American Forum (Chicago, Illinois, USA)
- Fidel Acevedo Co-Chair, Progressive Hispanic Caucus, Texas Democratic Party (Texas, USA)
- Ramatu Ahmed Founder, Federation of African Muslim Women in America (Bronx, New York, USA)
- George Albantov Co-Founder, Vice President of the Russian-American Youth Association (Seattle, Washington, USA)
- U.S. Representative (ret.) Rodney Alexander Former Congressman (Monroe, Louisiana, USA)
- John Rich Anderson Former Director, Texas and Southwest Cattle Ranchers Association (Gale, Texas, USA)
- Konstantinos Angelis Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of Greater Philadelphia (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Litga Angelis Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of Greater Philadelphia (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Dr. Raymond Armstrong Monroe Louisiana City Council, District 1 (Monroe, Louisiana, USA)
- Rev. Hector Arriaga Pastor, Jesus es el Kryios Church (Alexandria, Virginia, USA)
- Edward Asner Actor (Valley Village, California, USA)
- Syed Hossain Babu Actor, Director, Screen Writer (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- John D. Baker, MSG, United States Army (ret.) President, CEO, Tubamirum Productions (Maryland, USA)
- Dr. Panayiotis Baltatzis Hellenic Society Paedeia (Parkville, Maryland, USA)
- Shiri Barnhart First Vice-President and Chairman, Executive Board, Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (Pennsylvania, USA)
- Roseanne Barr Comedienne and former Presidential candidate, Peace and Freedom Party (Hawaii, USA)
- Nathaniel Batchelder Director, Oklahoma City Peace House (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA)
- Roland L. Beanum Economic Adviser to Papua New Guinea (Valley Center, California, USA)
- Edith Bell Coordinator, Pittsburgh, Pa. Branch, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Rev. Alonzo Bell Pastor, Martin Evans Missionary Baptist Church (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
- Robert Beltran Actor, Director (Los Ageles, California, USA)
- James Benham State President, Indiana National Farmers Union (Versailles, Indiana, USA)
- Prof. Cyrus Bina Distinguished Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota (Morris, Minnesota, USA)
- George Bioletto International Association of Machinist Trustee (Long Beach, California, USA)
- Lili Bita Writer, Helenic News of America, Poet Actress, Dramatitist (Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Kofi A. Boateng, PhD African Federation, Inc. (Ossing, New York, USA)
- Charles H. Borowsky, M.D. President and Founder, Intermuse (Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
- Roger Boyer Stanford Linear Accelerator (retired) (Menlo Park, California, USA)
- Amelia Boynton-Robinson Civil Rights Leader (Tuskegee, Alabama, USA)
- Elena Branson President, Russia Center (New York, New York, USA)
- Mark Bush CEO Southoil (Houston, Texas, USA)
- Douglas Caddy Attorney (Houston, Texas, USA)
- Monica Calzolari Director, Enrollment Communications, University of Massachusetts Boston (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
- Charles E. Campbell Founder and CEO, Allen Hydro Energy Corporation (Columbus, Ohio, USA)
- Gerald Caprio Director, Ahimsa Berkeley (Mill Valley, California, USA)
- Dimitri Carapanos CEO, (Emeryville, California, USA)
- Bernard Casey Former President of American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (2014) (San Jones, California, USA)
- Dr. Ifay Chang Board of Directors, U.S.-China Forum (Katonah, New York, USA)
- Howard Chang Professor of Hydraulic Engineering (ret) San Diego State University (San Diego, California, USA)
- Victor Chang Retired Professor University of Southern California, Director, Institute of Sino Strategic Studies (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Mr. Richard Chen Board of Directors, U.S.-China Forum (USA)
- Mr. Charley Y.C. Cheung So. California Committee for the Commeroation of the 70th Anniversary of the Ending of WWII (California, USA)
- Nicholas Chingas Greek-American Student Association, Saint Joseph University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Dr. William Chow Board of Directors, U.S.-China Forum (Glendale, California, USA)
- U.S. Rep. Donna Christensen Former Delegate of the U.S. Virgin Islands to the U.S. House of Representatives 1997-2014 (U.S. Virgin Islands, USA)
- Andreas Christou Supreme Vice-President, Sons of Periclese (Schenectady, New York, USA)
- Wang Chung Ping President, Institute Sino Strategic Studies (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Mario J. Civera, Jr. Chairman, Delaware County Council, Pennsylvania (Media, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Albert Clark San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (San Diego, California, USA)
- Ramsey Clark US Attorney General 1967-69 (New York, New York, USA)
- Dr. Luis G. Collazo Minister, former head of the Puerto Rico chapter of the Jubilee Network USA (Puerto Rico, USA)
- Jaime Contreras business representative, Painters Union, Las Vegas, Nevada, Las Vegas Chapter Co-ordinator for Labor Council For Latin American Advancement (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)
- Hal Cooper Transportation Engineer, Advisory Board for Seattle's Freight Transportation Division (Seattle, Washington, USA)
- Raymond Cordova Chair, Central Labor Council, (Garden Grove, California, USA)
- Frank Cottone Secretary, Monmouth County, N.J. Constitution Party (New Jersey, USA)
- Brian Crowell Teacher, former Shop Steward, American Federation of Teachers Local 1078 (Berkley, California, USA)
- Dr. Fred Dallmayr Co-Chair, World Public Forum—Dialogue of Civilizations (South Bend, Indiana, USA)
- Fr. Richard F Davidson, FSGG (Francican Servants of God's Grace) Trustee, Black Robe Regiment of New Jersey (New Jersey, USA)
- Dr. Bill Deagle Genesis Communication Network, Host, Nutri-Medical Report (California, USA)
- Daniel Deeter Founder and CEO of Chancellor Business Development and Advisor to the Executive committee of CTX Mining (North Palm Beach, Florida, USA)
- Stephen P. DeGot Ecoban Securities Corp. (New York, New York, USA)
- Atul Deshmane CEO/Pesident Whole Energy Corporation (Seattle, Washington, USA)
- Terry Dewolfe Health Care for All, San Gabrielle Valley Chapter (San Gabrielle, California, USA)
- T. Herbert Dimmock Founder and Music Director of the Bach Concert Series (Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
- Judge Jim Dimos Former Speaker of the Louisiana State House of Representatives, Retired District (Monroe, Louisiana, USA)
- Robert Dodge, MD Board Member, Physicians for Social Responsibility (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Paul Driessen Author, Eco-Imperialism—Green Power, Black Death (Washington, D.C., USA)
- Dorceal Duckens Ebony Opera Guild (Houston, Texas, USA)
- Charlton Dunn Senior Engineer (retired) Rocketdyne and Atomics International (Paso Robles, California, USA)
- Lt. Col. Stanley Dzierzeski, USAR, ret. Director, Polish American Congress, Eastern Massachusetts (Belmont, Massachusetts, USA)
- E. Leopold Edwards retired faculty Howard University (Washington, D.C., USA)
- Edwin Edwards Former Governor of Louisiana (Louisiana, USA)
- Dr. T.M. Fasy Muslim Peacemaker Teams (New York, New York, USA)
- James H. Fetzer PhD McKnight Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota, Duluth (Duluth, Minnesota, USA)
- Chris Fogarty Columnist. Chair of Chicago Friends of Irish Freedom. Author of and "Ireland 1845-1850; the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it 'Perfect'." Twice-Framed by MI5/FBI, vindicated both times. (Chicago, Illinois, USA)
- Fran Foulkrod Vice-Chair, Philadelphia Chapter, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
- James Fox President, American Fertilizer Trade, LLC (Great Neck, New York, USA)
- Jimmie Franklin V.P. Summerdale Community Organization (Memphis, Tennessee, USA)
- Cornelius Gallagher U.S. Congressman 1959-1973 (New Jersey, USA)
- Habib Ghanim, Sr. President, D.C. Halal Chamber of Commerce (Silver Spring, Maryland, USA)
- Donald Gibson Professor Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh, author of Wealth, Power, and the Crisis of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Battling Wall St.: The Kennedy Presidency (Greensburg, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Sergey Gladysh Co-Founder and President of the Russian-American Youth Association (Seattle, Washington, USA)
- Henry C. Gonzalez Mayor of South Gate, California, Founder and Former President of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (South Gate, California, USA)
- James Gooden President, Los Angeles Trade Tech College Association of Student Organizations (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Senator Mike Gravel Former U.S. Senator from Alaska (Burlingame, California, USA)
- Lisa Gray Chair, North American Chinese Coalition(NACC) (Michigan, USA)
- Melvin Grimes President and Founder, A Fresh Drink of Water (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- W. Dennis Grubb Director, Investia, Ltd. Development, Finance Expert (Washington, D.C., USA)
- Nitin Gujaran President, Association for India's Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)
- Sami Hadgis Dean, School of Hospitality Management, Widener University (Chester, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Don Hank Editor-in-Chief (Laigle's Forum, USA)
- David Hartsough Peaceworkers (San Francisco, California, USA)
- Cathy M. Helgason, MD Professor of Neurology (retired) University of Illinois College of Medicine (Chicago, Illinois, USA)
- George C. Hillman, MBA American Entrepreneur (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
- Samuel Hoff Liberian Community Activist (Torrence, California, USA)
- Art Hoffman Membber Orange County Democratic Committee (Santa Ana, California, USA)
- Jim Hogue Host, WGDR radio (Plainfield, Vermont, USA)
- Lok Home President of the Robbins Co. (Solon, Ohio, USA)
- Thomas Hoverston Former Columbia County Republican Party Chairman (Lodi, Wisconsin, USA)
- Prof. James C. Hsiung Professor of Politics and International Law, New York University (New York, New York, USA)
- Hunter Huang Pres. National Association for China's Peaceful Unification (Washington, D.C., USA)
- Fred Huenefeld Member State Democratic Party Central Committee, Louisiana (Monroe, Louisiana, USA)
- Anna Ikeda Board Member, Metta Center for Non Violence (Harrison, New Jersey, USA)
- Appo Jabarian Executive Editor and Managing Publisher, USA Armenian Life Magazine (Glendale, California, USA)
- Rep. Thomas Jackson State Representative Alabama (Alabama, USA)
- Constance Johnson Oklahoma State Senator (retired) District 48 (Oklahoma, USA)
- Cynthia Johnson Co-founder Brownie Mary Democrats (Bakersfield, California, USA)
- Dr. Ernest L. Johnson President, NAACP Louisiana State Conference (Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA)
- Ralph Johnson Professional Engineer, Nuclear Industry (Seattle, Washington, USA)
- Sam Kahl District Leader, Democratic Party of Multnomah County Oregon (Portland, Oregon, USA)
- Eleni Kalstidou Hellenic Student Association, Saint Joseph University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Petros Karamanidis Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of Greater Philadelphia (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Lateef Kareem-Bey God's Army for the Advancement of All People (Americus, Georgia, USA)
- Konstantinos Karvaris Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of Greater Philadelphia (Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Pauline Kathopoulis Vice-President, Hellenic Student Association, Drexel University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Tarak Kauff Veterans for Peace National Board of Directors (St. Louis, Missouri, USA)
- Fred Kaviani sales manger surface transportation systems, Monogram Systems (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Vasilios Keisoglou Epirotes Society of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Sang Joo Kim Founder and Director, Institute for Corean-American Studies (Washington, District of Columbia, USA)
- Father Labib Kobti Former Priest of St. Thomas More Church, Founder of Al-Bushra website (San Francisco, California, USA)
- Paul Kotrotsios President, Hellenic American National Council, Publisher, Hellenic News of America (Broomall, Pennsylvania, USA)
- George Krasnow President, Russian-American Goodwill Association (USA)
- Keerthana Krishnan Executive Director, Association for India's Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)
- Bernard, Jr. Lafayette Chairman of Board Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) (Tuskegee, Alabama, USA)
- Peter Lago Chief Operating Officer, LionsGate Corporation (San Francisco, California, USA)
- Beth K. Lamont NGO Representative to the United Nations for the American Humanist Association (New York, New York, USA)
- John J. Lampl North Dakota AFL-CIO Region 8 Vice President (former) (Dickenson, North Dakota, USA)
- Lyndon H. LaRouche Economist, Statesman (Round Hill, Virginia, USA)
- Eric Larsen author, The Skull of Yorick: The Emptiness of American Thinking at a Time of Grave Peril (New York, New York, USA)
- LaMar Lemmons III At Large Member, and former President Detroit Board of Public Education; former member Michigan House of Representatives (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
- Stephen Lendman independent writer/author/radio host (Chicago, Illinois, USA)
- Agnes Lin Senior Research Scientist in Education and Information Studies (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Edward Lozansky, PhD President and Founder, American University in Moscow Founder, World Russia Forum (Washington, D.C., USA)
- Kevin Lynn Director, Center for Progressive Urban Politics (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Harold L. Madison Community Organizer and Community Diplomat (Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
- Wayne Madsen Publisher and Editor, The Wayne Madsen Report (USA)
- Clyde Magarelli Former Director of War Studies, William Paterson College, Author, Professor of Sociology (USA)
- Mike Manypenny Member, West Virginia House of Delegates (West Virginia, USA)
- Dr. Nelson Mar Board of Directors, U.S.-China Forum , Asian-American Senior Center (Newport Coast, California, USA)
- Heliatrice Marques Co-Founder and President of BRICS Working Group, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University (New York, New York, USA)
- Marie Martin Stop Mass Incarceration (Inglewood, California, USA)
- Vance McAllister Former U.S. Representative (2013-2014) (Monroe, Louisiana, USA)
- Eli Mellor Writer, Activist, Founder, The Time is Now Institute, "anti-corporate activist, provacateur and self-styled seer of 30 years of public and foreign policy disasters". (Claremont, California, USA)
- Biship Juan Carlos Mendez Pastor, President, CEO, Centro Cristiano Bet-El (South Gate, California, USA)
- Joaquin Meneses Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Kyriakoula Micha International Speaker, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Professor Mark Crispin Miller Author, Professor of Media Studies, New York University (New York, New York, USA)
- Thomas Grolund Miner Chairman and CEO of Thomas H. Miner Associates, Inc. (Chicago, Illinois, USA)
- Saket Mishra Volunteer, Association for India's Development, MIT (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
- Theo Mitchell, Esq. Former State Senator, (Greenville, South Carolina, USA)
- Constantinos Mitoulis Pan Macedonian Society of Philadelphia (West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Sen. Jeff Monroe State Senator (South Dakota, USA)
- Wayne Moore, PhD Chief Scientist, Accel Algorithmics (Santa Barbara, California, USA)
- Anthony Morss Music Director and Principal Conductor of the New Jersey Association of Verismo Opera, Inc. (New York, New York, USA)
- Pastor Joseph Moussa Pastor for Arabic Christian Churches in Rockville, Md., York, Pa., Harrisburg, Pa. (York, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Somnath Mukherji Volunteer, Association for India's Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)
- Dr. Michael Nagler Professor Emeritus of Classics and Comparative Literature, University of California Berkeley; Founder, Peace and Conflict Studies Program, U.C. Berkeley; Founder and President, Metta Center for Nonviolence (Tomales, California, USA)
- Robert Newton former Vice President Communications Workers of America Local 2252 (Oakton, Virginia, USA)
- Georgios Nitsolas Corthion Andros Society (Mount Laurel, New Jersey, USA)
- Victor H. Ortiz Justicia Social Para Los Immigrantes (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Konstantine Ouranitsas President, National Hellenic Student Association of North America (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Perry Owens National Beef Board (Minneapolis, Kansas, USA)
- Bob Pantelous Corthion Andros Society (Cherry Hill, New Jersey, USA)
- Rev. Michael L. Pastrikos St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church (Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
- Alexandre Perrinelle Russian Community Acivist (West Hollywood, California, USA)
- Larry Pinkney Black Activist Writers Guild (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)
- Don Pondysh North County N.Y. Veterans for Peace (Nichoville, New York, USA)
- Nomi Prins Author of All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Elisha B. Pulivarti Vice-President, Maryland India Business Round Table (MIBRT), Inc. (College Park, Maryland, USA)
- Ganga P. Ramdas, PhD, MA, MS Professor of Economics, Lincoln University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Earl D. Rasmussen, P.E. Executive Vice President Eurasia Center, Lt. Colonel (ret) U.S.Army (Falls Church, Virginia, USA)
- Alya Rea Freelance Writer, Contributing Author,Cyrano’s Journal Today, Uncommon Thought Journal, The Greanville Post, and the International Journal of Baudrillard Studies, (Olympia, Washington, USA)
- James Reed national Action Network Michigan State Representative (Inkster, Michigan, USA)
- Phillip Restino VFP 136, chapter co-chair, Central Florida, Vets for Peace (Daytona, Florida, USA)
- Geroge E. Riser Justice of the Peace, Harris County, Texas Pct.2 Place 2. (Pasadena, Texas, USA)
- Priscilla Roche Nevada State Director, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA)
- Kesha Rogers Former candidate for the Democratic Nomination for U.S. Senate, Texas (Houston, Texas, USA)
- Natalie Sabelnik Russian-American Community Leader (San Francisco, California, USA)
- Ranjani Saigal Executive Director, Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of the USA (Burlington, Massachusetts, USA)
- Prof. Christine Salboudis Philo4Thought, Inc. Hellenic Mentoring (New York, New York, USA)
- Jose I. Sangerman, PhD Biologics Researcher (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
- Henry J. Santos Professor Emeritus, Bridgewater State University (Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA)
- Junji Sarashima American Society of Hiroshima-Nagasaki A-Bomb Survivors (Buena Park, California, USA)
- Keith L. Shaffer former President IAM local 1784 (Baltimore, Maryland, USA)
- Prashant Shah Publisher, India Tribune (Chicago, Illinois, USA)
- Vaithilingam Shanmuganathan National Committee Member-Liberal Party of Sri Lanka; Secretary General-Liberal Democratic Workers Union of Sri Lanka; Former Advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (Azusa, California, USA)
- Trilochan Singh Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Wayne State University (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
- Dr. Kenneth Smith Delegate to the California State Republican Convention, 2013, 2014 (Sunnyvale, California, USA)
- Randy Sowers Owner, South Mountain Creamery (USA)
- Nick Spiliotis Vice-President, Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of Greater Philadelphia (Feasterville Trevose, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Rick Staggenborg Founder, Soldiers For Peace International, Host of Take Back America (Coos Bay, Oregon, USA)
- Sean Stone Filmaker (New York, New York, USA)
- Johannes Strohschank Author, Member Board of Directors, Friends of Max Kade Society, Professor of German Studies, University of Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin, USA)
- Baifeng Sun Director, The Confucius Institute, UMASS Boston (Massachusetts, USA)
- Rosemarie Swanger Pennsylvania State Rep. (ret) (Pennsylvania, USA)
- Harold Taylor Former Black Panther Party member, ex-Defendant in the San Francisco Eight Trial (Panama City, Florida, USA)
- Dr. John Telford Superintendent (retired) Detroit Public Schools (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
- Michele Thomas Photographer and Constitutional Activist (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Fr. Peter J. Thornburg St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church (Jeffersonville,, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Jimal Thrower Special Representative AFSCME Local 865 (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Igor Trofimov Vice-President, Russian-American Chamber of Commerce (New York, New York, USA)
- Margolis Troncoso Director and Founder of the Dominican Development Center (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
- Rev. Benny L. Tucker City Council (Selma, Alabama, USA)
- Sean Turnbull SGT Report (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)
- Eric Tymoigne Assistant Professor of Economics, Lewis and Clark College (Portland, Oregon, USA)
- Judith Van Dyke United Association of Small Entrepreneurs (New York, USA)
- Bob Van Hee Alderman, Former City Council President (Redwood Falls, Minnesota, USA)
- Eliane Van Horn Corona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (Yucaipa, California, USA)
- Anil Verma President Anil Verma Associates, Inc. (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Phil Vogis Supreme Commander Region 3, American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (Wyckoff, New Jersey, USA)
- Pat Wadsworth Former Chair, Current Secretary Grays Harbort Democrats (Washington, Grays Harbor, USA)
- Jeff Warner Jews for Peace (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Vince Weldon Retired Aerospace Engineer, designer of critical components for the Apollo moon mission and the Space Shuttle (Seattle, Washington, USA)
- Dr. Cornel West Author, Activist, Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practise: Union Theological Seminary; Professor Emeritus : Princeton University. (Princeton, New Jersey, USA)
- Captain James H. Whitley, Jr. Battalion Fire Chief, Washington, D.C. Fire Department (Mitchellville, Maryland, USA)
- Joanne Wilder Editor, Patriot newspaper (Syracuse, New York, USA)
- Ulis Williams Activists; School of the Americas Watch (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Fred Wimberley Member of the Bargaining Committee, Service Employees International Union Local 721 (Los Angeles, California, USA)
- Lynn J. Yen Executive Director of the Foundation for the Revival of Classical Culture (New York, New York, USA)
- Dr. Tiehlin Yin U.S. China Forum (Washington, District of Columbia, USA)
- Lowell Young treasurer, Mariposa County Democratic Central Committee (Mariposa, California, USA)
- Prof. Robert Zaller Distinguished Professor of History, Drexel University (Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Weijun Zhao Director, Office of China Programs, Michigan State University (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
- Apostolos C. Ziogas Hellenic Federation of Philadelphia (Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Maria Ziogas Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of Greater Philadelphia (Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, USA)
- Roman Rojas Cabot Former Venezuelan Ambassador to the European Union and to Guyana (Caracas, Venezuela)