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Helga Zepp-LaRouche's Keynote Address to the November 10, 2010 Mexico Conference on
A New Concept of Infrastructure"

November 2010

This is the audio of LYM member Lourdes Montes' introductory remarks to the conference, interpreted by Dennis Small.

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On November  10, 2010, The Mexico LYM organized a conference on "NAWAPA-PLHINO: A New Concept of Infrastructure," which was held in the Mexican Congress's principal public auditorium. It was attended by over 180 guests, including high school and university students, professors, congressional aides, and engineers and other professionals.  In addition to the keynote address by Helga Zepp-LaRouche,  the gathering heard a panel presentation with Meghan Rouillard and Sky Shields of LaRouche's Basement scientific team, and also a panel with Senator Alfonso Elías Serrano and Congressman Rogelio Díaz Brown, both of whom strongly restated their commitment to the PLHINO project, as part of an overall economic policy of returning Mexico to the path of development and sovereignty.

Elías Serrano, who had been the PRI party's candidate for Governor of Sonora in last year's elections, running his campaign on a platform of implementing the PLHINO, gave a 30 minute presentation in which he said that the PLHINO was a project of national significance that is needed to change the overall economic direction of the country, with an eye to the future that must be created. He said that the Calderon government should certainly be pressured to support it, but more important is to educate the population to bring about the necessary changes.  Cong. Diaz Brown, who is also from Sonora, spoke for ten minutes, congratulated the LYM for its organizing and educational work, and also emphasized the significance of the PLHINO to help define an economic mission for the nation. He said that, with all due respect, the environmentalists have a different view of things, but they are wrong.  The third speaker on the panel was LYM member Manuel Romero,  who presented the role of great projects such as the PLHINO in forging actual national security, and used slides to present the history of the LaRouche movement's organizing for the PLHINO and NAWAPA.

Mrs. Helga Zepp LaRouche is the founder of the Schiller Institute, and President of the Schiller Institute in Germany, as well as the leader of the German political Party Bueso. Her keynote address, below, will also be available in Spanish translation.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I'm very happy to be able to speak to you, not only because Mexico is for many years one of my absolutely favorite nations on this planet, but because we have right now an unprecedented moment in history. We are facing right now a breakdown crisis of the entire civilization. There is not one country, not one continent, which is not disintegrating at breathtaking speed, so that we are really faced with a situation where the moral fiber of mankind is being tested.

Will we be able to change our ways? Will we be able to break with a political order which does no longer guarantee the survival of billions of people on this planet?

First of all, this is not a financial crisis, a crisis which has cyclical development and then eventually an upswing, a boom, and ends. But we are instead looking at a breakdown of the entire planet. And just from discussions over the recent days in several European countries, there is no question that more and more people recognize that, and they recognize it because they are either in agriculture, or they are mayors, or they are strategists, or they are looking at this process of collapse from their angle, and they contribute more and more details. If you put the whole picture together, there is no question that the whole planet is right now disintegrating. I mean, the culture is just collapsing.

There is no simple remedy for this. If you look around, there is not one government at this point which is prepared to address the dimension of the crisis, nor to put forward a solution which would be a remedy for the entire globe. This may sound like alot for you, but I think you have to start facing that reality, because otherwise you're not able to take adequate steps. What we are looking at is, for the first time in history, a real tragedy of civilization as a whole. In the past, you had cultures going under, like the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Persians, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, but you had cultural development in other parts of the globe, and people didn't even know that parts of civilization were disintegrating. This time, there is not one corner of the planet, not in Europe, not in the United States, not in Latin America or Asia nor Africa, where there is not this terrible process of disintegration going on.

Now, this coming Friday, you will have the first G-20 meeting since the oubreak of the financial crisis at the end of July 2007, and this will not be like the previous G-20 meetings, which basically tried to paper over the situation by trying to pretend that everything was under control. This time, because the decision of the US government, taken one day after the election, to open the floodgates of money-printing, there will be complete turmoil. Because the Federal Reserve of the United States not only decided to create an additional $600 billion dollars to buy up basically toxic bonds, but we have from very well-informed sources that the Federal Reserve decided to open a window for all the banks, to take unlimited credit at zero percent interest rate because of the complete chaos in the US mortgage market, because millions of forced foreclosures are now under litigation because the banks took these houses but didn't take into account that all of these mortgages were securitized many times over, and therefore, the question of who possesses these mortgages and who has the rights for these properties, is completely up in the air.

So, therefore, the Federal Reserve, in order to prevent an uncontrolled collapse of the banking system, has basically made credit available for anybody who wants it. Now obviously, this means that you have money printing--even if it's only electronically this time--but otherwise it's exactly what happened in Weimar Germany, 1923, and this time, however, it is on a global scale and not limited to one country, because of the role of the dollars, which is still a global currency, because of the fact that all the other central banks are doing likewise, like the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England, and the ECB. And the problem is that this money, which is now created, is not staying inside the United States. If it would go into investment in physical production, it would not be so bad. But this money is going into international speculation into raw materials, into agricultural raw materials, and that is the most devastating part of the whole thing, because you can imagine that if agricultural raw materials--that is, maize, wheat, and cereals--if they go up 40, 50% in price, for people who have only one meal a day, we are not talking about profit of some speculations, but we are talking about deaths of millions of people.

So, this is really going in a direction which cannot be tolerated. The other areas where this money is going to is the stock markets of the emerging countries, and with the debasement of the dollar, this drives the currencies and the markets of the emerging countries up so that the whole world situation right now, if you look at the stock market exchange rates, it's as if they were all on dope. It's like the high of a fever. It's a very short-lived development. Now, all these emerging countries are afraid that, one day, the speculative funds will pull out, and they look at the memory of what happened during the Asia crisis in 1997, where all this liquidity was pumped into these countries, and then almost overnight, all these monies were pulled out, their currencies collapsed by 80%, and you had the huge Asia crisis which again cost millions of peoples' lives.

Now, because of that, you have right now a worldwide backlash, and as of now, two days before the opening of this G-20 meeting, the United States seems to be pretty isolated. For example, a Chinese rating agency just downgraded the US debt. Now this is a showdown, and is completely unprecedented because, for China, this is becoming an existential question, because if the US consumer market collapses, and therefore the exports of China to the United States collapse, and at the same time, the value of the currency reserves which are in large part in dollars collapse, this is threatening the economic stability of China in a very serious way.

You have a similar unprecedented development with the finance minister of Germany Schäuble commenting on Bernanke's decision to print money, calling it "hopeless" and "clueless," saying pumping money will not solve anything, and that he will bring it up at the G-20. Now, the reason why Schäuble is saying that, and normally, this present government would be very very pro-American and pro-Atlanticist, but in Germany, we do have the experience of 1923. Every child has many stories from their family, from the grandparents, from the parents, of what it does if you have hyperinflation, because hyperinflation is the most brutal assault on the income and the savings of the average person. Because in Germany, you know, people thought they had maybe 10,000 Reichmarks for their pensions, and then, all of a sudden, when inflation exploded, in half a year from Spring 1923 to November, all of a sudden one piece of bread was 10,000 Reichmarks and all this money was out the window.

Therefore, because the experience in Germany is in the bones of everybody, I can foresee that this is going to cause quite a turmoil in Germany in the near term. But also the emerging countries--Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Turkey--they are all protesting, and I think this G-20 meeting will be a very interesting one.

Now, together with this hyperinflationary explosion, we also face the danger of global fascism, because, up to now, all of the governments of the United States, of the European Union, and many other countries around the world, are reacting to this situation with massive austerity. That was exactly what caused fascism in the 1930s in the first Great Depression. This was what triggered Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and the Petain government. Now, for us, this does not come as a surprise, because on the 15th of August, 1971, my husband Lyndon LaRouche commented on the fact that when Nixon lifted the old Bretton Woods System and the fixed-exchange rate system, and replaced it with floating exchange rates and created the Eurodollar market and the uncontrolled money creation in offshore markets, he said at that point that, if you continue on this road, this will lead to a new depression and fascism, or to a new world economic order.

Now, here is the raison d'etre of the LaRouche movement and the Schiller Institute, because our entire international movement was built on that perspective and that analysis of Mr. LaRouche, saying that the system of monetarism would lead to a new depression and the danger of a new fascism. Now, on the 25th of July 2007, Lyndon LaRouche made a webcast where he forecast that the world financial system was finished, and all would see the different aspects coming to the surface, and three days later, the mortgage crisis erupted in the United States. Now, since that time, 40 months have passed--that's a long time--and all that has happened in this period is that the private debt of speculators, who mis-speculated, was transformed into public debt by one bailout package after another, paid for by the taxpayers of the different countries.

Now, as a result, you have many, actually dozens, of countries right now, which are insolvent, which are completely bankrupt. The problem is that what we call ``globalization,'' which is actually a euphemism for the British Empire--if you understand by the British Empire, not Great Britain but the system of the conglomerate of so-called independent central banks, investment banks, hedge funds, private equity funds, cartels, insurance and reinsurance companies. And this system has actually created, in these 40 months of crisis, more billionaires and more millionaires who are, on top of everything, richer than at the beginning of the crisis. You have, on the other side, billions of people who are threatened with starvation and death and inhuman poverty.

Now, I find only one word for this, and that is satanic, and you don't have to take that as religious definition, but if you understand satanic as the deliberate destruction of every institution and every basis of human existence, well, then what is going on is satanic. And then ask yourself: for what? For the privilege of a small caste of bankers, of top financial families who are using the swindle of ecology and man-made global warming to set up a world dictatorship to basicallly subject the world to a regime of CO2 emission trade, which is a complete swindle. It doesn't exist. And basically trying to reduce the world population with this policy from the present 7 billion to 2 billion people or less.

And that is an immediate perspective, because if this hyperinflation explodes any more, there will be billions of people who will be without food. Because, contrary to the crisis in 2008, where you already had a similar agricultural crisis as we have today, and hunger riots in 40 countries, then there still existed food reserves, which now no longer exist, for a variety of reasons--the big fires in Russia, missed harvests, but mostly also speculation, and also the equally satanic production of biofuel, which is consciously destroying agricultural goods. But also the offensive of such organizations as the World Wildlife Fund, which takes more and more territories and prevents them from being cultivated for human existence, just to save some dried-out old worm or insect.

Now, if you look at the culture which goes along with globalization, if you can call it culture, you're looking at the satanic pop music, and I don't need to go into the whole list, from gothic to various punk varieties. In my view, they're all essentially an assault on the creative faculties of the mind. Add to that the violent video games, the perversion of pornography, and then you see, for example, in Germany, you have eight-year-old children in school who are sending each other through their mobile telephones videos with hard-core porn. Now, a child of that age has absolutely no resistances, and its mind will be hurt and maybe destroyed for the rest of his or her life when they are confronted with that. I can tell you the difference of my childhood, where I still had plenty of classical culture, plenty of creative play, it was a completely different world. And I think that we absolutely have to declare war on that culture, because if you don't do that, mankind will plunge into a bestial condition. It's already very far down the road.

Now we do have the program to solve this. My husband, Mr. LaRouche, has defined it and described it many times. It would be very easy. If you have a reasonable government in the United States, and that means for sure that with Obama this cannot happen, but there are tumultous developments in the United States which can change that very very quickly. Then you implement a Glass-Steagall separation of investment banking and commercial banking--exactly what Franklin D. Roosevelt did in the 1930s to bring the United States out of the Depression: Glass-Steagall with the New Deal. And then, in the tradition of the Tennessee Valley Authority infrastructure program, which was at that time implemented by Roosevelt, we will build NAWAPA and the PLHINO projects.

If the United States makes a signal that that reconstruction is on the table, I know for a fact that immediately, the Russian government will make an alliance with the United States to build the 100-kilometer tunnel between Alaska and Siberia--it could very well mean that Putin would put the Bering Strait project on the agenda of the G-20 meeting, because they have said that before, that they would do that. And then, if that would happen, if the Bering Tunnel is being built, you could immediately open up the far east of Russia, where you find all the raw materials and all the elements of the Mendeleyev Periodic Table. However, naturally they are under Arctic permafrost conditions, and therefore it creates new technological challenges to develop these raw materials. You have to have cities, covered cities with roofs. You have to have conditions for people who are working there to live in a decent way. But this project would guarantee the raw material security not only for Russia, but for most of the planet for the next 100 years. So it is one of the missions of mankind we absolutely have to undertake.

That would be immediately integrated with the building of the Eurasian Landbridge. That is the idea which we have been pursuing for more than 20 years, to connect the industrial and population centers of Europe with those of Asia, which includes wonderful water management projects just as refilling the Aral Sea through rivers from Siberia, which would be similar to the NAWAPA/PLHINO project, to be redirected south into the Aral Sea. It would immediately be connected to extending the Eurasian Landbridge into Africa, via Egypt, via a bridge from Sicily to Tunisia, and through the Strait of Gibraltar. It would put immediately on the table the Transaqua Project, which is the idea to take the excess waters of the Congo River area and bring them through a system of rivers and canals into Lake Chad, which has shrunk to 10% of its previous size, and it would enable basically a complete development of Sahel zone, the greening of Sahel.

So, we have the plan. All these projects are ready. They're in the drawers of the engineers and so what do we do? If the governments don't go for it, who should then do it? Well, we do not give up the fight. I say that, under those circumstances, what is needed is a resistance movement, an international alliance for development. An international alliance for a new world economic order. Now that can only happen if we change the present culture, which is condemning mankind to a tragedy. And what we have to do is we have to build movements in each country which reconnect to the best tradition and high phases in the cultural development of their country.

Now, in Mexico, the last leader to stage a courageous fight for development was in 1982, Lopez Portillo. And if you look at the attitude of large parts of the political strata in Mexico toward Lopez Portillo today, that tells you exactly what and who the problem is in Mexico. Because Lopez Portillo was a fantastic leader with a great vision, who together with my husband Lyndon LaRouche, developed this idea of Operation Juarez, which was the plan for the economic integration of all of Latin America. And if that would have been implemented, which Lopez Portillo started to do at the end of his presidency, but because Argentina and Brazil at that time did not choose solidarity, basically the project did not go through. But now, I think, people in Brazil and Argentina recognize that Mexico and they are sitting in the same boat. So we have to reconnect to Operation Juarez, to Lopez Portillo in Mexico.

In the United States, we have to reconnect to the tradition of Abraham Lincoln, the American Revolution, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. And if America can do that, it can win back its soul.

In France, it is very clear that the resistance has to be in the tradition of De Gaulle and the resistance against the National Socialists of the Nazi period, and against the British Empire. The French have to uphold the slogan "Perfidious Albion" which was very very well known and encouraging at that time. And it is exactly the opposite of its effort to rebuild the Entente Cordiale between France and Great Britain, which is the present policy of Sarkozy and the British government.

Now in Germany, which is also being destroyed right now by an insane escalation against nuclear energy, against building of rail stations like Stuttgart. I mean you have a complete madhouse in Germany right now, but I'm confident that we can revive the tradition of the great thinker and creator of modern natural science of the 15th century, Nicolas of Cusa, who developed this very beautiful idea that there is a coherence between the laws of the macrocosm, namely the order of creation and the physical universe, and the microcosm, meaning the laws of the creative mind. Because if that cohesion would not exist, then people could not understand the universe, ideas could not develop the universe, and Nicholas also had the beautiful idea that harmony concordance in the macrocosm is only possible if you have the development of all microcosms, which means that you can only have peace and concordance on Earth if all nations develop and regard the development of each other as their basic self-interest.

Nicholas of Cusa also said that we have to bring the political and economic order in cohesion with the order of creation, and I think that that is exactly what we have to do. The political and economic order has to be brought in cohesion with the actual laws of the universe. And what also motivated Nicholas was a passionate love for mankind, a passionate love for the community of countries. So, that was carried on by the tradition of Leibniz, who at the end of the 17th century said that he thought that if the moment would come that one day the entire world would be governed by utilitarianism, it would come to a world revolution.

Now, I think we have reached that point. All institutions internationally are governed by utilitarianism, and therefore this cannot function, because that utilitarian policy is in direct confrontation with the interests of human civilization, and therefore this order is going to detonate. And the question is: will it be a peaceful American-like revolution, or will it be a Jacobin revolution, like the French Revolution leading into chaos. But Leibniz also was convinced that we are in the best of all worlds, and that is one of my deepest convictions. That, with Leibniz, I believe that every great evil is causing a response in the human soul, calling forward an even greater good.

Now, as you know, my most favorite poet is Friedrich Schiller, for whom I have named the Schiller Institute. And the reason he is the most important poet in my mind in Germany is because he had an image of man, that every man has the potential to become a beautiful soul. And his idea of a beautiful soul is a person for whom freedom and necessity, duty and passion, are one and the same thing. Now, if you do what is necessary freely, and if you do your duty with passion, there is no contradiction. You don't have a conflict between your emotions and what your reason tells you to do.

Schiller said you can educate your emotions so that you can blindly follow them, because your emotions will never tell you something different than what reason demands. And Schiller was also very clear that the only person for whom such a condition exists, is the genius, because only a person who cherishes his own creativity as the most important aspect of his identity, is such a free person.

So therefore, what we have to do is to build an alliance, a global resistance against the danger of fascism. An alliance of nation-builders who love their nations so that they develop the programs which make possible the livelihood of the present generation and of generations to come. And obviously this is only possible if we liberate enough individuals in each country to know what is their own creativity.

Now, Lyn has written many times that the key to creativity is the power of imagination, and that comes from studying classical culture, classical poetry, drama, classical music. If you do that, you will generate the force inside you where you can have a vision of how the world must become if it's going to survive. Now, I think that the absolute key to that is universal education, where every child has access to what is called in the American Declaration of Independence "the right to the pursuit of happiness," if you understand this "happiness" as the right for a fulfilled life, to become a truly creative scientist, a truly creative artist.

And we have to fight for a situation where the true identity of mankind is going to be with the successive stages of discoveries and perfection of knowledge of the laws of the universe. That requires individuals who are totally inner-directed, who are able to reject the Zeitgeist, the spirit of the time, and who cultivate in themselves a passion for truth, a passion for science, for beauty, for artistic composition. And I think that if you do that in all countries simultaneously, I'm absolutely certain that the moment will come where we'll look back at the present time as if it would have been infected with a deadly infection, the infection being greed, misanthropy, self-love, egoism, chasing after money. If the worldwide resistance movement is successful, people will look back that that deadly infection was not so deadly, that the medicine was found, and that all of these things will be regarded as childhood diseases like measles, chickenpox, or mumps, and that once you develop the vaccines, you can get over it. Oligarchism, greed, monetarism and so forth, all of that will be regarded as the childhood diseases of mankind which no longer will affect us.

Now, I think if it will go in the direction of a complete breakdown of civilization, and complete chaos, or if we can in the short term go for the reconstruction program of NAWAPA, PLHINO, Bering Strait, Eurasian Landbridge, Transaqua and similar development programs for Africa, if it will go in this way or that way, is the test of the moral ability of mankind to survive. And I'm completely optimistic that it can be done.

I often quote the beginning part of Schiller's historical writings about the fall of the Netherlands from the Hapsburg Empire, where in the beginning, he says, I'm telling you this story, this history, only so that the reader can have a happy feeling about himself, and see that even the most terrible power of the tyrant can be overcome if people have a plan and unite to fight for it. Now, we do have that plan, so let's unite and fight. Let's build an international movement of development that will decide this fight for humanity. Let's evoke in us the power of imagination, of how mankind can be when we realize, all of us, each of us, our full potential. And let's take the example of all the great thinkers, poets, scientists and composers before us, to be inspired by their creativity, assimilate their thinking and creativity, and carry on the torch to the generations who follow us.

Thank you.

Dialogue With Mrs. LaRouche

QUESTION: Thank you for your brilliant presentation. So, we have to do things the right way, and the challenge is to make this a reality. In Mexico, there is brilliant thinking. We have good ideas in our Constitution. But there are people who then don't actually carry these ideas out. So my question is, how to actually carry these great ideas out.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I think that the only immediate precedent I can imagine, or I can reference, is what happened in East Germany in 1989. Because for a very long time, people lived in the DDR and most people were in a kind of inner immigration, except naturally those who believed in the system, but a lot of people were in inner immigration. They didn't like the fact that they couldn't travel abroad; they didn't like the fact that they couldn't access international media, and many other things. I don't need to list all the other things which people were not happy with. And then, when the system was bankrupt, and that became obvious in the summer of '89, then you had this thing where people would occupy the embassies in Warsaw, in Prague, in Budapest, and then eventually the Monday demonstrations started, and then from September to October, this was swelling very very quickly. And then on the, I think it was, the 8th of October, you had the 40th anniversary of the DDR, you still had a gigantic military parade. Honecker said socialism will last for a thousand years, and then 12 days later, Honecker was out and three weeks later, the Berlin Wall came down.

Now, I think that that example--when you have the collapse of a system, then there's naturally the danger that it goes into chaos. But if people have the idea that they will not allow the chaos, that they will basically go into a peaceful resistance and have a discussion and the building of a movement around reconstruction not only of their own nation, but of the planet, I think that we can intervene in this coming crisis where more and more people will recognize that the system of globalization is finished. I just wrote recently an article with the title that the system of globalization and the free market is today more bankrupt than the DDR was in November 1989, and that is exactly what it is.

Now, the problem was that in '89, the great historical chance was missed, and I think we have to learn the lesson from that, that this chance of another system going bankrupt must not be missed but that we absolutely have to put on the agenda the plan for global reconstruction, fight for NAWAPA/PLHINO and all the other projects I named. And if we do that simultaneously, I think that the fact that the enemy of civilization wants to eliminate 5 billion people should give us room to mobilize these 5 billion and more, and basically say that if some people are convinced that the world population should be reduced to 2 billion, then they should please take the leadership of this reduction of population by eliminating themselves first.

But I think that we have to mobilize the silent majority, that we have to show people that there is an alternative, and then I think it can be done. Because right now, the people of Africa, the people of the Arab world, and many other places, they already know that they have to take the fight for development into their own hands. So I think that the key thing will be to increase the factions inside every country who know about this alternative, and just increase in numbers, mobilize, intervene in institutions, show people that this alternative exists, and then I think we have a chance.

QUESTION: My question is regarding what Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche just said, that it's necessary for people to mobilize through peaceful civil resistance. But in the concrete case of Mexico, it's important to ask ourselves: How can we carry out peaceful demonstrations in the country, where the president of the Republic, Felipe Calderon, orders that people be shot at? That's what happened a few days ago, and where the PRD government here in Mexico City also break up the peaceful demonstrations of the Zapatista resistance. So how in hell can we mobilize people in the middle of a climate of repression? The mobilizations which are not repressed are those of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, because they are protected by the security forces of the city government, which is the same party that he comes from. So that's the question I have: how can citizens mobilize in a country which is hyper-penetrated by military intelligence, which is in every university across the country?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I think that unfortunately, we have come to the point where we face fascism in some countries, and I can only say that the danger that we will have military dictatorships, not only in one country but in a whole bunch of countries, that is a very real problem right now. It's being discussed in many countries. As a matter of fact, we have an open discussion about that in the United States. We have concerns expressed in Europe about that, and there I can only say the reason why I evoked DeGaulle and the resistance against Nazism, the Resistance in France, I could have mentioned the resistance in Germany, the White Rose. Maybe we'll soon be in a situation where we have to use these modes of resistance. And I think that the key question is to be adequate to the situation. Organize meetings which are not subject to such attacks because they are discussing reconstruction, but also keep in mind that we are in a resistance mode, and in a certain sense, that requires courage, it requires intelligence, it requires studying historical examples. You know, what did people do under similar conditions? Just because the world is in danger to go to hell, we cannot stop fighting! So, if it's risky, then we have to find the courage to do it, and find the intelligence not to take unnecessary risks. But I think we have to fight. There is no other way.

MODERATOR: Thank you very much. Our time has run out for questions and answers. Is there anything more which Helga would like to say in closing?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I just want to say that if you look at the long-term evolution of the universe, and the long-term evolution of mankind, I think there is absolute hope. I think that mankind is not yet at the end of its development. It's just at the very first baby steps, and I think that if you think about the laws of the universe, and place your identity in that lawfulness, you will have the inner strength to fight this battle, because you realize that there is a higher power with us, and that the enemy is operating on false laws which are in complete clash and contradiction to the reality of the physical universe around us.

So, I think that we just have to have the inner strength to wage this fight, and I have come to the conclusion that the best way to overcome fear is by love for mankind. And that has to be expressed in a very concrete fashion. When you're not afraid, you're free. So I think that is my message.

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